Recent content by Floodclaw

  1. Floodclaw

    The weirdest thing you have ever written

    Can I one-up YOU? A short yaoi fanfiction where Scout and Sniper from Team Fortress 2 are thrown into the future and have a threesome with a reality-bending cross-dressing necromancer. I don't like to think about the things I write for friends on commission sometimes. Another one that...
  2. Floodclaw

    MrBTongue on the ME3 Extended Cut...

    He does make good points, but he does not make mention that the Extended Cut explained what the hologram kid is: Harbinger. The kid says he's basically an advanced AI installed within the Citadel to keep watch over the cycle. Harbinger is an advanced AI keeping watch over the cycle, presumably...
  3. Floodclaw

    Recommendation for dark/gritty/depressing films

    Agreed. It made me for angry at humanity than anything else, but it was certainly depressing. It was so tragically nihilistic at points that even though I enjoyed the book and watching the movie, I really don't want to watch it again. I must also second the recommendation of Pan's Labyrinth...
  4. Floodclaw

    Poll: Phantom Menace in 3D Friday??

    While I do quite enjoy the 3D movie every now and again, I would really rather see a movie that was filmed in 3D rather than one that was converted. Oh, and I don't really like Phantom Menace. Perhaps when A New Hope comes out, I'll see that and the next two. Maybe even Revenge of the Sith, too.
  5. Floodclaw

    songs that mean alot to you

    Lullaby For You - Jyongri Introduced to me by a very close friend, and surprisingly, describes my current relationship with her precisely. Also, The World Ends With You is an awesome game. Had this as it's credits song. Curiously, I was also introced to TWEWY by the same friend.
  6. Floodclaw

    Poll: Chivalry

    I agree with several of the above posters concerning the opinion that while chivalry is indeed archaic, I believe that being nice to everyone should be the norm, not to one specific gender. I, for example, be nice to everyone. As cliched as it is, I hold doors open. For everyone. I give way...
  7. Floodclaw

    Has anyone ever played...

    .....Damn. It's been a few months, at least. I almost had a record! Why do you do these things?! D:
  8. Floodclaw

    Would you play this game on xbox live?

    Meh. I didn't have an N64 back in the day (PS1 guy), so I didn't experience GoldenEye. Therefore, I'm not blinded by nostalgia. From what I've played, GoldenEye is an average game at best no, I wouldn't buy it. That goes for the Perfect Dark remake too, I suppose. ... I'm...
  9. Floodclaw

    So yeah, I never saw the point of revising

    I don't study at all. In fact, I don't think I've studied for a test in the last...four years or so? I just pay attention in class and retain the information well for the test. I guess this makes me one of the lucky ones, then? But yeah, I don't think studying or cramming is cheating at all...
  10. Floodclaw

    Achievements and Trophies

    Dear gawd, I feel even more whorey than everyone else here claiming to be an achievement whore. My gamerscore is 64,261/some number around 100,000....and climbing weekly. :D As for trophies....I don't know. I have a PS3, but I don't play it often, nor do I own many games. I think I might...
  11. Floodclaw

    If you had the power suit from metroid...

    Hmm. As cliched as it is, I'd simply roll around in the Morph Ball. And thwack people with my gigantic shoulders if they did something bad. Also, if I had Sangheili armour, I'd try to wear it, fail, and then be sad. And then look at it admirably.
  12. Floodclaw

    Games you want for Christmas..

    I was going to say Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, but I pre-ordered that for the soundtrack. That leaves me with: Final Fantasy (PSP) Final Fantasy II (PSP) Final Fantasy III (DS) Final Fantasy IV (DS) Left 4 Dead 2 (360) Annnd....possibly Dragon Age: Origins (360). I'm sure there's...
  13. Floodclaw

    Games no one remembers but you

    Let's see..... No-one I know has heard of Lifeline (PS2). Horrible voice control, but very amusing. Also, while it's got a cult following, Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly. Best. Game. Ever. I think someone mentioned Sheep Dog 'n' Wolf (PS1) earlier too. That stuff was GOOD.
  14. Floodclaw

    The death of RTS games

    I've never been an RTS fan either, but I've noticed this too. Although Halo Wars and Civilization Revolution were a good attempt at console RTSs, there's absolutely no doubt that they're watered down and simple. I also agree with Adzma, RTSs will come back big time when Starcraft II comes out.
  15. Floodclaw

    Poll: Super Smash Brothers Wifi

    I would, if there wasn't so much lag. I enjoy playing the game offline with a bunch of real friends, but lack of voice chat and close to one-second lag is unacceptable for me in Smash Bros., and I can't play that way. XD So no, I play other online games on other consoles.