Recent content by Kain904

  1. Kain904

    Peter Molyneux Wants to Help With Syndicate Remake

    I agree with Mr Thin, if their going to bring back any Bullfrog ip's it should be Dungeon Keeper... oh wait, they sold to bloody CHINA!!!!
  2. Kain904

    Worst Actor

    Daniel Radcliff, always though that he was a sucky actor.
  3. Kain904

    Your Favorite Song and/or Album.

    Makes me want to get the hell out of here and over to OZ as soon as possible. Any other pub rock that you might be able to recommend?
  4. Kain904

    Your Favorite Song and/or Album.

    Started listening to Holy Grail by Hunters & Collecters. Songs old, but they don't really play anything like them in Ireland, still big in Australia from what i hear.
  5. Kain904

    Angry for No Reason

    Last week while i was out for drinks a friend of mine told me that i was the most passive person that he ever met and then tried to use psychiatry on me to find out why. I don't know wether it was the fact he was tring to be my shrink (i think hes a trained one) or that he told me that i was so...
  6. Kain904

    Games that made you sad

    The end of Dungeon Keeper 2 and then when they said that they wouldn't be making the 3rd installment that the 2nd clearly leaves open. Also the end of Painkiller: Battle Out of Hell, when Eve finally has enough of living in Pergatory and absorbs Alaster and turns against you, you didn't get...
  7. Kain904

    Pirates Face Disconnection

    I'd say that this Lord Mandelson is trying to find a way to up his position in parliment by coming up with radical new terms for stopping piracy, which has become a major issue as of late. He's also probably just trying to save face after he was forced to resign from his position twice. ITs been...
  8. Kain904

    What is the most WTF love story/scene you've seen in a game?

    The Darkness, having to sit there and watch Jenny's murder and then watch your own character commit suside was messed up.
  9. Kain904

    What do YOU think people should try to watch?

    If your really looking for something to laugh your ass off at, then i would suggest the first two seasons of Titus. Some of the issues that he touchs apone can really hit a nerve, but its as funny as hell, pity the third season wasn't as good. Ditto, perhaps the funniest show in resent years.
  10. Kain904

    Poll: How clean is your room?

    Mines a bit of a tip, i really have to get around to doing that laundry, and i'm going to have to tidy the place up before i move out next month.
  11. Kain904

    I like Cartoons

    In no particular order: 1. Avatar 2. Johnny Braco (Man i'm pretty!!!) 3. Batman Beyond 4. Batman The Animated Series 5. Black Lagoon.
  12. Kain904

    Overplayed Songs OR Underplayed Songs

    Pretty much any christmas song played at chirstmas, i don't care its the jolly season, i've heard them all 52 billion times!!!
  13. Kain904

    InFamous: The Shocking Journey of Electrical Spiderman

    Good review, i've played the game myself and enjoyed it, the only really bad thing i found with the game was the lack in varity of ememies, all factions have the same guys (in different armour) with the only the conduits being differnet (although i love beating up the trashmen and watching their...
  14. Kain904

    Fallout 3 - Broken Steel Review (PC)

    I think that had been one of the major flaws, when i started playing BS i had pretty much done all the other missions in the game and now i'm stuck at level 27, the only real way to bring up that level is to go around and kill everything. Your only other option is to of course start again, but i...
  15. Kain904

    Fallout 3 - Broken Steel Review (PC)

    Fallout 3 - Broken Steel Review (PC) When I first heard Fallout 3 was coming out I brushed it off as I wasn't a fan of the series (mostly cause I never played them) and the only thing I knew was that Bethseda was making it. As time went on I got more and more excited about the game as I...