Recent content by Ivailo Todorov

  1. Ivailo Todorov

    New York Minecraft Convention Potential Scam, Money Missing

    How rude,atleast have the decency to compensate for the lack of a con with a brand new state of the art piss-stained ballpit?.
  2. Ivailo Todorov

    What anime are you currently watching?

    Stick with it.They explain the whole reset thing in the start of Kai and you may get spoiled if I give you the gist of it. I haven't watched Madoka Magica but im sure Higurashi is a good choice if you like psycho anime.Normally the few episodes of an arc 1-2 maybe 3 are light and fluffy...
  3. Ivailo Todorov

    Poll: Would you be interested in playing as an animal in a game?

    If you are wondering the game is called WolfQuest OT:When I read the title Tokyo Jungle immedietly sprang to mind.It's basically a post-apocalyptic animal survival game where the humans have died out and animals are roaming Tokyo surviving,mating and other such animal things.Such a shame that...
  4. Ivailo Todorov

    Study: Sexting is a form of "modern courtship", parents should not be worried

    I think it should only be done with someone you know won't spread them even if things go sour,it's like giving a knife that can only stab you to someone.Besides wasn't the Amanda Todd incident started by something like this,and we all know how that ended for the poor girl.
  5. Ivailo Todorov

    Any Vegetarians Out There

    Sorry for bringing the conversation where it shouldn't be.My fault on that one :D.By the way I feel for ya man,allergic to meat and being lactose intollerant...damn thats harsh. I know what you mean by wanting pure food free of hormones,but you have to realise that from a manufacturing...
  6. Ivailo Todorov

    Any Vegetarians Out There

    Honor is not really a thing with me when dealing with animals that can't defend themselves.Just like showing sympathy towards weak animals,being honorable is something we wouldn't have if we weren't human.Besides last I checked plants are living things too,you walk on grass despite it being...
  7. Ivailo Todorov

    Any Vegetarians Out There

    I am actually blessed/cursed to not gain weight no matter what I eat so I eat whatever doesn't make me sick.Honestly I hate eating as it is,limiting myself to only vegetables will make it even worse.On the ethical side of things like "but the fuzzy animals that you are eating...bla,bla,bla" you...
  8. Ivailo Todorov

    Does the present exist?

    When you think of the word present..Bam that thought is already in the past.
  9. Ivailo Todorov

    Do we need more female protagonists, or just more interesting ones?

    I don't care if its a male/female/something else entirely,as long as they are interesting characters they get a pass in my book.
  10. Ivailo Todorov

    Children's Card Games!

    XYZ monsters are really powerful mostly because they can be made in the worst of situations and turn a game around.There are XYZ cards lvl 4 that are one of the best cards in the game.Excition Knight is lvl 4 and can destroy EVERYTHING on the field except himself 2 TIMES.Number 101 is basicly...
  11. Ivailo Todorov

    why do you think the amazing anime series Bleach ended so soon?

    1.All the goddamn filler 2.Not having enough manga to work with(seriously when the anime ended,the manga wasn't even at the first quincy invasion) 3.Loss of popularity in Japan(The place where Bleach was most popular was North America(don't quote me on that)but Japan is the place that most...
  12. Ivailo Todorov

    I Have No Idea What They're Singing, But I Love It!

    I've been addicted to the Durarara!! opening.It's just so catchy (I don't know how to post videos so just youtube it :) )
  13. Ivailo Todorov

    What would cause your mind to snap ?

    Hello fellow escapists.I have been a lurker on these forums for quite a while and I recently asked myself while reading the "What can change the nature of a man" thread(link below):What will make me lose my mind.I have been a quiet guy all my life and found it hard to pinpoint what would truly...
  14. Ivailo Todorov

    Men of the Escapist: Keeping up appearances in order to reach "perfection"

    Truth is,I didn't give a damn about how I looked prior to 7th grade.My hair was a topic of discussion back when it was long.Lets just say it didn't fit me at all but I was too stubborn to let it go.I am the weakest of my group of friends and find it real hard to build fat and muscle.If my...
  15. Ivailo Todorov

    The Economist on Bulgarian and Romanian immigration. Also discussion about e/immigration

    My country is currently a shithole (Bulgaria).The amount of times I heard the bulgarian word 'otstavka'(which means retirement of a politician' this year is more than I have in my whole life.Every single day people are rioting in the streets.A person from the UK would be terrified of the current...