Recent content by gargantual

  1. gargantual

    The Creator of DOOM/Quake announced a new FPS, Blackroom

    Lol. Dont blow it this time Romero. Were countin on ya
  2. gargantual

    Video Games versus film

    Depends on what the dev's pursuit is. Even though you may not get the best immersive oscar-bait realization of a story out of a video game, its still important to prioritize, the structure of the gameplay, the level and how the character progresses first, and everything else is window dressing...
  3. gargantual

    The Apparent Anti-Intellectualism of Gamer Culture

    Exactly. For all his quirks, there are reasons behind Totalbiscuit's popularity and mostly consistent performance analysis that other reviewers have glossed over or not given as thoroughly is one of them.
  4. gargantual

    Should a head-shot always be a one-shot-kill?

    Yeah. Even if they don't die, sensitive mental faculties are up there. It'd be pretty incapacitating anyways. A bigger question here I'd posit is really the success of MMO'ing shooters from this and Destiny. Save for some exceptions like Deus Ex,Witcher and ME2 there are only so many games you...
  5. gargantual

    Damsel Rescuers or Tactical Advantages? Rarely debated aspect of Tropes v Women

    Sorry for the reddit crosspost. Just been thinking about this for awhile. I remember a friend of mine brought this point up in past conversations during the height of the first few Tropes vs. Women videos. And it'd be nice if we actually had some gamers discuss this aspect on their channels...
  6. gargantual

    The Apparent Anti-Intellectualism of Gamer Culture

    Good lord you guys really get into it. Ok just because gamers are put off by the admonishments of potential negatively influential western jingoism that are being ascribed to The Division does not mean they are anti intellectual. Trust me, you will never find a deeper meta analysis or...
  7. gargantual

    Poll: Watchdogs Ending (real world hypothetical)

    Considering all thats going on with cybersecurity recently in the news, I thought about the inevitably of the real world cTOS, or a minority report style network governing a city, and Aiden and Damien's wreckless endangerment of traffic, steam pipes, bank accounts, power grids, widescreens, and...
  8. gargantual

    Are Video Games the New Great Medium for Telling Stories?

    I remember from a recent vid from Super Bunny Hop talking about a conference from Riot games where they said the 3 act structure was useless, because people over time wanted to do different things. To me I think it depends on the level design or how challenge is facilitated. Its it about...
  9. gargantual

    I might be asking a lot but...please explain Metal Gear Solid to me

    Solid snake is a clone from Big Boss. Part of part of fictional cold war secret genetic experiment to mass rollout efficient army units comprised of soliders possessing all the traits needed to qualify the greatest solider. I.E. big boss Big Boss became the old snake's codename in memory of...
  10. gargantual

    The BioWare Romance Trap

    how bout they try with a couple that knows each other, has growing pains and rekindles or recommits to each other, or learns more about each other instead of the always at first sight stuff. They can still be beautiful, but just have some time in. You can get more natural dialogue from the...
  11. gargantual

    Thoughts on Narrative in games (again...)

    I watched totalbiscuit's old "Have Single Player FPS gone Backwards?" video and thought a lot about environmental design, and the role of narrative and filmic elements getting to the point where they drag games down. Particulary action. I'm no ludofundamentalist but I can appreciate where that...
  12. gargantual

    "Internalizing the Oppression"

    One thing I don't get is.... Lara Croft would not be able to trek the wilderness as effectively. If people try to put her on 'avg American weight. In hypothetical scenario. She'd either lose the weight and get toned in the process of long term survival, or wouldn't be able to dodge and...
  13. gargantual

    Escapist Podcast: 191: An Escapist Joined the Podcast and You Won't Believe...

    You are witnessing the intentional cable-ization of the internet. Look at how many fake scams on daytime and early television take people in, even when disclaimers say the network doesn't endorse said seller's products. All because people paid in bundles by default, and people will inevitably...
  14. gargantual

    Will FPS return (somewhat) to form

    Thats what gets me. Gamers know what makes the experience fluid, and its really hit a point of reductionism in game design just to satisfy narrative demands, and pull in the widest general market. A way forward is for people to see what little things worked in the past, and take it with them.
  15. gargantual

    Will FPS return (somewhat) to form

    Yeah maybe not all of it. But I hoped that the limiting returns of special shooters would hit a wall where CoD had to embrace bits of classic action to sustain itself. Especially with the amount of people flocking to battlefield and battlefront. I think for the impatience of labyrinth...