Recent content by Hollyday

  1. Hollyday

    What games do women play?

    Female, 25 Last 3 games were: 1) Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2) Planescape: Torment 3) Torchlight 1 I'm feeling retro at the moment :) What is most important for me to enjoy a game? 1) Characters I can root for 2) A storyline that genuinely interests me (even if it's a...
  2. Hollyday

    Favorite cast of characters

    Battle Royale by Koushun Takami (The novel rather than the manga or film). I've never been so sad, excited, nervous or happy about a character I'd met only a page earlier as I had when reading this book. I think it's amazing that when so many minor minor characters have to be dispatched, you...
  3. Hollyday

    Today is Inspirational Women's Day

    My choice is definitely Malala Yousafzai Just as a side-note, I'd never heard of International Women's day until I came to live in Italy, but here it's massive. Everyone gives each other mimosa flowers and women go out together to eat or have a drink, which is pretty unusual here because...
  4. Hollyday

    This is why I hate "Fake Geek/Gamer Girls"

    I know you've already been complimented on this post but I'd like to join in. Thank you for expressing exactly how I feel about this (bored, angry and frustrated). When will this end? WHEN?!
  5. Hollyday

    South Park: The Stick of Truth Trailer 2

    To echo everyone else so far, this looks hilarious. Massive South Park fan so this is a no-brainer
  6. Hollyday

    Your first ever MMO experience

    Up until now I've been very staunchly a single-player only kinda girl. I'm not ashamed of the fact that the main reason I play games is for the story rather than gameplay, and so my gaming history to date has been almost entirely made up of RPGs. However, over the last year I've been trying to...
  7. Hollyday

    What's your favorite poster/wallpaper/cover of anything?

    My fav poster that I own is a homemade one featuring all of Lord Flashheart's lines from Blackadder, the highlight of course being: 'Thanks bridesmaid. Like the beard. Gives me something to hang on to!' But these are probs my favourite posters ever - will definitely buy some of them one of...
  8. Hollyday

    Rediscovering Childhood Toys

    My boss has a 2-year-old daughter whom she brings into work in the mornings and seeing her with her toys is so nostalgic! The main one though was this:
  9. Hollyday

    Survey about literature

    1. Please state your age, gender, ethnicity, education and work experience. (For this question, if you're not comfortable being specific, vagueness is fine.) 24, Female, White (British), BA English Literature, TEFL teacher (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) 2. Do you read published...
  10. Hollyday

    Cleansing your gaming palette

    I'm in a bit of a gaming slump now actually. Just finished a run of Ubisoft games: AC2, AC Brotherhood and POP:Sands of Time, and have been flailing around trying to find something to fill the gap they've left. I tend to turn to my nostalgic favs: Dungeon Keeper 2, Theme Hospital, Grim Fandango...
  11. Hollyday

    ME players, some help please?

    1) Krogan (and I love them for it) 2) Vorcha 3) Human 4) Human 5) Salarian 6) Turian
  12. Hollyday

    That one Christmas present that got away

    I never got one because my parents' friends had bought them for their children and they ALL said that it breaks within five minutes, but only if the kids hadn't gotten bored with it after two. I still asked for one every year though. They bought it me for my 21st birthday :) My parents are...
  13. Hollyday

    So Gangnam Style has just become the most watched video in the world...

    I'm happy. It's not the best music video I've ever seen. It's not the best song. It's not the funniest video. However, it knows it. It's entertainment in it's purest form - catchy, pointless, ridiculous and fully aware of itself. I absolutely love it.
  14. Hollyday

    S.A.A (Story Addicts Anonymous)

    Absolutely nothing (no emotion I have ever felt for anything in my life) compares to the feeling of utter despair I felt when I finally finished reading the discworld series. It took months, simply to track them all down in local libraries/book shops/friend's attics, and I loved every single one...
  15. Hollyday

    Top These Deaths

    There's something strangely appealing about the Bunny Suicide books...