Recent content by internutt

  1. internutt

    Final Fantasy VII Remake Pushed Even Further From Possibility

    They released a movie, a sequel to the movie, two prequels and an animated OVA. There's no reason to remake FF7. Fans should just be happy with the expanded universe.
  2. internutt

    Favorite 4th generation Pokemon

    No, the thread is asking about your favorite Fourth Gen Pokemon. Blaziken is a Third Gen Pokemon.
  3. internutt

    EA Gets Tough With Edge Games

    Its not just that they are getting rid of a patent troll a guy who managed to patent the word EDGE 20 years ago and hasn't done anything with it for decades. EA are suing him because he isn't using the name to make games, he's using it to STOP people making games. Also, picking up Brutal...
  4. internutt

    Rebecca Mayes to Appear on BBC

    Charlie Brooker is always an amazing person to watch on TV. I enjoy his Guardian articles as well. He's funny and informative, he's a lovable character despite his hate of mankind.
  5. internutt

    EA Gets Tough With Edge Games

    EA. A generation ago they were the gamers most hated company. Now in this generation they have completely changed. EA are awesome now!
  6. internutt

    Best Twist Endings

    The ending of SAW1. Zepp is playing his own game and the body in the middle of the floor is not only alive but also the real mastermind behind the games.
  7. internutt

    I like Bagpipe music, why do i feel really lonely.

    Bagpipe music is fine, but being in Edinburgh almost every day makes you a little sick of it after a while.
  8. internutt

    Poll: Britain as a Republic?

    Getting rid of a monarchy would be a terrible decision. Most of the UK's Tourism relies on the Monarchy. Our money is covered in it. However, I must admit that when the Queen dies, I do NOT want Prince Charles face on my money. The only real issue I have right now is the fact I never...
  9. internutt

    Parents accused of sexual abuse for taking pictures of their kids

    This is ridiculous. Parents taking pictures of their kids while the kids are in a bath is very common. Or due to new laws is everyone who has ever given birth to or looked after a child now a child molester?
  10. internutt

    Poll: The doctors of Doctor Who

    The new series doesn't start until May. However, there will be 3 hour long specials airing before that. One of the specials will be at Christmas, however the first is speculated to be November and the finale possibly New Years Day. I do not know if these specials will air in America due...
  11. internutt

    Poll: Avast! Today be the 19th, so talk like a Pirate!

    Today be Talk Like a Pirate Day. So which of you are trying your best to avoid it and which of you are having a cannon ball blast of a time? I think its a silly holiday yet fun holiday. I find it hilarious how it is being celebrated in WoW of all places. Aye Mateys, I've walked the...
  12. internutt

    Windows 7 with 2GB RAM

    If there are any Uni College students in the UK. Microsoft will be selling 7 for £30 to students, all you have to provide is an authentic college/university email address. Otherwise, if you are on a Computing course (like myself) Microsoft allow Students free access to just about all of their...
  13. internutt

    the end of mario is now

    Unlike Sonic, Mario is still relevant to the gaming industry. The franchise makes a lot of profit as well. Mario is still Nintendo's mascot. Why should they stop their consoles main buying point? Each game gets good reviews as well. Galaxy proved to be a very popular game, as did Mario Kart Wii...
  14. internutt

    Charles Darwin film too controversial for religious America

    Pardon me. I meant Genesis Chapter 2.
  15. internutt

    Poll: Your Favorite Joker!

    Mark Hamil's Joker is the best. Hilarious yet creepy at the same time. He was perfect in Batman Arkham Asylum. You were never quite sure how he was going to act next.