Recent content by IamSofaKingRaw

  1. IamSofaKingRaw

    New Persona 5 trailer

    Still need to finish P4 P3 was amazing when I played it on the PSP
  2. IamSofaKingRaw

    The Last of Us is no Masterpiece

    Every game has obvious things that stand out because not everyone is an experienced gamer I'm not exaggerating when I say people would be completely lost if those cues weren't subtly implanted in the game The only thing I agree with is that the friendly AI sucks at behaving normally, but I...
  3. IamSofaKingRaw

    Poll: Does sex appeal influence your decision to purchase a game?

    No. I'm not going to be getting off on a video game, I buy them for the quality of play. I'm not going to go out and buy Lollipop Chainsaw because of the cover. The game looks sh*tty
  4. IamSofaKingRaw

    Did Anyone truly enjoy Assassin's Creed 3's Singleplayer?

    It got worse near the ending. The ending itself was terrible
  5. IamSofaKingRaw

    Poll: Open World or Linear?

    I would prefer a hybrid like The Witcher 2
  6. IamSofaKingRaw

    Useless team mates

    The Walking Dead Clementine....
  7. IamSofaKingRaw

    Dishonored / Assasin's Creed

    Real stealth* Assassin's Creed has just as much stealth as Uncharted. You can't really play the game stealthy. The hiding elements in the game don't really do much because its not like its hard to dispatch 30 guards by yourself in the game
  8. IamSofaKingRaw

    Dishonored / Assasin's Creed

    Funny you put Assassin's Creed and stealth in the same sentence, because you know, there is literally no real stealth elements in the game
  9. IamSofaKingRaw

    Skyrim or The Witcher 2?

    Been playing the Witcher 2 and it's really addictive. All the quests are different from each other and the fact that there is an actual story is really nice. Although you don't have the whole world in from of you to explore, the areas you get to work around are pretty big with a varied amount of...
  10. IamSofaKingRaw

    Cheap tactics in competitive games

    In unbalanced games it's pretty much saying "Hey! I'm ass at this game so I'll just abuse this balance flaw to aid me online" An example of this is the assault class in kz2. It has a boost ability that allows players to move like 2x faster for a minute or do, they have higher health off the...
  11. IamSofaKingRaw

    So now that we know for certain that The Last of Us is not scripted

    Thanks. I got used to other forums lol Its not. They showed the same 4 enemies in both gameplay videos but the way you can take them down depends on how you approach the situation. The endings of the fights ended radically differently. The first had him blow the guys head off with a shotgun...
  12. IamSofaKingRaw

    So now that we know for certain that The Last of Us is not scripted

    What do you think of it? I remember making an impressions thread after E3 and most were skeptical of whether or not ND were being truthful when they said the game is not scripted like Uncharted is. Here is two versions of the same level E3 PAX
  13. IamSofaKingRaw

    Infamous 3 (Spoilers)

    Nathan's personality is nothing like Lara's. Just because they hunt treasure doesn't mean they are essentially the same.
  14. IamSofaKingRaw

    Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

    Combat sounds like an evolution of FFXII's which is EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED IN THE FIRST PLACE. I hated the fact that we had to go in and out of loading screens after every battle in 13. Pissed me off so much that I didn't finish the game. I'll openly welcome real time battles again