Recent content by lozzab

  1. lozzab

    Three really good reasons to abolish the death penalty

    I'm against the death penalty, the majority of people who commit murders are either normal people who were in extreme circumstances (you might not want to believe it but a lot of people will act that way if pushed) or are seriously mentally unhealthy. The first group can and should be...
  2. lozzab


    Ah, congratulations, you just have then. Yeah, I really liked the books, but far too young for the tv/radio series im afraid. Film was mediocre methinks. Much as I don't carry a towel with me I do currently have one on my bedroom floor. It lives there now.
  3. lozzab

    How the hell does Gravity work ?

    I was under the impression that the explanation was to do with waves being sent through a very curved space-time essentially going back in time (since its just another dimension) which meant that the speed wasn't an issue, or else that the quantum state (while technically random) was to some...
  4. lozzab

    Gaming = Childish?

    I think a lot of games are childish. Likewise, buying a big sports car is childish (your hardly using it for transport really), as are most forms of entertainment. But what's wrong with that? We should embrace that side of our nature, it's what keeps people sane, it keeps us questioning. As they...
  5. lozzab

    Poll: How should we Name Planets?

    They should have simple scientific names, such as your "49LYA", but also colloquial names, probably after gods. Like we have at the moment with starts really, after all if you lived on a planet I'm sure you would prefer for it to have a name, but for communication and scientific purposes a...
  6. lozzab

    GATTACA is here...

    Well discrimination based on genetics is illegal unless I'm mistaken, so a think we're a fair way from that yet. Besides, we know so little about the majority of the genome it's just a conversation point for the rich at the moment I guess - though I have heard that a new technique they're...
  7. lozzab

    Weird things you can do with your body

    I can get my legs behind my head, as in stretching them round from the front not just sticking them out behind me hehe. I used to be able to dislocate my knees without touching them, was very odd, but I don't think I can any more :(
  8. lozzab

    No Multiplayer in Prototype

    I would be perfectly happy about lack of multiplayer if it resulted in a lower pricetag... I fear that it may limit replayability which would be a serious downside if it requires forking out a fair chunk of money.
  9. lozzab


    There is no reason beyond the one you mentioned (they don't have the capacity for more than one reason for their actions). A good question and a reason why I don't use IE hehe. Yes, yes it is... I would offer a cookie for that but I don't feel I'm accomplished enough an escapee to give such a...
  10. lozzab

    Game characters you were pleased to see die.

    :O How could you? Actually, what the hell am I saying, she's the most annoying character in any game I've ever played, as well as trying to destroy mankind... In a subtle change of opinion, I'm gonna agree with you now.
  11. lozzab

    How are YOU feeling?

    REM? hmm, well me tired... i got to sleep at about 5am last nite (or rather this morning...) then woke at about 7 - still i have the day off so cant complain tooooooo much
  12. lozzab

    have you ever been racist over the internet?

    Not even in jest/ ironically - just because you don't intend it offensively doesn't mean it won't be taken as such.
  13. lozzab

    Portal. A philosophical conundrum.

    Well if we're gonna get all metaphysical about it, then surely since everything (thinkable or not) has the possibility of existing and existence is infinite (eg, either time is infinite or there are an infinite number of universes etc... from a 'logical' point of view the two do sorta come...
  14. lozzab

    The Devil

    Methinks that's not completely true... Admittedly it was a few days ago that I checked this so my memory could be a little fuzzy, but I think God actually just threw him down to earth...
  15. lozzab

    Portal. A philosophical conundrum.

    Surely by your logic anything that is a lie must exist... Well I lied the other day about having billions of pounds in my bank account, now the richest man in the world ! :D (I realise that mere billions don't make me the richest but...)