Recent content by Maraskeen

  1. Maraskeen

    Unpopular Opinions

    I tend to distrust monopolies and be instantly wary of anything that's too widely acclaimed. As such, it always bugs me when people are praising Valve for Steam. I think they're just as interested in making money as EA is- they just have different methods and way better PR- and definitely not...
  2. Maraskeen

    So, what's everyone hoping for in the upcoming Summer Sale?

    After reviewing my wishlist: -BioShock Infinite's Season Pass -Homeworlds Remastered Collection -Darkest Dungeon -The Witcher 2 -Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon -Buzz Aldrin's SPM -A bunch of sound-recording and mixing softwares and various indie games that have a tiny chance of being on...
  3. Maraskeen

    Leaked Joker Set Photos!

    Personally, I've got nothing in particular against the tatoos (and I was neutral to optimistic about the concept art so far). With that being said, agreed on the suit. C'mon guys, his color scheme has been one of the most basic and consistent things about the character, and it's been kept...
  4. Maraskeen

    Did we just become Best Friends? I think we did!

    -I never really saw what was so game-changing about Skyrim, as much as I like playing it. -I'm a huge fan of MSPA and Homestuck - mostly because of time-travel shenanigans and mid-nineties nostalgia. As far as webcomics go, I also like Oglaf. -I'm too young to be able to experience actual...
  5. Maraskeen

    Poll: What do you think of DLC today and do you wish you had protested in when it began?

    As long as the base game is solid to begin with, for me there's nothing wrong with it having DLCs - especially if they're released later on instead of being pre-purchase perks. Being able to go back to a gaming universe I previously enjoyed is something I like as a general principle. Some of...
  6. Maraskeen

    The Month of Erin

    Nice idea, thanks. I haven't been on the Escapist for long -and I'm hardly the most vocal user- but Critical Miss has been a staple for me since day One on this site. Now Erin Dies Alone is, too. :)
  7. Maraskeen

    What Game Do You Think Has The Most Heart?

    I'm sure I'm going to be thinking of other titles when this post is sent (probably three days later while doing something completely unrelated), but for now I'd like to submit to you Bastion. While it's short and quite simple gameplay-wise, it is so lovingly crafted and narrated, so full of...
  8. Maraskeen

    How to semi-Hepler Dragon Age Origins?

    Just to check, did you recruit the bisexual elf assassin before or after the dignified Circle mage? Because boy oh boy does Wynne makes everything easier. Heal, resurrection, ally support, cc, and more, depending on your tactic. She's a pretty good trump card to have. (Besides, she's...
  9. Maraskeen

    How to semi-Hepler Dragon Age Origins?

    Like others, I'd recommend switching to easy mode if you're new. As for which build, depends on the way you yourself like to play... To me it's more of a matter of having a balanced party than concentrating on the PC's strenghts. Micromanagement and maintaining your team to the fullest of their...
  10. Maraskeen

    Poll: Does anyone (feminist, gamer, SJW, atheist) really find Fedoras attractive/cool?

    Voted 'just a hat'. I'm neutral about it- I think it's possible for people to pull it quite well, providing that they have a face that allows them to wear hats, and dress in a way that doesn't clash with it much. (For the sake of exactitude, though, I'll add that I live in a country where...
  11. Maraskeen

    Sword Art Online and sexual assault as tension(spoilers for SAO II)

    (Please disregard this post, was attempting to edit mine for clarification. Thank you.)
  12. Maraskeen

    Star Citizen Raises $55 Million, Making it The Most Crowdfunded Anything, Ever

    I laughed pretty hard. Thanks, GrimSerious. I'm going to say "I'm glad for them". Chances are that it isn't/won't turn out to be nearly as revolutionary a game as it's been advertized, but seeing space sims on the market pleases me. Not sure if I'll ever get around to financing the kickstarter...
  13. Maraskeen

    Sword Art Online and sexual assault as tension(spoilers for SAO II)

    I don't think the situation was supposed to be as ambiguous as you described it, at least in Season 1 - Kirito's violence and anger, when it was showed, was showed in a positive light, or, at least not a negative one (the whole "Beater" speech, his offing of Kuradeel, his duel with Kayaba come...
  14. Maraskeen

    Sword Art Online and sexual assault as tension(spoilers for SAO II)

    You're making a pretty good point. I'll admit that my post was perhaps too focused on SAO itself, and overlooked the fact that similar dynamics were at play in the media as a whole. And I don't know why that scene in particular stuck with me, honestly. Perhaps because of how... transparent the...
  15. Maraskeen

    Sword Art Online and sexual assault as tension(spoilers for SAO II)

    Regardless of my instinctive discomfort towards any work of art treating rape lightly, I find that repetition is the worst offender here. It happened with Asuna, and it repeats with Sinon, both occurences at a time when the arc's conflict is amped up. Sure, SAO is a silly self-insert fantasy, 'n...