Recent content by Len-LC

  1. Len-LC

    Poll: 6-Pack Abs: Worth the trouble?

    Not worth it, since they're basically useless.
  2. Len-LC

    Noobs on MMOs

    Oh no he didn't! I hope you smote him right then and there. The sheer insolence! Then again, smiting from the top of an ivory tower while balancing on a high horse is notoriously difficult.
  3. Len-LC

    Have you ever been compared to your siblings?

    I'm constantly compared to my younger brother. It annoys me greatly.
  4. Len-LC

    What games would be awesome combined?

    Spore, and the games the phases are loosely based on. Imagine the depth!
  5. Len-LC

    worst movie

    Anything by Uwe Boll, really.
  6. Len-LC

    Will Wright Sticks With Spore

    Good, good. I wonder what he has in store.
  7. Len-LC

    So it's Earth Day... what have you done?

    Fed the pond fish so they´d stop preying on the tadpoles. Monitored the tadpoles' progress in the 'man-eating frogs'-project.
  8. Len-LC

    If you could invent an extreme sport what would it be (doesnt have to be realistic)

    Riding a horse around an arena-like obstacle course, trying to hit your opponents with a stun baton.
  9. Len-LC

    Your Morning Eye Opener.

    I usually don't really wake up until I use Listerine. Good ole' Listerine.