The Most Dangerous Woman in Videogames - Anita Sarkeesian


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Miroluck said:
That's Bob for you. He picked up some kind of new ideology and now refers to accepting its tenets as "growing up".

He also keeps talking about how Sarkessian is awesome.

"Look how progressive I am! I'm not like these jock dudebros at all! (touch me anita pleasepleaseplease)". Continue dreaming.
I'm eagerly waiting for the moment when he discovers that she have a boyfriend. The breakdown and subsequent denial will be glorious.
I've been following Moviebob's work from his humble beginnings as the Game Overthinker (which ended up on Screw Attack, if I recall). As much as I enjoy his game and film criticisms, on at least a few occasions, he's betrayed an adherence to the very oversimplifying notion that being the nice, sensitive, open-minded guy can lead to sexual victory in the end. If I recall, the video I'm thinking of showed some vulgar shit where a blue stick figure ended up getting with two pink stick figures because of some such crap.

The whole 'nice guy' mock-up is absolutely irritating, because it just seems an alternate path to getting laid (i.e. turning girls or 'that perfect girl' into objectives, i.e. that practice that any progressive should be receding from). While I simultaneously would never promote the Ayn-Randian snarky hipster approach of being a fucking asshole to get girls with low self-esteems or whatever, an opposite extreme is not the answer.


New member
Jun 5, 2012
Well I hope she's prepared for the academic world. If she thought people taking shots at her on the internet was bad, she'll get a wake up call in the academic world. Sure she'll have supporters that will defend her ideas but when it comes to academia I've found that validation and respect doesn't come from what you have written but how well you and your work stand up to review and criticism. Perhaps she will be proven correct as the issue is researched by other academics.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
weirdguy said:
I would be more inclined to blame the people who specifically took the time to actually poison the well and turn it into a huge issue, than the person who did nothing except exist, and ask for money for a small project. Anybody who felt antagonized either were insecure enough that they felt the need to blow everything out of proportion, or got their information secondhand from those people.
The people who turned it into a big issue were gaming journalists. A link to her kickstarter got posted on 4chan, the project got raided by assholes, and the gaming press turned it into a big issue. That's why it's a big issue. The thing is, that could have spurred the discussion too. She's done such a great job of associating the raids with everyone who disagree with her(even if they agree there are issues that need looking at) though that discussing the issue is harder then ever. Look at any thread on the subject and you'll notice her ideas end up being used as a base and any deviation or disagreement ends up needing to be justified. We have an issue bigger than Sarkeesian being linked to her and trolls, and that's just toxic.


New member
Nov 23, 2011
I'm going to work backwards here. But first, CAPITALIZE CAPITALIZE CAPITALIZE. Can you please stop capitalizing every tenth word, there is no reason for that. That is mostly the only reason I chimed into the conversation, because you keep capitalizing stuff to try and be obnoxious.

The Dubya said:
saxman234 said:
It is the same problem with early Disney princess movies with their ditsy princesses getting into trouble and needing a beautiful white man to save them.
Oh please. You could only make that argument for like, 3 of 'em [Snow White, Sleeping I guess though technically he isn't white ;) ], and even still you'd be stretching. And if 3 out of 52 don't emcompass the problem you're talking about, Disney's doing purdy good dontcha think?
I said "early" disney princess movies for a reason, they have been getting better. I don't think nintendo really means harm with its simplistic plot, but I can see that it could be annoying for some gamers that the hero is usually a white male trying to save a white female princess. And I usually try to avoid yelling "stawman stawman", but saying

The Dubya said:
And again, WTF do you propose she do? Try to fight Bowser herself? So WHAT she's asking for help? When did that become a sign of weakness or sexism? If you want to go "deep" into this and "read too much into things, I'll play the game too: that's pretty FUCKED UP to say that asking for help when you're in a disempowered situation means that you're a weakling. I mean, are kids that get bullied "weak" for getting bullied in the first place? Oh they shouldn't been in a vulnerable position in the first place, right? Should they not ask for help in risk of exposing their weakness and just try to do everything themselves? Orrrr should they just go and kill themselves as the only way to get rid of the pain once and for all? Are women in third-world countries "weak" because they're disempowered? Should they not reach out for help (from a *gasp* MAAAAN!) because that shows a sign of weakness? Or should they keep quiet until they figure out a way to help themselves? If you aren't able to fight your way out of a situation without help, you're a weak person? Rape victims (female and male) by definition are disempowered. Same questions to them.
is clearly a slippery strawman argument and just being obnoxious so I won't go into the second half. Some people would consider the fact that most games have a female who is disempowerd and a male has to save them as, lets say, a negative occurrence. Very rarely (i'm sure there are examples, I just can't think of any right now), where there is a male who is disempowered and a female has to save them.

Now, about mario, you even say
The Dubya said:
It's a simple kids game playing off silly stereotypes. That's hardly sexist.
The Dubya said:
Anita's problem with Peach is that she just doesn't like the ditzy blonde stereotype. Which is fine, whatever. But again, sexist it is not.
I think most people agree that playing up stereotypes is not great, and I don't think nintendo means to be sexist, but ig anything, it is just kind of lazy.

The Dubya said:
Just saying it over and over doesn't make it true. Name ONE instance where it was shown that Mario only sees Princess Peach as an "object". Or that he sees her as some sort of prize or reward for him to brag to Luigi "look at what I got bro!" Or anything of the sort. Yes, Mario has to get Princess Peach back because THE FATE OF THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM DEPENDS ON IT. With no Princess Peach, Bowser and his crew can run in and go "We're the kings now" and all is lost. Mario decides "welp, can't let this happen", so he goes to beat up on Bowser and place the rightful ruler back in her throne. And he does it for little more than a Thank You and maybe a kiss on the cheek. He doesn't expect some grandiose reward or anything, he's just a happy-go-lucky little Italian goofball that wants to do the right thing for his pals. That's...about it. Stop reading into shit that isn't there.
Finally why does it always have to be a princess that gets captured? Historically, princesses are kind of important, but wouldn't you really want to kidnap a king, or a first born son (I'm not trying to sound sexist here, it might be construed that way, but I would think that a heir to the throne would be more valuable to a badguy who wants power)? It seems odd that princesses in these games and storybooks are the ones that get kidnapped? Maybe there is some positives that these females in these storybooks and games are in a position of power, but we usually don't get to see them do anything with their title and power. Contrarily, I think Adventure Time does it pretty well, Princess Bubblegum is extremely smart, has a personality, is very important and influential, sometimes gets into trouble and needs help, but is also helpful and resourceful and helps out Finn when he needs help. Peach is just kind of a ditsy blond stereotype most of the time.

Basically, what I am trying to say is that it seems like there is a disproportionate amount of females that are dis-empowered compared to males. And i will not respond again if you keep doing the CAPITALIZE CAPITALIZE responses.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
Captain Pooptits said:
Ragsnstitches said:
You don't get the use of that term do you? I thought it was pretty self-explanatory. How about SiLF (Soldier I'd Like to Fuck)? I made it up just there, but it's something like that the term Fighting Fuckdoll was coined for, if only to be disparaging towards the trope.

When you deliberately create an image of a sexual nature, whatever subsequently follows on from that does not automatically change the context of what preceded, unless it subverts the SEXUAL aspect (the sexy woman turns out to be a a post-op/pre-op male, or has a hideous scar or disfigurement somewhere the ad concealed up to the reveal).
Ah yes the 'surprise tranny' subversive trope. Using trans individuals as a horrifying reveal is hella progressive dude. Rock on!

Reminds me of Skullgirls. "It's not objectification if the sexy lady is a zombie! That will really upset those gorsh-darned white males and kill their erections!" What if the audience ends up finding the 'surprise tranny' or sexy zombie sexually attractive anyway? Does that cause a temporal feminism loop and make the product sexist objectification again?
It's a subversion of a very common trope. The expectation is sex appeal to a generalised male heterosexual audience, throwing in a twist that would often turn sex appeal completely on it's head for many heterosexual men.

If you can't make the distinction then I'm not going pussyfoot around it.

This is not representative to my worldview and I'd thank you to not jump to conclusions.

Dante dynamite

New member
Mar 19, 2012
I can't really trust someone who doesn't know that misogyny and sexism aren't interchangeable opinion on feminist theory.

Side Note:she also doesn't explain feminist theory that well I showed the video to a friend and she had no idea what Anita was talking about I had to keep pausing to explain the terms she was using (especially the cultivation theory and the patriarchy theory)


New member
Nov 7, 2013
Caostotale said:
Miroluck said:
That's Bob for you. He picked up some kind of new ideology and now refers to accepting its tenets as "growing up".

He also keeps talking about how Sarkessian is awesome.

"Look how progressive I am! I'm not like these jock dudebros at all! (touch me anita pleasepleaseplease)". Continue dreaming.
I'm eagerly waiting for the moment when he discovers that she have a boyfriend. The breakdown and subsequent denial will be glorious.
I've been following Moviebob's work from his humble beginnings as the Game Overthinker (which ended up on Screw Attack, if I recall). As much as I enjoy his game and film criticisms, on at least a few occasions, he's betrayed an adherence to the very oversimplifying notion that being the nice, sensitive, open-minded guy can lead to sexual victory in the end. If I recall, the video I'm thinking of showed some vulgar shit where a blue stick figure ended up getting with two pink stick figures because of some such crap.

The whole 'nice guy' mock-up is absolutely irritating, because it just seems an alternate path to getting laid (i.e. turning girls or 'that perfect girl' into objectives, i.e. that practice that any progressive should be receding from). While I simultaneously would never promote the Ayn-Randian snarky hipster approach of being a fucking asshole to get girls with low self-esteems or whatever, an opposite extreme is not the answer.
Wow MovieBob can't have an opinion/personality without it being some kind of play to appeal to the opposite gender for the purpose of sex? Wow maybe there is more sexual equality on the internet than previously thought. So if he was more of an asshole would he be trying to get the dudebros in bed? What exactly are you saying here?


New member
Apr 26, 2011
saxman234 said:
Finally why does it always have to be a princess that gets captured?
Why do most of disneys family almost allways have one parent dead? Maybe because thats disneys shtick?

*shrugs* And aside from mario.... who is this "allways" youre pointing out?

Zelda? So we have peach and zelda... from wich zelda only gets captured because she is a political important figure who simply happens to be female, and she is female because.. she was female in the first game i guess and nintendo fans react not well to gender changing characters like her?

So there we have it.. the only 2 damsel in distress in current big games (that reach a certain amount of audience) are peach and zelda.

My god... when will the terror of the patriarchy finaly stop?

While the stereotype is infact stupid so is the silent protagonist who never ever says a single word. Or that link.. a kid.. seems to be the only capable being in the entirety of hyrule.. and the only attractive male aswell to boot. Seriously all the other males in hyrules look like carricatures.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
MovieBob said:
The anachronistic 90s "tough broad" advertisement for Perfect Dark [] gets big laughs at the expense of an era/aesthetic not even nostalgia can defend.
Nor should it. Just as Thor doesn't have to defend the lengthy ab shots of Chris Hemsworth.

This maybe a shock to some but aesthetic appreciation != objectification.

Pat Hulse

New member
Oct 17, 2011
Tenmar said:
SummerOtaku said:
Machine Man 1992 said:
kurupt87 said:
yeah_so_no said:
kurupt87 said:
As long as games don't end up like TV I don't mind, if they do then books are the last bastion.
Last bastion of what, exactly?
Entertainment aimed at specific groups, rather than mass appeal sanitised bullshit that nobody likes.
Well, too late for that bub.

Anita gets her way, then things like demographics or intended audience go out the window, and we get sanitized slop desperate not to offend anyone because a game dared make a feminist annoyed.
Wouldn't the problem then be the fact that the makers of games and such can't even write a good game without being sexist? Pretty sure she wants less sexism not less 'good' games.
Of course that's kinda goes against the point of actually enabling artists, writers, directors, and developers the right to create the content they desire. To which is kinda unrelated to the original thesis of Anita which is that "Unfortunately in addition to all of these benefits, many games tend to reinforce and amplify sexist and downright misogynistic ideas about women".

So in other words by playing games a person's conceptual ideas about women will be reinforced, amplified or have misogynistic views about women.

But with your question though or assertion as to what you think Anita would want I would disagree because if we went by those standards then the content or maturation of any sort of medium would only become more shallow instead of have the opportunity to have more depth. Could you imagine the sheer volume of movies and books alone would not exist if we held mediums to have less sexism because people want to assert their morality or beliefs into fictional movies? Some of the most popular content today on television often have characters that are sexist or challenge dealing with complex topics such as racism, and bigotry. Hell even X-Men if we followed those standards shouldn't exist because it deals with the entire topic of prejuidice full of characters that are bigots. In terms of hate, hell even the animated series of Xmen had that anti-mutant group be a consistent part of the plot.

So no, having less sexism in any sort of medium would actually do more harm than good and only decrease the number of stories or ideas that artists, writers, developers and directors would want to share with an audience. The content is there and should be freely written that helps people challenge their ideas or let them explore the imaginations of other people. But I'd honestly think that after video games gaining the right to free speech in the USA it would be a shame if developers didn't take up the challenge and understand that they can make video games more that can go further. But hey in this day and age I see game reviewers now call other games pornography when in reality the content of the game had zero nudity and no sexual intercourse. How do you think developers are going to even get a chance to create mechanics that that immersion to the next level if reviewers actually smear games instead of giving advice on how to make the immersion work.
There's a difference between having prejudice as a subject within a piece of fiction and a piece of fiction actually being prejudiced. For example, "12 Years A Slave" is about racism, but it isn't a racist film. Meanwhile "Breakfast At Tiffany's" isn't about racism, but it is a racist film for its infamous portrayal of an asian character played by Mickey Rooney.

Your argument is only valid if Anita Sarkeesian is asking video games to not have any sexist characters or explore sexism as a theme. She hasn't said that. What she's said is that she's against games that perpetuate sexism through the use of various tropes and attitudes within the community.


New member
May 14, 2010
saxman234 said:
Finally why does it always have to be a princess that gets captured?
Because in a lot of those Disney-esque narratives, normal royal succession doesn't work, ans the princess is actually the ruler (the Nostalgia Critic has pointed thisout a couple of times). Possibly because someone thinks "Queen=Old/Middle Age, we want young woman in our story, therefore she must be a princess".

Historically, princesses are kind of important, but wouldn't you really want to kidnap a king, or a first born son (I'm not trying to sound sexist here, it might be construed that way, but I would think that a heir to the throne would be more valuable to a badguy who wants power)? It seems odd that princesses in these games and storybooks are the ones that get kidnapped?
Remember a lot of those old stories (which then influeced early games), were essentially about a guy advancing his social station in life by heroics, an easy way to do this is fall in love with the rescuee and marry into royalty. Plus the whole "doing it for love" motivation seems to be viewed as more wholesome than the mercenary "doing it for the pay" that a story teller would have to use if the Prince or King was kidnapped.

Or maybe it's just easier to kidnap a princess because the guards are paying more attentionto the more important royals?


New member
Nov 7, 2013
Tenmar said:
SummerOtaku said:
Machine Man 1992 said:
kurupt87 said:
yeah_so_no said:
kurupt87 said:
As long as games don't end up like TV I don't mind, if they do then books are the last bastion.
Last bastion of what, exactly?
Entertainment aimed at specific groups, rather than mass appeal sanitised bullshit that nobody likes.
Well, too late for that bub.

Anita gets her way, then things like demographics or intended audience go out the window, and we get sanitized slop desperate not to offend anyone because a game dared make a feminist annoyed.
Wouldn't the problem then be the fact that the makers of games and such can't even write a good game without being sexist? Pretty sure she wants less sexism not less 'good' games.
Of course that's kinda goes against the point of actually enabling artists, writers, directors, and developers the right to create the content they desire. To which is kinda unrelated to the original thesis of Anita which is that "Unfortunately in addition to all of these benefits, many games tend to reinforce and amplify sexist and downright misogynistic ideas about women".

So in other words by playing games a person's conceptual ideas about women will be reinforced, amplified or have misogynistic views about women.

But with your question though or assertion as to what you think Anita would want I would disagree because if we went by those standards then the content or maturation of any sort of medium would only become more shallow instead of have the opportunity to have more depth. Could you imagine the sheer volume of movies and books alone would not exist if we held mediums to have less sexism because people want to assert their morality or beliefs into fictional movies? Some of the most popular content today on television often have characters that are sexist or challenge dealing with complex topics such as racism, and bigotry. Hell even X-Men if we followed those standards shouldn't exist because it deals with the entire topic of prejuidice full of characters that are bigots. In terms of hate, hell even the animated series of Xmen had that anti-mutant group be a consistent part of the plot.

So no, having less sexism in any sort of medium would actually do more harm than good and only decrease the number of stories or ideas that artists, writers, developers and directors would want to share with an audience. The content is there and should be freely written that helps people challenge their ideas or let them explore the imaginations of other people. But I'd honestly think that after video games gaining the right to free speech in the USA it would be a shame if developers didn't take up the challenge and understand that they can make video games more that can go further. But hey in this day and age I see game reviewers now call other games pornography when in reality the content of the game had zero nudity and no sexual intercourse. How do you think developers are going to even get a chance to create mechanics that that immersion to the next level if reviewers actually smear games instead of giving advice on how to make the immersion work.
You can include sexist/racists/hate of any kind into any artist media and not have the biproduct itself be sexist/racist/hateful. She mentions in one of her videos how she enjoyed the few games that had a sexist theme/trope subverted. (I believe it was one of the women in distress ones). Like you started out as the kidnapped princess and make your way out of the situation on your own. Woman in distress can also have the woman given agency and ability to be the hero as well.


New member
Apr 18, 2008
Reasons why I Dislike Anita:

1.She's dishonest.

Much has already been made of her strange actions around the time of the kickstarter for her series. The way she opened comments on that video and only that video. The way she posted links to it in places where she pretty much knew it would garner a negative response. Now, you could say that the fact that this garnered a negative response is proof that her videos were needed, but it's rather dishonest as well. Why? Because it's guaranteed to give a disproportionate response. It's like polling the KKK about barack Obama. Sure, there is racism and sexism in the world and the industry, but it's not as massive and overwhelming as she would like to make it out to be.

And now that the videos have come out, there are further dishonest actions coming to light. The fact that she stole gameplay from LP'ers and didn't credit them. The fact that some of the things she says about games makes it rather questionable if she played them all the way through or at all. And the fact that the massive amount of money she got doesn't seem to have increased her production values at all.

2. She seems not to really care about games.

As stated above, it seems like she either doesn't play games or only partially plays them, and all for the sake of criticizing them. When talking about the good points of games she rattles off things like how they increase memory or coordination, the same sort of things a senator might say before passing a bill to ban GTA because it causes school shootings. She seems to have no interest in games as an art form or a method of telling a story or crafting an experience. She seems to have taken to them only grudgingly, and only for the sake of tearing them apart searching for what she believes is sexism. This bugs me because I think that someone who is going to seriously start criticizing a media should have a love and knowledge of the media. It's like a literary critic who thinks the only good of books is to memorize facts for a test in school.

3. Her work isn't well researched, original or interesting.

The title "Tropes against women" is extremely correct because, as many people have pointed out, a great deal of what she's saying comes from TVtropes. And whats worse is that it's delivered in a flat, pedantic manner, as though being read off a script with no attempt at presenting the information in an interesting or unique way. To say that her videos are the equivalent of having a bored school teacher read entries off TVtropes to you in a disapproving manner is hyperbolic, but has a kernel of truth in it. And whats worse is that this information often overlooks things that people who have played the game or knew about the industry would know. Things that she sometimes then uses as an example of sexism when it is actually something entirely different. Such as the commonality of the 'Save the princess' motif in early games coming from a complete lack of space to include a story, resulting in reliance on nigh universal archetypes, rather then some sort of chauvinist ideal.

4.She has a definite and overwhelming agenda that precludes searching for the realities of a situation.

She didn't go into this with a open mind, with the idea of "Lets see if I can find anything that shows a truly sexist opinion in games". No, she went into this with the set goal of "Lets find things I can call sexist, regardless of their actual reasons or intent." And this is important because it's essentially the exact same bias that radical evangelicals and conspiracy theorists have. She went into this with a presupposition and carefully selected the data that seemed to back it up and ignored anything else. She ignored the pressures of data storage that forced early games to rely on fairly tale archetypes. She emphasized the fact that gamers are over 40% female, but ignored the fact that when it comes to game genre demographics the split is much less even. She ignored the fact that game making is a business driven by marketers and focus groups trying to reach the maximum audience saturation. She ignores the myrid of social and economic pressures which can influence games.

Instead, she sees princess peach and shouts "SEXIST!" with no concept of how or why the character came to be. And she doesn't want to know. She just wants to use it to prove an opinion she held all along. She thought games were sexist, she went in looking for sexism and she found what she perceives as sexism. Which is unfortunately easy, because you can find Christ allegories in Saved By the Bell if you want to. And unfortunately this sort of shallow reading, of attributing "save the princess" stories to simple sexism on the part of the creators, means that she'll never explore the deeper reasons for these trends and what they can tell us about society and how marketing views society and the feedback loop between the two. It's like saying racists are racist just because they are, and not trying to understand the societal, familial, and belief systems that engender such ideas. It's boring, one sided and frankly lazy.

So, while you may say she's a force for good because at least she brought light to a subject that needs to be spoken about, I'd say that any good she did by bringing light to it was undermined by the fact that her shallow viewing of it compelled an equally shallow viewing in many others. Including sensationalist media hounds like the one who made this video.


New member
May 5, 2010
Ragsnstitches said:
When you deliberately create an image of a sexual nature, whatever subsequently follows on from that does not automatically change the context of what preceded, unless it subverts the SEXUAL aspect (the sexy woman turns out to be a a post-op/pre-op male, or has a hideous scar or disfigurement somewhere the ad concealed up to the reveal).
Never claimed anything happened automatically.

Getting dressed is not subversive.
Yeah, because that was the only thing that happened that caused a complete change in focus and theme, right? :/

Throwing on a combat uniform does not subvert the sexual theme and, if uniform fetishes were anything to go by, more likely enhances it (She's Hot AND she kicks ass!). Different Strokes and all that shit, doesn't matter, the goal was clear, make her sexy for the hormonally charged audience.
Initially. That was not the end-goal, however, which is a pretty important distinction.

Whether you got randy or not is irrelevant.
Insofar as sex appeal is required for the setup, it's relevant. But beyond that, it is irrelevant.

Whether the ad is good or bad at what it does is irrelevant.
Okay? Never said otherwise.

Whether Joanna Dark is a fleshed out character or 2D cut-out in the game is irrelevant.
Okay? Never said otherwise.

Whether the ad subverts other negative stereotypes or not is irrelevant. mean kind of like these bulletpoints?

The ad, taking as is and without extraneous details (like what the game is actually about), it is the very definition of Fighting fuckdoll. A character who is made to sexually titillate, then being empowered to fight. The empowerment does not counteract the intent to titillate.
Did not say otherwise. A fighting fuckdoll's sexual appeal is a central aspect. In the ad, the sexual appeal was a red herring and ultimately irrelevant to the character(even within the context of the ad). That is not true of a fighting fuckdoll.

You can argue until the sun goes nova whether that is good or bad, just don't say it isn't what it is. The term was made for that usage.
Indeed, but you are the one that doesn't seem to understand what the term means. Though really, this is the best case scenario for this made up term which you seem to think is sacrosanct. Even if "fighting fuckdoll" was so loose as to include something like the Perfect Dark ad were sexuality was a subversive setup tool rather than a core aspect of a character, then it's far too broad to be of much use as you've stripped context(that important thing you mentioned at the beginning of your post) from the use of sex appeal. So even if you could show that Joanna Dark in the ad was a fighting fuckdoll, all you'll have achieved is obsolescence.

Lastly, I don't care about the feminist angle on this subject, but I have serious gripe with people who seem to think language bends to their whim. Whether you like it's usage or not does not mean you can decide what it can be used for.
Funny, I was going to say the same thing to you. Edit: Except for the feminist part. I do care about having a feminist angle on this subject as I feel it's sorely needed.


New member
Jan 24, 2011
I still think Anita is not a gamer, not interested in gaming, and conned 7000 people out of a combined total of thousands of dollars.

the woman's only 'expertise' on video game culture, gaming, or game issues is her opener for her TEDxWomen, "I am a pop culture critic. I am a feminist and I am a woman, and I am all of these things on the internet." That's all the criteria we've got from her about her to make her the expert. her older work, such as The Smurfette Principle (2011), are topics that were addressed by Lindsey at TGWTG over a year prior (2010). She acknowledged that she pirates movies by stating she "Doesn't want porn with her file sharing."

So my first point, agreeing with the title of this article, is that Anita is a media trained and internet savvy person. This is dangerous. Medical staff are media trained so as to not give the media a sound byte that causes panic. Mix this with high level technical knowledge on how to use the internet, and you've got the easy recipe for getting the internet to bend to your whims and desires.

She is obviously media trained, meaning she KNOWS that everything on camera is controlled. Not only that, but her ratings and comments are controlled on her channel. You can NOT post an idea on her channel without her approval. She controls her own language, and you find she is obsessed with misogyny, victimhood, and brutality on women. she will misuse these words and only show examples that say women are useless. But the important part in her series is her way of dress. Look back to her earlier work. Her look was undefined. We sometimes saw her play the exact cards she claims are evil, showing more chest or changing a camera angle in order to get more male viewers. Her NEW look for the TvW series is a news anchor. Huge ass earrings, pulled back and tied up hair, sharp eyebrows and make-up and lipstick. Then....there is the shirt. IT doesn't match. She's trying to look like an arcade dweller from the late 1980s. She is cosplaying for her series.

She sells the series as being 'one of us'. But she isn't. She isn't holding the joystick on the arcade right. She isn't using the Xbox 360 controller right. hell, in her promo, the controller isn't fucking ON. But that's minor compared to what I see as the big tell for not being a gamer. There is a promo picture of Anita sitting next to a stack of games. 4 columns and apparently 2 stacks deep. there are roughly 150 games there. Some of these games don't have women IN THEM. Some of them don't have stories to tell. Some games don't actually have characters IN THEM. Assuming a 10 hour average game, she would need to play for 62.5 DAYS straight to get through that stack.

Then there is is the tone of the series. She is not doing TvW to make gaming culture or game developers make better women characters. That actually is AGAINST her interests. She just wants t preach at us and have her get more money from us. She has not offered any SOLUTIONS to the problems. She simply says 'Hey, look. A problem. Give me money and I'll talk about how that is a problem and remind you about the problem.' She is not the one to talk about these issues in the first place, but if you are going to spend thousands of US dollars on a video series, you had BEST provide solutions. They don't have to actually work, but they have to be SOMETHING. Extra Credits did one six minute video on this topic once before she even was in the spotlight. They gave a couple possible solutions and did not charge thousands to do this.

I'm not sure that Anita isn't actually a large scale plagiarist, because she wrote her master's Thesis, I'll Make A Man Out of You: Strong Women in Science Fiction in 2010. The Nostalgia Chick on TGWTG covered this (and I think better) in 2009.

Remember up where I said she was internet savvy? That shows up here. I see zero reason to think she doesn't know how 4chan works. I think she or one of her fans actually posted the link to her kickstarter youtube ad on 4chan telling Anon to troll and belittle her. Her kickstarter skyrockets in popularity, and that is why we are talking about it. This video is the only video with comments enabled. Why? I think she was farming for comments to put up and say 'Look! Game culture is misogynist! I'm being abused and threatened online!' Another reason I think this is that in an earlier video of hers, she says she moderates her comments. It is VERY out of character to allow a video to be unmoderated.

As I have said before. She is not a gamer. She offers no solutions to make gaming a better place for women. She isn't addressing points which haven't been discussed in our academics already. The problems she shows are well known. However, she did make over 100000 bucks on the project. She did VERY WELL. Unlike Extra Credits, Moviebob, Jim Sterling, Angry Joe, or anyone else who talks about game culture, she isn't 'one of us'. She is a media trained leech on gaming and I think she is a danger to gaming.

I didn't do all of this research myself. It already had been compiled and addressed before I knew about it. Others have probably linked to every instance I did already in this thread, but my source comes from the following youtube video. The trail he shows checked out as far as i could follow it.