Recent content by JuggernautXUG

  1. J

    Zero Punctuation: Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

    Ahem.... the publishers payed off reviewers to give the game good reviews and thus when it was discovered they did this they all got fired.
  2. J

    Zero Punctuation: Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

    I suggest you review Yar's Revenge for Atari 2600 to cross out the Y game and.... Q-Bert for the Q! :D
  3. J

    GTA4, play it your way.

    I like getting 6 stars, flying up to the top of a high rise and then jumping off with an RPG in my hands... trying to land on a cop car is fun.
  4. J

    The Army (Specifically the Canadian Forces)

    I was thinking about joining the canadian forces when I was 18... the good part is you'll be able to learn a good trade while there, plus it's the canadian forces for the only real danger is friendly fire from US soldiers... but seeing as though you have a child on the way, I wouldn't suggest...
  5. J

    Funniest Thing You've Heard In An Online Game?

    back in the old XBox live day when I played Soldier Of Fortune 2 I used to sneak up behind people and start singing "turn around, bright eyes..." and then bayonet them in the face. Was funny to me anyhow
  6. J

    Would you like to see Yahtzee review more genre's?

    yea, and it doesn't take 7 days to play a game to review it either. Especially VC releases and other classic games he's probably played in his youth.
  7. J

    Would you like to see Yahtzee review more genre's?

    personally I would just like to see Yahtzee do more videos than just one a week... I mean they are short and not visually spectacular so it can't be too difficult to crap out 2 a week. maybe like wednesday he does his rant on new popular games, and like fri or sat he spits out a rant on a...