My teacher wants us to become social deviants...


New member
Apr 16, 2009
flamingjimmy said:
Are you a dude? If so, next time you take a leak in a public place, make sure you use a urinal right next to someone else, no matter how many spare ones there are


ask the next homeless person you see for money
Dude not gonna lie that first one is so awkward your first though always is "What are you gay?"
O.T. Go to the nicest resturant in town in just jeans and a under shirt. Or vice a versa walk into like a Mcdonalds in a full Tux

zana bonanza

New member
Oct 22, 2009
skywalkerlion said:
Luke5515 said:
Don't do anything and tell your teacher that the norm you are breaking is doing work. Everyone does their work always, but why?
If your teacher has a good sense of humor, you get an A for not doing anything. If not E. Worth a shot right?
This is actually an answer that probably wouldn't make you a smartass but still get a humorous, if not insane, response from your teacher.

And if you're teacher is as crazy as she sounds, like my old 5th grade teacher, doing the above is probably what she's looking for and she'll idolize you and embarass your friends.
She probably would find it funny, but I don't know if would she would still consider it acceptable. It's kind of a paradox: doing the assignment by not doing it? Also, I have to do in the presence of others. >3< I would love to be able pull it off though; I have like three other papers I need to write this week, so one less would be a godsend.


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
Monkeyman8 said:
crimson5pheonix said:
When you
return your paper,
it should be in a
terrific vain of
English manipulation.
To illustrate my
helpful point,
I used a
silly way to
write this post.
you have to do is something similar
you cock, I hate that code, it's so banal.

OP: you could always wear the smallest legal amount of clothes possible. Or dress in hot pink, or dress in silk, I don't think spray paint clothes are legal so that's out. There's plenty of fetishes you could exemplify, or you could speak horrible English, communicate only in question, ignore every other sentence someone says, etc.
Well I like the old jokes.
It worked in
the past for me
, so why not now? When all you have
is a
all your
various problems, strangely
enough, look like nails.
It works to get a
terrific point across.

Samurai Goomba

New member
Oct 7, 2008
Be nice to somebody for no reason.

You don't think that's breaking a societal norm? Then you don't live here is all I can say. Better yet, do it while you're driving. Then you'll REALLY look like an oddball.


New member
Dec 26, 2008
Are you male? If so, just wear a skirt. Breaking clothing norms.
Alternatively, sing everything you say for a day. Make musicals more realistic.

300lb. Samoan

New member
Mar 25, 2009
Where your underpants on the outside of your pants.

Also consider wearing your belt on your head and painting a Q on your chest.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
Walk around town for a bit. Whenever you see someone, say "Hi" (or something similar) as you approach them. Then say "Bye" (or something similar) as you walk past them.
I'm from Halifax, and here we have a kind of a culture thing of "being nice", so most people will repond back in kind and have a good laugh about it. I did this in Taipei, and people thought I was retarded/insane. I actually saw two white girls (one of them wearing a USA shirt) and I said (in English, I've been using Mandarin up to that point) "How are you? Nice day out isn't it? Well, I gotta go. It was nice seeing you." They freaked out (not in a bad way), but I'm not sure if it was from me talking as if I knew them, or just because some random Chinese guy talked to them using completely accent-free English.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Talk in Rorschach's voice all day. Then write your paper in Rorschach's manner of speech.


New member
Nov 16, 2008
Go to a restaraunt and just sit at the same table as someone you don't know. Strike up a conversation, or don't.


New member
May 8, 2009
ottenni said:
Walk out onto the street and point up. eventually people will begin looking where you are pointing. Its hilarious.
I'm totally trying this.

OT: I was thinking about doing this as a social experiment, and as it is very unlikely we are in the same area, I'll go ahead and share it: Get tickets for a movie that you know very few people will go to, make sure there're only a few other people in the theater, and then go sit next to one of them. If they tell you that they are saving the seat that you sit in, go to the other side of them. Should get a lot of interesting reactions.


New member
Nov 16, 2008
Samurai Goomba said:
Be nice to somebody for no reason.

You don't think that's breaking a societal norm? Then you don't live here is all I can say.
Would you believe it, I'm actually breaking that norm on Friday, I shit you not.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
zana bonanza said:
skywalkerlion said:
Luke5515 said:
Don't do anything and tell your teacher that the norm you are breaking is doing work. Everyone does their work always, but why?
If your teacher has a good sense of humor, you get an A for not doing anything. If not E. Worth a shot right?
This is actually an answer that probably wouldn't make you a smartass but still get a humorous, if not insane, response from your teacher.

And if you're teacher is as crazy as she sounds, like my old 5th grade teacher, doing the above is probably what she's looking for and she'll idolize you and embarass your friends.
She probably would find it funny, but I don't know if would she would still consider it acceptable. It's kind of a paradox: doing the assignment by not doing it? Also, I have to do in the presence of others. >3< I would love to be able pull it off though; I have like three other papers I need to write this week, so one less would be a godsend.
Yeah, you have a point. Just make sure whatever you do is best for your grade.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
What my boyfriend actually does, whereever he goes, is "pretending" you're a force user - wave your hand while passing an automatic door, making a dragging down motion, when passing a lowering elevator, you know that kind of stuff, just for style and giggles (me giggling primarily, but anyway)


New member
Jun 21, 2009
thatstheguy said:
Talk in Rorschach's voice all day. Then write your paper in Rorschach's manner of speech.
Ahh, I LOVE Rorschach.

"Breaking societal norms. Typical. This country, education system. All without meaning. Without purpose."

..don't hate if that sounds too, uhh, un-Rorschachy.

zana bonanza

New member
Oct 22, 2009
Lol, thanks again everyone. I have to leave for a bit, but I'll check back later and try to decide on something.