Recent content by Drake666

  1. Drake666

    My masters degree survey regarding Video Game Music

    I've just followed the link and completed the test; it's safe. OP: Good look with your Master's.
  2. Drake666

    Get 10 Free Hearthstone Whispers of the Old Gods Card Packs From Launch Quest

    Damn! 10 packs! With the gold we've accumulated, it's gonna be an interesting month of Mai, that's for sure! I'm really excited about the expansion (and the Standard format!)
  3. Drake666

    Why We Need To Recast Indiana Jones

    I'm totally onboard with recasting Indianna Jones, but if it's just for the thrill of the adventure, ancient discovery, mythology and travel, there is other sources for that. For exemple, the Librarian movies were a fun little ride. Ok, they look cheap, but Noah Wyle is pretty good, the myths...
  4. Drake666

    Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Approaches Its End-Game

    Yeah, and you've got to remember that she'd still lost :) Hunter saved her ass!
  5. Drake666

    Constantine Gets Very Dark, But Not Quite Dark Enough

    I completely respect the reviewer's opinion, I mean, I understand what he thinks the problem is: the show is not enough like the comic book. I've read the first Hellblazer book and I knew that this episode was directly taken from the first storyline. However, I found the episode AMAZING! I...
  6. Drake666

    Fun horror movie

    Oh, he's the guy from The Re-Animator!? Wow! I didn't know :). And that's another movie I've never completly watched. So, added to the watch list! :) I'm more and more excited for my "watch stupid/fun horror movies" Halloween night! :D
  7. Drake666

    Fun horror movie

    Never saw it, never heard of it, but nobody can say no to a Sir Patrick Stewart movie! :D
  8. Drake666

    Fun horror movie

    Oh, yeah, I've almost forgotten the name of that one :) It's a weird mix between humour and horror that does not always work, but Micheal J. Fox and the crazy FBI agent really sold this movie for me. Guys, I've got to say, so far, you've got great taste (for the movies have seen) or good...
  9. Drake666

    Fun horror movie

    Oh, I didn't see that one AND I LOVE Nathan Fillion! And now, it's on the watch list! :)
  10. Drake666

    Fun horror movie

    Thanks for the recommandations! :) Cabin in the Wood is, indeed, pretty good. But, it is good to know that the Evil Dead remake is good. I was affraid that it would compare poorly to the original and, so, I didn't watch it. I'll add it to the watch list! ;) I've seen Night of the living Dead...
  11. Drake666

    Fun horror movie

    I've just watch the MOVIE DEFENSE FORCE of this week, about the remake of the Texas Chain Massacre, and I thought that, since Halloween is near, we could talk about fun horror movie to watch with friends. Personally, I was at Montreal Horror Fest 2014 last month and I've seen a really fun...
  12. Drake666

    Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 2 Sends Heroes into the Shadows

    I really liked the idea that "Isabelle Hartley" (the Lucy Lawless character) took the artifact and tried using it to defeat the superpowered villain! I mean, think about it. It's how a lot of superhero (or supervillain) got their powers. You're in danger, you've got something not tested but...
  13. Drake666

    Game Theory: Video Games Predict YOUR FUTURE!

    The Commander Keen games and the Wolfeinstein games are in the same universe. I think that's the only one I know... someone else ?
  14. Drake666

    Risen 3: Titan Lords Review - Titanfail

    I loved Risen 1. That game was not perfect, but there was heart in it and the combat system felt, at least, adequate. And the idea of the Titan was interesting, even if the final boss was a big deception. But Risen 2... ADORED the pirate theme, but, oh gosh, that game combat system was just...
  15. Drake666

    (NSFW) Assassin's Creed: Unisexity

    Oh. That seems kinda sad/boring/stupid. Meh. I didn't read enough on this, it would seems.