Recent content by Microdamus

  1. Microdamus

    Microdamus has seen the Future...

    Star Trek: Redshirt will become the breakaway success story of the generation to follow XBox 360. Though the gameplay will mainly consist of "look behind that rock way over there" missions, the challenging experience will cater to hardcore fans and gamers alike. When your character dies, he does...
  2. Microdamus

    Microdamus has seen the Future...

    Nintendo will buy the rights to the engine used by Naruto:Ultimate Ninja. The physics engine and graphics in the subsequent Smash Bros. game will exceed current standards, but the Quicktime events will be too much for most to bear. Microdamus has seen a grave threat to the Smash Bros. franchise...
  3. Microdamus

    Microdamus has seen the Future...

    Microsoft will pioneer the luke warm porridge oats controller, and in a desperate marketing gimmick, fill the entirety of Lake Ontario in demonstration of the marvelous technology. The local fish will become fat, and environmentalist groups will thereafter apply the nickname of Lake Obesity. Due...
  4. Microdamus

    Microdamus has seen the Future...

    Cheese manufacture... Dairy revolution... Microdamus is having difficulty getting any visions with clarity. One of the stool shall come before him, the Great Destructor. The squeezer, greater though more taciturn, shall decide the final fate of gaming. The power of all sworn to oppose stands...
  5. Microdamus

    Microdamus has seen the Future...

    Microdamus may only see the future, not the present. Foresight is a gift best kept in the hands of few. Beware the ones known to be Keepers of Lost Games. Milo is actually the second sign of the coming Gameocalypse. The first was R.O.B. in 1985. The signs are not revealed in rapid...
  6. Microdamus

    Microdamus has seen the Future...

    Microdamus knows the future of games, for he has seen it. By mysterious mystical methods, Microdamus knows everything that will happen in gaming until the end of time. Microdamus is certain of what he has seen, and has chosen to bring his words of prophecy to the Escapist. Four great truths...
  7. Microdamus

    Gabe Newell Discusses Episode 3 Delay

    Microdamus has seen the events surrounding the release of Episode 3 clearly. The delay has been caused by the addition of a portal gun. Gordon Freeman has been falling through an ill-advised portal-into-portal bottomless pit for the last 6 months. The battery on the portal gun will run out in...
  8. Microdamus

    In Defense of Booth Babes

    Microdamus has predicted many things for the future of gaming, but as the future is uncertain, Microdamus maintains that Fester's Quest will make its way to XBLA.