Recent content by fire-exit-man

  1. F

    Poll: games you wish would just be released already D:

    I completely agree, but for a different reason. I'm just really, really tired of the hype for it now. I tried Oblivion and didn't like it and I don't really have any interest in Skyrim. I'm not saying it won't be good or anything but please, Bethesda, can you just shut up about it until it's...
  2. F

    Insurers Blame Fatal Stage Collapse on Illegal Music Sharing

    So illegally downloading music causes storms over music festivals now? I've heard of some pretty stupid ways insurance companies try to dodge actually paying out for the insurance they provide but this is a whole other catagory of stupid! Which insurer was it anyway?
  3. F

    Nintendo Ambassador Program Now Available! 10 Free (actually quite awesome) NES Games!

    I'm still trying to work out why Nintendo thinks it's an appropriate apology to give 10 NES games to 3DS owners. The NES was before my time and I've been gaming since '92. Do they really think giving people 10 games from the 80's will make up for their lost money?
  4. F

    Terminator 5 Director Could Resurrect Sarah Connor

    You make an interesting point, and it makes sense for the soulless (as I see them) investors to put more stake in something that was already popular but... That's the problem, old IPs that were popular in other generations aren't going to necessarily be popular with today's markets. Hell...
  5. F

    Terminator 5 Director Could Resurrect Sarah Connor

    Really? Just, really? They're going to reboot Terminator now? Is there anything left in the entertainment world that is actually reboot proof? I'm starting to get confused as to why people only seem interested in rebooting old franchises rather than, say, making brand new ones. It can't...
  6. F

    Worst. Weapon. Ever.

    Damn, ninja'd. However, the Bubble Gun was from EWJ2 ;) Other than that I usually find basic fists pretty useless in most games.
  7. F

    Woman Goes Into Labor at QuakeCon, Chooses Skyrim Demo Over Hospital

    They called their daughter Atari? Atari? Do parents not even think about their children going to school with names like that? Still, conga rats to them!
  8. F

    Trailers: Saints Row: The Third - Genki Preview

    Who put the LSD in my drink?! That was possibly the best videogame trailer I've ever seen though, it fucked my eyes, and it was good. Might consider getting this if it's available in the UK, I have no interest in Skyrim so Saint's Row 3 it is!
  9. F

    Do you like women's feet?

    Pretty much this really for me. I never have quite understood the whole fetish thing around feet though.
  10. F

    Things you blame your parents for.

    I can blame them for a number of things, but that's all in the past. I'm an adult now and I'm responsible for my own life and my own decisions. We get on a lot better now actually because of that, so all in all I'm glad.
  11. F

    Sony Remastering PSP Titles for PS3, Monster Hunter Up First

    This is awesome news! Here's hoping for MGS Portable Ops (even though it won't be anymore) and Peace Walker! And while I'm hoping, maybe WipEout Pure and Pulse as well?
  12. F

    Oh god, what has humanity come to...

    It's moments like these that I'm so very glad that I don't watch TV anymore!I don't even have a TV licence (legally, mind). I will ask out of morbid curiosity though, which channel is airing this rubbish? (My bet's Channel 4)
  13. F

    Sony Hit With Class Action Lawsuit Over PSN Breach

    No you're not, I'm wondering if I can get hold of this lawyer and politely tell him I don't want to be part of his shit. My main concern is when the PSN is actually going to come back up. Oh, and Rothken Law Firm, this 'damage' will mean I have to spend a whole minute or so changing my...
  14. F

    Sony Hit With Class Action Lawsuit Over PSN Breach

    So what about people like me who don't have any cards assigned to their PSN accounts? At the moment its only possible that the credit card information has been stolen and they've already come out with this? Fucking lawyers...
  15. F

    Poll: Diablo 3... are we still excited?

    Nope, not anymore. I loved Diablo I and II but I'm way too tired of 'Blizzard Time'. It's been 11 YEARS since D2 was released, and isn't that nearly as much time as people have been waiting for Duke Nukem Forever? I'm not overly fussed about art style or anything, I'm sure it'll be nice whatever...