Recent content by lenin_117

  1. L

    "Evil and Orwellian"

    You pay for your health care. No, you cannot call it free. Why? Because you pay for it. I go to the shop, and buy a coke. Is it free? I could steal it, and drink it. I wouldn't have my stomach pumped, but I'd go to jail. I paid for it though. Using your rationale, this coke would be free.
  2. L

    finite or infinite?

    Well I hate to say it, but the creationist is correct. The distance between any two real objects at any point in time is infinite. IDK about the universe, because the space they could occupy is infinite. They could be in any direction, infinitely far away. COULD.
  3. L

    The English Language

    This is something you should have thought of while colonising
  4. L


    Only sort of a male? I recommend choosing a gender and sticking with it, barbarians don't sit on the fence when it comes to that.
  5. L

    My teacher wants us to become social deviants...

    Would you believe it, I'm actually breaking that norm on Friday, I shit you not.
  6. L

    My teacher wants us to become social deviants...

    Go to a restaraunt and just sit at the same table as someone you don't know. Strike up a conversation, or don't.
  7. L

    Last Movie You Watched

    Tokyo Drifter- Some japanese yakuza flick from i think the 8os. it was meh.
  8. L

    You're 100% correct, but no one can understand that

    Well then obviously that isnt the time period I was referring to. If I say that at the time they did not have evidence that the world was round, then I most certainly am not referring to the time period after they have evidence that the world was round. duh.
  9. L

    You're 100% correct, but no one can understand that

    Actually, at the time Flat Earth was a scientifically valid idea. There was no data to suggest otherwise.
  10. L

    You're 100% correct, but no one can understand that

    The light and sound is energy released from the gunpowder, it is not the force of the bullet pushing back against the air in the muzzle as you suggest.
  11. L

    Middle school student's Science project prompts school evacuation

    HOLY SHIT A LIQUID CONTAINER! What does that even look like? how does it contain things if its liquid?
  12. L

    who is the second most evil person in history to you?

    I second that. That is the best avatar of all time. Of all time!
  13. L

    who is the second most evil person in history to you?

    I have a feeling that you should be putting a reference in for cracked here
  14. L

    Kill The Above User's Avatar

    Nudge him into a minefield
  15. L

    The Escapist Tug of War Game [Completed]

    856 Through jesus you can