Recent content by EnglishMuffin

  1. E

    Obsidian Does it Again

    Bethesda never tests their games before release yet manage to always get superbs and 10 out of 10s.
  2. E

    Poll: Have you played Fallout 1, 2 & Tactics?

    The controls confused you? How can you not operate a mouse? It has a left button and a right button. You can operate a control pad but not a mouse????
  3. E

    Poll: Have you played Fallout 1, 2 & Tactics?

    I have played fallout 1 and 2 and currently playing through tactics. I also played 3 and boy oh boy was that a boring pile of shit. I played fallout 2 first and fell in love with the combat, storytelling and characters. Then I played fallout 1 and the same thing happened except there were...
  4. E

    LaBeouf: It's My Fault Indiana Jones 4 Was No Good

    What the crap? Yes it was a shit movie but it sure as fuck wasn't shia's fault. Here is a hint. The person who fucked up indiana jones 4 is the same person who fucked up the star wars prequels. Yes that's right! Jar jar binks!
  5. E

    Games you've played over, and over, and over...

    Fallout 2 and Baldur's gate 2. Oh and medieval 2 total war.
  6. E

    News show fails at life - Monkey Island style!

    They could have actually looked up what grog really is. I think they are just taking after fox news.
  7. E

    Your Weapon of Choice

    A double-barrel sawn off shotgun with a magnum for backup. If you are gonna kill, do it with style.
  8. E

    Cthulu and You! or Why should I read Cthulu?

    Pick up a copy of The Necronomicon.
  9. E

    What is religion?

    The greatest hoax in human history.
  10. E

    Antitheists and hypocrisy (SORRY FOR MAKING A RELIGION THREAD)

    I am an athiest and have never gone around trying to make people not believe in god. I think usually god is brought up in a discussion and like anyone, you try to prove that your side is correct. There is nothing wrong with that at all. Forcing someone under penalty of death however is...
  11. E

    EA Screws Over PS3 Gamers

    Well I think you already screwed yourself over if you bought a ps3 in the first place. There is a reason why the 3D0 didn't do well.
  12. E

    Venezuela Moves to Ban Violent Games

    You know what, fine ban violent video games. This will be a social experiment. Ban violent video games and watch violence increase.
  13. E

    The end of the do you think it will end?

    The world will never end. The creatures living on the surface will eventually go extinct from using up all the worlds resources too fast due to overpopulation but that will be thousands of years down the line. Chances are someone will figure out a way to put a tree up in a large space station...
  14. E

    1000 Things We Learnt From Fallout 3

    How not to make games.
  15. E

    What is it about Fallout 3??

    Well the game is badly mediocre but it doesn't seem like you even really gave it a chance. If you just wonder around the world you can find a bunch of stuff to love an enjoy. If you start actually talking to people and paying attention to the main storyline you will start to hate the game...