Recent content by Horkeldorf

  1. Horkeldorf

    WE ARE OUR AVATARS (One of a kind Rp)

    ROOOOOOOOOAAAARRRRRR *shoots lightning* ROOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAR *paces around in circles.
  2. Horkeldorf

    What was the first video game you EVER played

    I believe it was Sonic Pinball or Jurassic Park on the Sega Genesis.
  3. Horkeldorf

    What do you think is the best sub-genre of metal?

    Melodic death metal and black metal.
  4. Horkeldorf

    Please, Recommend Some Metal!

    You should absolutely give Torn Beyond Reason by Woods of Desolation a listen. It is a masterpiece of an album. Also you can try browsing through staff pick list which always has great albums...
  5. Horkeldorf

    Where did you think babies came from before you were given "The Talk"?

    When I was young I thought they just kind of erupted from the mother's stomach xenomorph style and the hole just kind of magically healed up. BOY WAS I WRONG!
  6. Horkeldorf

    Admit what games you suck at.

    I'm really bad at Enemy Territory Quake Wars. I get team kills all the time. :(
  7. Horkeldorf

    What is your favorite game from the GameCube/PS2/Xbox Era?

    Metroid Prime was my favorite closely followed by Resident Evil 4.
  8. Horkeldorf

    Share the most intense, powerful music you know. Gojira - Art of Dying Mar De Grises - Shining Human Skin Book of Black Earth - I see Demons Woods of Desolation -...
  9. Horkeldorf

    I need a bad ass hobby.

    You could join a good milsim airsoft group. Those are fun.
  10. Horkeldorf

    Poll: This Tuesday: Rage or Dark Souls?

    Brink wasn't developed by bethesda either. Splash Damage made it.
  11. Horkeldorf

    Need some solid browser games

    Quake Live is good but might be hard to do at work.
  12. Horkeldorf

    Your favorite lesser known band

    An Autumn for Crippled Children. Some obscure black metal band. They sound really good though.
  13. Horkeldorf

    The song your listening to is your Zombie killing theme. Perfect
  14. Horkeldorf

    Notch challenges Bethesda

    If this does happen they need to stream it somewhere for all to watch.
  15. Horkeldorf

    Do you respect your police force?

    So I'm from Sparks Nevada which is basically a part of Reno. And no the cops are not as retarded as Reno 911 would have you believe. And I do respect the cops around here cause I know a few of them. I was almost shot by some cops due to a little mishap involving airsoft guns though. Fun...