Recent content by Mushroom Wobbit

  1. M

    Recommend me some music!

    Dr. Steel
  2. M

    Looks like LulzSec is in trouble

    according to lulzsec, that guy wasnt part of lulzsec.
  3. M

    garrys mod problems

    yeah be sure to ask garry about it on his twitter he will help!
  4. M

    Encyclopedia Dramatica

    good riddance to bad rubbish.
  5. M

    Your Last Nerdgasm...

    i realized the first episode of the newest mythbusters season had come out. not really a big nerdgasme tho, the last big one was when i participated in the first portal 2 ARG, every radio was a small nerdgasme leading to larger and larger ones as more and more info came out then a huge one when...
  6. M

    MMOs you don't have to quest in

    yes eve, in eve online you can make you way byt running a business, mining or pvp, people need mined resources to make ships and ship parts, and mercenaries an missioners pvp or pve to get money so they buy new ships, the economy is very nice ive always liked it. it was also the site of an...
  7. M

    Police use pepper spray on a baby squirrel

    depends on the state, but its probably under fish and wildlife, i dont think what he did constitutes hunting with a license so its most likely illegal. unless he lives in a state that lets people go out and spray what ever critter they want with pepper spray just cause they feel like it...
  8. M

    Police use pepper spray on a baby squirrel

    what he did was illegal i want to see charges brought. if i had been there i would have hit him the back of the head while he was looking at the squirrel and then stomped him a few times, you know, to let him know how i feel about it.
  9. M

    You own Square-Enix: What's the next step for Final Fantasy?

    cut funding to the graphics department, and give it to the writers and designers to make a game thats actually good, we can make it prettier when we release our game of the year addition! >:O
  10. M

    Classic movies you can't fething stand

    pulp fiction, i fucking hate that movie and every character in it. cant stand it!
  11. M

    what if you didn't need to do any work?

    well i would live a free and happy life where i work towards those things i love, like a doomsday device, or a machine intelligence to take over the world with :D
  12. M

    Do you ever wish you were born in a different era?

    i have access to all knowledge of the past on the internet, but i cant be certain of the future, if we will even be here next year. so no i like where im at, i can witness the true tech explosion and maybe even be a part of it!
  13. M

    Crap = Profit

    the best way to get a good headset is to learn how to make one, then make it :P
  14. M

    Gay Gamers Want Dragon Age 2 Writer Fired

    hypothetical situation time. say that you acted like a prick to the creators of a game because you are against them putting gays into there games. now say that the said creators soundly destroyed you by saying that there game is for everyone not just people with your specific point of view. now...
  15. M

    Your Most Regretted Game Purchase

    San Andreas, 50 bucks for a game i cant play because flight controls aren't mapped properly to a keyboard :(