Recent content by Frenzy107

  1. F

    Does anyone sleep with a plushie/pillow/item of sentimental value?

    For me, its an old, really big pikachu plush/pillow that I've had for as long as I can remember (I think I got it around the time pokemon first came out). And now I'm a sophomore in college, and I never sleep without it :).
  2. F

    Series That You Loved That Were Prematurly Cancelled

    For me, it would have to be Avengers: EMH, Dresden files, Megas XLR, Firefly, and Stargate Universe.
  3. F

    Books you finished and just thought: "Well...that was shit"

    Hmmm....well i'd have to say The Metamorphisis by Franz Kafka (I had to read it for school and it made no sense to me...but at least it was short), The entire twilight series (my GF made me do it...), and a couple books i read at my GMas house because i was bored (i forget their names). But...
  4. F

    Mass Effect HAIKU!

    He tried to save you If only he can stop you The Marauder Shields Her innocent charm She stumbles over her words My Tali'Zorah Civilization Created from the new peace Quarian and Geth
  5. F

    Should the overweight pay more for airfare?

    If your body fat is coming over into my seat so much that i feel squeezed in an already small seat, then heck yes the airline better make you buy a second seat. I paid for the full use of the tiny spot i have. Plus its just ridiculous for me to sit like that for a flight more then 1 hour.
  6. F

    Poll: Armed Military Robotics

    Im fine with both versions, autonomous and human controlled. Why? Because that's the line of work that i want to do, making military robots. Side note: My father was and still is one of the head officials working on the MQ1 predator and MQ9 reaper (he even helped get the reaper named)...
  7. F

    Mass Effect 3 Petition Raises Funds For Charity

    Andy, get back to us once you finish the game. Then you can say whatever you want after you understand and experience what people are talking about.
  8. F

    Poll: Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer - LFM?

    I generally swap between quarian infiltrator (lvl 18) or salarian engineer (lvl 20) depending on the enemy. I use my gun mainly with some support with powers. Origin is frenzy107, hit me up if you want to play some silver or gold games
  9. F

    What was your favorite Mass Effect 3 moment (Spoilers+No ending discussion pls)

    For me it was when Shepard stabbed Kai and said "Thats for thane you SOB." Also the whole Tali romancing is ME3, they way they interact reminds me so much of how i interact with my GF (well, minus the whole saving the galaxy from giant evil machines).
  10. F

    If you could nuke a country?

    Antarctica, then i can take my mutated arctic animals and take over the world! Come my mutant penguins!
  11. F

    Where do/did/will you go to college?

    Im going for Computer engineering at Virginia Tech. Go Hokies! :D
  12. F

    Nazis.. from the moon?

    Heck yes! I really want to see this. If it is showing anywhere in a 5 hour radius of me I am going to see it. Side note: who is doing that song during the trailers? sounds epic.
  13. F

    FREE Steam codes

    Odd, okay i sent you a pm with my email :)
  14. F

    FREE Steam codes

    Hey could i have the complete pack voucher? Steam ID ds_frenzy Also, i have: 2x 33% off valve titles for anyone who wants it
  15. F

    Poll: Would you have preferred KoTOR3 to TOR?

    I'd want KOTOR 3 in general, dont really care by who (Although id prefer Bioware as the ending to 2 was absolutely terrible!). TOR is fun but it dosent take the place of a sequel. They better come up with KOTOR 3 eventually >.>