Recent content by ecyor0

  1. ecyor0

    When a friend tells you he "does not agree" with the concept of evolution

    So what we have learned here is: Refusing to accept a widely accepted and evidence-supported theory due to a pre-existing belief does not mean that someone is mentally deficient, nor does it mean they are incapable of high-level academic thought. ...I know why this surprises people, but it...
  2. ecyor0

    Warhammer 40k- How good is it?

    Well, just talking about the tabletop game... It's quite fun. HOWEVER, it requires a large time investment (games are usually a couple of hours long), and a large monetary investment (those models aren't cheap). That said, if you're willing to put in the time and finances, it can be very...
  3. ecyor0

    4chan challenges Lulzsec

    Don't forget China running clandestine cyberattacks on US companies and defence firms to steal source code.
  4. ecyor0

    Trailers: Age of Empires Online: You Rule, dressing up Age of Empires to look like Farmville, thus bringing in the casual gamer crowd.... then you ease them into something a little more meaty like, I dunno, Master of Orion Online... and while the existing gaming community is throwing apoplectic fits, you're grooming the casual...
  5. ecyor0

    Poll: Would you buy robotic limbs from Apple?

    Buy proprietary limbs that won't integrate with other manufacturers? I think not :P
  6. ecyor0

    Disgruntled Anonymous Faction Maliciously Attacks Anonymous

    Eh, let them tear each other to pieces. The world will be a better place once the dust settles Guys, pass me some of that popcorn, will you?
  7. ecyor0

    Your country is now run by a fictional character of your choice

    Klaus Wulfenbach from Girl Genius. Sure, he's technically an tyrant, but come on - giant airship fortress-capital! With accompanying airship navy!
  8. ecyor0

    Illogical things proved logically?

    In the words of a certain 900 year old time lord: "Logic merely allows one to be wrong with authority"
  9. ecyor0

    Fetishes you just don't understand

    Inflation. I mean, I can appreciate a full-figured woman as much as the next guy, but.... seriously, what's up with that?
  10. ecyor0

    My goverment Sucks, new anti piracy laws sneaked into law.

    Main issue isn't really the law itself - I mean, saying "you can't use your internet connection to do illegal things" is hardly a shocking suggestion - it's more the fact that it allows for the person's internet connection to be severed, without a chance for appeal, that has people getting jittery.
  11. ecyor0

    a game where you fight just one guy.

    Well, going for a slightly more unorthodox choice... Myst III: Exile. Sure, it's all about puzzles and exploration and there is no actual fight at the end, but there is a final confrontation (the outcome of which hinges on you) and throughout the game, Saavedro, the exile of the title is the...
  12. ecyor0

    Fight Back Against Bullies in Zangief Kid: The Game

    I give it a week before people start jumping up and down and saying this is training a new generation of school shootings.... v_v
  13. ecyor0

    TRON: Legacy - how badly did it suck?

    Not in the slightest. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, it was everything the first movie could have been if the emergent technology hadn't been holding it back, and while there were one or two bits they could have improved on, there was nothing that actually detracted from the experience for me...
  14. ecyor0

    Fox News Takes Aim at "Offensive" Duke Nukem Forever

    Took them long enough. I'm surprised it's taken this long for them to actually catch wind of the thing XD
  15. ecyor0

    Quickly, make up a random plot twist!

    The spaceship that the bandit heroes hijacked in order to help in their fight against the evil confederacy? It's actually a brain ship with the sentient controller part disconnected from the controls due to damage of some kind (hence why it was in the repair yard and possible to steal in the...