Recent content by Grigori361

  1. Grigori361

    Trojan Horse on The Escapist?

    Yeah I got it too, not sure what to make of it yet. We'll see.
  2. Grigori361

    Craziest thing you've ever done in a hotel room?

    LIES! There is no Cake! But really not much, throwing some random shit out a window, putting a drunk friend of mine in a closet, oh yeah and I snorted some coke off a stripper's tit once... oh no wait, that wasn't a hotel room. You know small stuff.
  3. Grigori361

    Would YOU live in Rapture?

    More or less the same, + I'm a heavy socialist and egalitarian. Needless to say regardless of any skills or abilities I may have, the ideological gap would be unbridgeable.
  4. Grigori361

    Rebecca Black is gone.

    Thankfully now we can all listen to the "real" version of the song. Epic.
  5. Grigori361

    Lulzsec resleases xbox live user info

    Implying falsely I think, that they ever did give a shit who they attacked. I doubt that.
  6. Grigori361

    The Big Picture: Skin Deep

    Samurai Pizza cats episode? Oh Hells yes. PS to guy above me, I doubt either one of us is first considering how long this bloody comment line is.
  7. Grigori361

    G20 Toronto, Yeah I know it's old, I was there.

    Thoughts, feeling and preferably, See video & Give opinion
  8. Grigori361

    Why do people feel the need to believe in conspiracies?

    Because you're working for the CIA? :P or maybe because I am. Or..... maybe neither one of us is? Or is that just what they want us to think? There's only one way to be sure.... Kill both of us.
  9. Grigori361

    RPGs Not Made By Bethesda, Bioware or Obsidian?

    Assumeing you don't mind oldies, but goodies... try twinsen's odyssey, or Anachronoa, both old, and Extremely Good. the second is actually a more of a shooter/RPG back nobody else was doing that sort of thing, but if you want Grade A story. See them.
  10. Grigori361

    The value of a life - a social experiment.

    Ah now that's so more more inclusive to all the visible minorities. :P But you've given me such a lot of fun, I'll indulge you. Depending on how much I believed or thought this individual needed I'd be capable of anything up to half, provided I had an emotional connection with them (which I...
  11. Grigori361

    I Dont Understand: Humans

    Old emo copy pasta is old? :p That's how the world works dude. So you recognize it. Good now figure out what to go do with yourself.
  12. Grigori361

    The value of a life - a social experiment.

    None, at least not yet, even IF I'm sure someone isn't lying, I'm not stupid enough to trust my gut over evidence. I LOOK into the situation and then make a judgment. I simply lack enough information to make a properly educated decision, I realize this is "missing the point" (I realize I'm...
  13. Grigori361

    Poll: Which is worse: Rape or Murder?

    Why choose? I like to do both.
  14. Grigori361

    Poll: How do you see virgins?

    How do I view Virgins? A good question.... but one that at least for me will be far simpler to answer then most. Usually, through a second story bedroom window, from a tree.
  15. Grigori361

    Debate a girl about anything! I will debate you!

    I like eating Vagina, Your turn to debate that.