Recent content by icythepenguin

  1. I

    James Bond cannot be genderbent

    On Her Majesty's Secret Service proved that Bond is his family name. It even showed his family crest with the motto "The World is Not Enough", which makes that movie title slightly less confusing considering the plot. He also married Tracy in that movie and book making her Tracy Bond...
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    The Apparent Anti-Intellectualism of Gamer Culture

    Anti-intellectualism is not strictly a Gamer thing, it is a current trend across the board because of pop culture. Gamers have generally tended to lean more in favour of intellectualism, arguing for smarter games and better stories over mindless violence and repetition. The article you linked...
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    How Shadow of Mordor Embodies the War on Terror

    Others have argued the first two points but its his last point that really falls flat for me. From the impression I get while reading LOTR, the Dwarves and Elves have a highly antagonistic relationship. They seem to only get along through necessity and a common enemy. Whereas the Humans seem...
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    The 10 Most Quintessential 90s Movies

    Escape From New York is an 80's film. Escape From LA is a 90's film with all that 90's goodness of early CGI and Bruce Campbell. Lets not forget Demolition Man with Stallone and Snipes duking it out in a pacifist future LA. The Rock with Connery and Cage trying to stop rogue soldiers from...
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    Get a First Look at Mad Max: Fury Road

    I can't see it being a prequel because Mad Max was a cop in the first movie that loses everything and then heads out into outback. Its probably before or after Thunderdome. Maybe even a remake of Road Warrior with less fetish gear.
  6. I

    US Military Confident it Could Stop a Real-Life Godzilla Attack

    So the American military believes it can defeat a giant monster who so far has only been killed when he suffered a nuclear meltdown. Does this mean the US military is capable of inducing nuclear meltdowns in giant monsters? Well its nice to know that the US military has its priorities straight.
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    Debut Gotham Trailer: Batman Babies?

    So I'm guessing the whole Batman/Catwoman love affair thing is going to start when she stops from jumping off the roof of Wayne Manor. Which I guess makes them star-crossed lovers now as opposed to their dysfunctional relationship from the comics and cartoons. You'd think Batman had enough...
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    The Most Dangerous Woman in Videogames - Anita Sarkeesian

    Well I hope she's prepared for the academic world. If she thought people taking shots at her on the internet was bad, she'll get a wake up call in the academic world. Sure she'll have supporters that will defend her ideas but when it comes to academia I've found that validation and respect...
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    Poll: If all drugs were legal...

    No. I prefer to keep all of my faculties intact. I once took a prescribed medication that kept me groggy and "out-of-it" for a week, even after I stopped taking it. Hated the sensation. I wouldn't put myself into that state again, or any other drug induced state, for recreational purposes.
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    No Right Answer: Superhero That Most Deserves a TV Series

    Daredevil could be interesting. I think Ms Marvel would turn into a Smallville-esque show if they tried it. Only it wouldn't have the clout of Superman to keep it going. I think Heroes for Hire will probably come into Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and possibly get a spin off from that. The first...
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    GameStop Responds to "GTA V Midnight Release Video" Controversy

    Well anyone making a death threat can face legal trouble as it is illegal to make a death threat. The problem is finding these people and law enforcement will only go after the ones they think are of concern. Some twelve year old threatening to kill you because you beat him at COD is not high up...
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    GameStop Responds to "GTA V Midnight Release Video" Controversy

    Whether the customer was being a complete dick or not, the manager cannot threaten to reveal his personal information to the public. Also depending on where this took place GameStop and the manager could be facing fines or worse form the government for violating state privacy laws. This manager...
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    Fox News Begins Two-Part Series Linking Games to Mass Murder

    While I agree that rulings can be changed it is much harder to change a precedent then it is to create one. Anyone trying to ban video games will have a significantly harder uphill battle. The only way I can see the ruling changing is if someone brought it up about child pornography as you...
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    Fox News Begins Two-Part Series Linking Games to Mass Murder

    Considering that the Supreme Court gave violent video games protection under free speech Fox News is just wasting its time at this point. But I guess they don't have anything better to do.
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    You can ban any word in the English language... Which is it?

    I agree with this guy. Banning or removing words will only hamper us and create a vocabulary where you can only express things a certain way. We might end up removing our own ability to dissent as was the intent in 1984. That being said I would ban the use of internet/texting lingo in daily...