Cheap tactics in competitive games


New member
Nov 24, 2011
Reading a lot of these comments I have to say that there are "cheap" things that people do in video games, especially COD. I freely admit to being bad at the game but still enjoying it, however when someone hardscopes or quickscopes me I do get mad. Not because I died, but because I feel like when it comes to skill if I am better but they exploit a flaw in the game. Now maybe this is not their fault and its actually the game's fault for incorporating such a design but it really pisses me off. IMO a sniper is for accurate, long ranged, deadly, and well timed shots. Not running around the corner and throwing up the sight as quick as you can. But perhaps I'm alone in this.


New member
Nov 24, 2011
Elementary - Dear Watson said:
(On a side note... does anybody else hate RPG's in games? Not the use, but the way they are! In real life RPG's fire faster than the eye can track... they also airburst after a certain distance and they don't have smoke trails... but hollywood and games have made them rockets instead...! :/)
I effing HATE RPG's in games. Esp COD. BF3 they're ok, but in COD for some reason they are so much worse. I think its the random launches at random points that a lot of kids do that irk me. But nothing is worse than the XM-25 or whatever the hell it is. The 4 shot grenade launcher with a balling scope that gets whored out on the smaller maps. So much hate.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
The only thing I see as cheap is spawn camping, because people can farm kills while depriving players of even getting a chance to get in the action.

Anything else, well if you don't like [insert sniper rifles, noobtubes, RPGs, Blood Angel Space Marines, Zerg Rush, smartbomb gate camps] then you're either going to have to stop playing the game or find a way to combat it, because that's just how it is- someone else's tactic was better than yours and is really good at killing you.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
If the game is properly balanced, there are no cheap tactics. An example of improperly balanced games, in my opinion, include fighting games that let you spam screen filling powers with no recharge, or infinite combos.

Your strategy in Battlefield, though, is not cheap, its totally valid. RPG in those games are balanced by giving you little ammo and a long reload time. To spam a cover point being used for camping is a valid countermeasure.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
In unbalanced games it's pretty much saying "Hey! I'm ass at this game so I'll just abuse this balance flaw to aid me online"

An example of this is the assault class in kz2. It has a boost ability that allows players to move like 2x faster for a minute or do, they have higher health off the bat than regular players, and their primary weapon is a rocket launcher. In smaller maps they are a ***** to play against because of the rocket suicide spam and players moving at super speeds. It's an obvious balance flaw in the game but people never ban them on servers so we always have like 4-5 people on either team spamming explosives everywhere


New member
Jul 23, 2009
More Fun To Compute said:
There are two schools of thought on this. The "pro" attitude is that you always play to win and use any advantage you can get and that anyone who complains about imbalance or unfair tactics is a scrub. The other opinion is that if a game is obviously broken, whole worlds of great possibilities off limits because the devs fucked up, then you set house rules and fix the game yourselves that way.
see, this is the problem: I have never played a broken game. Not one. Oh, i'll refer to thing as broken, and usually refer to a lowered difficulty through the abuse of game mechanics, (magic-immune zero-cost spellspam in skyrim), or occasionally to a gameplay mechanic that does not work despite the programmers attempting to make it so. For instance, the single-player of my constant *****-target Darkwatch is BROKEN. At literally any moment of the game any script can fail completely, leading to all doors vanishing, enemies gaining immortality, bullets not hitting, bullets not doing damage (all separate issue. seriously), and any number of amazingly incompetent glitches.

But I have yet to play any competitive game that is actually broken. That's not to say they don't exist, but I've never played one. (i'm not counting deliberate balance issues like playable bosses in fighting games. yes, those fights are unfair, but they are supposed to be)

Now, we all love SSB Melee, except those of us who don't. But, for some reason, fewer people like Brawl. Many claim that Brawl is broken, that its characters are unbalanced and there are incredibly unfair parts of the game.
This is bullshit. Now, I'm not going to say Brawl was perfect. I have several issues with the game, for various reasons. In the months following the game's release, "Damn you, Sakurai!" became a catchphrase.

But how is the game broken? Every character can be used to defeat every character. I personally can't win with Dedede or Olimar, but they aren't broken. I know several people who will ALWAYS win with those characters. The only character I think has actual issues is DK, since he's big, slow, and almost every character can beat him when your attacks clash. And i STILL have seen DK used against expert-level players and come out on top easily.
And on melee, supposedly item's unbalance the game. What you MEAN to say it that you can't use/counter items. Now, brawl has more issues with items than melee did, but even fan abuse can be stopped, countered, and punished.

There ARE no cheap tactics, except to limit what parts of the game are "acceptable" and then complain when someone uses them. Don't want Maxi to drum-tap your face for an easy win? learn to stop it. Don't want people splattering you with rocket launchers? learn to avoid the LARGE, SLOW MISSILES. Don't want to get shot by people lying in wait for a victim? learn to clear a room effectively.

On that last note, I have recently been made aware of series of videos concerning people "trolling" snipers in games like battlefield and CoD, for being "campers". THAT IS A SNIPER'S JOB. To stay in a far-off spot that is hard to shoot back at, and take potshots at unsuspecting people. Granted, they are crappy snipers if they don't notice you burying them in c4 and then sending them a message announcing your intent to murder them, but you can't complain about "camping" snipers.
seriously, what are you, idiots? oh, wait


New member
May 22, 2009
KarlMonster said:
Hang on there a sec, I didn't say I'm okay with it as long as it doesn't happen to me. In fact I've been on the wrong side of that deal multiple times, with people spawncamping the base, or spamming certain attacks or using OP weapons, and I'm perfectly fine with it, mainly because I can almost always counterattack. For example in TF2 if the other team is spawncamping I can easily go medic and prepare an uber to destroy their buildings, or go spy and mass sap everything while my team attacks, or take pot shots as demo. In fact I enjoy the challenge a lot of the time.

I guess your problem with my post comes with my discrepancy when I say I don't like it if it makes the game "impossible" for the other team (to clarify I mean that that situation is bad for both teams, when one is making the game impossible for the other, regardless of which side I'm on). That's fair enough, I guess I didn't realize that "unwinnableness" was actually pretty subjective when I wrote it. I suppose if I was using dirty tactics against the other team they probably wouldn't see it my way, as opposed to if they were doing so against me.

I'm sticking to my guns though, I enjoy being on both sides of the "so-called" cheap tactics, but I'm not gonna try and ruin the game for anyone. If someone tells me to back off I generally will unless they're being a dick or something.

Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008
yuval152 said:
You didn't use cheap tactics, you killed a power hungry 13 years old admin.
Very much this. If you got sniped by a camper fag, you're -authorized- to return fire with rockets.

There are such things as cheap tactics, like selling your Construction Yard in Command & Conquer to get an Engineer then rush the enemy before he can even get -any- defenses up at all.

Then there's those absolute faggots in Team Fortress 2 that use the Pyro's Phlogistinator (essentially a mini-uber and healthkit) or the Engineer's Pomson 6000 (penetrates players, reduces ubercharge/cloak and can't be deflected), just to name a few.

Play any online game, you're bound to run into some scrub using omgwtfpwnage-something that just flat out breaks the game for everyone.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
First off cheap is in the eye of the beholder. For instance I was playing Team Fortress 2 and was accused of camping as a SNIPER in instances like those its not cheap its just playing the game using a tactic. If were staying with competitive games the only examples of cheap are glitches/exploits/hacks there may be a few examples of true overpoweredness (looking at you AWP) but mostly sore losers call cheap at any death.

Here's a story I know a guy who had a friend (lol sounds fake but trust me this is true) who was ranked on the top 100 halo 1 players in the world and one thing he would say is even pros can lose be it a bad day or a lucky shot. Classy.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
The Jakeinator said:
I always saw camping as a legitimate tactic. I sure as hell don't have the attention span to do it, but camping has it's own risks and opportunities, so I never saw any reason to dislike it so much despite the overwhelming hate for it, it seems.
Probably because camping basically guarantees a minimum of one kill per enemy, since you just shoot the enemy in the back while they're defenceless and unaware. This can obviously be particularly grating in no respawn game modes, and never mind the fact that even when you know where a camper's sat, they will always have an advantage because (depending on the game of course) they don't suffer movement accuracy penalties - which you will when trying to kill them - and can always have cover, which you wont when trying to kill them.

And camping has its own risks? Like what? You might fall asleep and let yourself die?

In summary, it's a cheap tactic, and I don't understand why anyone would do it other than someone completely inept at the game who also has a high tolerance for boredom and other people's hate... or trolls/sadistic people. People that try and justify something by saying it gives you an advantage... I just don't know what to say. You realise just breaking the neck of the enemy player would also give you an advantage, right? So why not do that? Answer: You're a considerate person, one that doesn't cheap others out of their enjoyment. (or life in the poor comparison)

EDIT: Oh, an addition to the answer: You may like an actual challenge.

Lopende Paddo

New member
Aug 26, 2004
LightningBanks said:
Lopende Paddo said:
i agree with you except in one case... the AWP. nothing sucks more than entering a CS game with the opposite team awp camping... that gun is overpowered...
Im not sure if you've played GO, but it seems to have died down alot now. 9/10 Ive managed to survive the first shot and countered. I think it might be down to the guns having the ability to hit while spraying, or just general panic. Or people are just rubbish with it.

It feels weird going from avp banned servers in Source to GO and seeing almost no difference
maybe there is damage reduction with distance now?

I havent played go yet, am planning on buying it next month.
the thing about awp that always really got me was the:

"Lopende paddo: Damage"
"Console: 1 hit in foot with awp for 158 damage"

I dont mind awp being stronger than the scout but come on, thats just absurd.
although it always felt good to take out an awp basecamper with a scout! :)

Lopende Paddo

New member
Aug 26, 2004
gnihton said:
Probably because camping basically guarantees a minimum of one kill per enemy, since you just shoot the enemy in the back while they're defenceless and unaware. This can obviously be particularly grating in no respawn game modes, and never mind the fact that even when you know where a camper's sat, they will always have an advantage because (depending on the game of course) they don't suffer movement accuracy penalties - which you will when trying to kill them - and can always have cover, which you wont when trying to kill them.

EDIT: Oh, an addition to the answer: You may like an actual challenge.
I camp in counterstrike sometimes, it is just a momentary tactic. example:

I'm walking behind 3 guys into a building they turn the corner and instantly die, I decide to not throw a grenade and crouch to have an aim advantage for the 2/3 enemy's that might come around the corner any sec. i might stay there for 10-30 secs (better accuracy and the surprise advantage) until I get paranoid that I might get flanked.

now i have 2 options

#1: chuck a (flash)grenade around the corner and storm in or
#2 retreat to another passage.

and there you have legitimate camping :)

also if you know where the camp spots are be sure and use grenades!


New member
Oct 21, 2008
krazykidd said:
No such thing as cheap tactics , IF the game is properly balanced . Something is only cheap of the developpers didn't design their game properly . Some tactics are annoying yes . But if it's in the game it's fair play .

One class obviously outshines all others in MP, and the people who use this class have a power they keep spamming to win with virtually no hope for any other class? Cheap. Unbalanced. Unfair.

In Halo Reach, someone uses a powerful gun which every single player has the equal chance to pick up, and wins the round with it? Totally legitimate, losers are just whining because they didn't get the weapon first.

Geth Reich

New member
Sep 16, 2012
I feel that spamming one kind of unit in ridiculous numbers and rushing it straight at the enemy base is quite cheap.

Especially when that enemy base is me.

Although now that I've stopped swearing, I'm not sure wether its cheap enough to be a bad tactic and worthy of complaining about.....

Edit: Do NOT get me started on the problems with the British faction in Company of Heroes online, for the sake of my blood pressure.


New member
Jul 31, 2011
There's no such thing as 'cheap'. There's winning and there's losing. If you don't like it, play something else that's more your speed.


New member
May 1, 2011
More Fun To Compute said:
Kingpopadopalus said:
So house rules is CoD MLG?
I don't know anything about CoD but decent tournaments normally have their own rules above an a random game on the internet. Which is often anything goes and many people are plug pulling or using hacks.
CoD MLG is that youc an't use shotguns because they're seen to be unfair, as is blast shield, odd seeing as the only explosive is the grenade allowed in MLG, and any form of directed explosive besides the grenade. In other words, it's a bunch of pansy's who can't deal with 20% of the game and decide to ban it from their exclusive, no girls allowed club house that is in the tree in the backyard. See where I'm going with the analogy?