Recent content by Jezuz X

  1. Jezuz X

    Favorite thing to kill

    Id have to say zombies, but since thats going to be used hundreds of times in this thread that im going to go with Master Cheif, Im not saying this beacuse i disslike halo but beacuse its halirus :P
  2. Jezuz X

    Poll: Is realism killing video games?

    There will allways be your average shooter like halo where you can conquer a whole country in the time frame of about 10 hours. a "realistic" video game where stratgey is used to achive victory instead of just running and gunning would be a great addition to the game industry. But if games are...
  3. Jezuz X

    Best game that didn't get a sequel

    I hate to tell you JiggMaster but a Bioshock 2 is allready in the making. (deppresing i know) Its supose to be finished some time in mid to late 2009
  4. Jezuz X

    The Worst Video Game Plots

    I have to agree it does have a horrible plot. maybe not the worst ever but if you add in the factor that IT thinks its great makes it deffintly the worst
  5. Jezuz X

    worst game names

    Z is actually a name for a game came out in 1996 for PC i think they coulda been more creative
  6. Jezuz X

    realistic games. to much to ask for?

    Im not talking hyper realistic allthought it would be fun to try it out. im talking atleast a one shot kill game where strategey is key to survial and the AI (at least your team) arent as dumb as a kid who keeps his condoms in his wallet
  7. Jezuz X

    Best game that didn't get a sequel

    I could have listed a couple of my Fav games but since just the passing of this years E3 all the games i woulda choose are now having a sequal made. but if i had to choose one befor this years E3 i woulda said Bioshock! its one of its kind
  8. Jezuz X

    Games that should never be a film

    You do realize harder difficulties have damage? as far as i rember they do so dont hold it againtst me if im wrong
  9. Jezuz X

    Worst game addiction?

    The original halo! now dont get me wrong halo 2 and 3 were fun, but incomparison they are steaming piles of bullshit siting on top of your ikea recipts. every now and again i get really pissed off at all those kids on xbox live that forget to take the riddlen so i go pull out YE OLD dusty...
  10. Jezuz X

    realistic games. to much to ask for?

    we should start a club :D
  11. Jezuz X

    realistic games. to much to ask for?

    you would think so but its all based around strategy. like a paintball match (i play every second weekend) even if you have no clue what the level is like its very easy to get lots of kills with minimal effort as long as you use the use of tactics which would make it a Tactical Shooter. Dont all...
  12. Jezuz X

    realistic games. to much to ask for?

    Some of you are takeing what i said alittle to wrong.. maybe its the way i said it but i didint mean grab your regular old shooter and change it so the ai is smarter and make bullets more damage.. that would be horrible and unterlly unfun, but some of you got ahole of the concept that i was...
  13. Jezuz X

    realistic games. to much to ask for?

    Ive played CS i can stand the gameplay but every player is a kid with ADD that forgot to take his ritalin
  14. Jezuz X

    realistic games. to much to ask for?

    I didint mean hyper realistic as in the blood and guts to such an exstreme it makes you puke your own blood. But i meant more of a very intense feeling where your allways on your toes instead of not really caring if you die, cuz you spawn in 10 seconds
  15. Jezuz X

    Poll: Don?t restrict my gaming purchases! Sub question why is sex conidered worse than violence?

    I under stand that the store may get sued for selling the M rated game to a 16 year old. But what really pisses me off is when ive bought games from the store before then one day they ask for idea.... Maybe just the employes choice but none the less its so anoying, but ive basically stoped...