Recent content by jamestoo

  1. J

    Microsoft Annoys People With Lode Runner Pricing Error

    I was going to buy it for 800 points just once my points cards come through the post, they can piss off at 1200 though.
  2. J

    Xbox 360 Errors Increasing Post-NXE?

    E74? I thought that was a video cable error? I've had this many times before if that is the case, all I did was restart the machine.
  3. J

    UPDATED - Jack Thompson-Authored Truth In Advertising Bill Passes Utah House

    So they've bought the US in line with the UK, then. The law over here is you cannot sell age-related products to anyone under the age specified or to someone you believe is buying it for a youngster. So when a bloke comes in and stumbles up to the counter and asks for Halo Killzone 3, you...
  4. J

    Peter Molyneux Asks Reviewers To Ask Around

    All I've seen is "please please please please please wait until the game is finished because we're going to release it half done and then let you download the rest over time". Not good enough. Again.
  5. J

    Pre-Owned Games A "Critical Situation" For EA

    I think what they mean is taking a cut from retailers seeing as they get nothing after the first sale. Retailers like GAME here in the UK are already selling pre-owned titles for just £5 less than RRP, when they used to be 3 times that. They're squeezing every penny out of the scheme, and...