Recent content by Mutant_Fox

  1. M

    The Gaming World would be a better place without....

    Bullshit difficulty levels (e.g Ninja Gaiden and Marvel vs Capcom 2)
  2. M

    Which FPS Actually Takes Skill?

    I first started with CoD 4; got my ass handed to me. Then I tried MW2; Ass handed to me but eventually built up skills. Then came BO; I almost always end up in the top 3 :D
  3. M

    Gaming gems you almost didn't play

    Conker's Bad Fur Day. Holy crap was that one of the most fun games I have ever played! xD Maybe that's where my interest in the 2nd world war started O:
  4. M

    Hideo Kojima Cleans Out Closet, Finds Metal Gear Treasures

    Awesomesauce! That's what this is :D Would be even better awesomesauce if I could understand it xD Metal Gear Solid is my favorite franchise ever and I love how it occasionally incorporates humor into what you'd expect to be a 100% dead serious game. Hideo Kojima is a genius in my opinion :3
  5. M

    Games that seem to hate you

    Hands down: Modern Warfare 2. That game hates my guts more than Uwe Boll hates gamers. I put up with a lot of the purest unrefined bullshit I have ever been subjected to. And yet...I still love it o_o
  6. M

    Poll: Why do you swear?

    YOSHEMO!? O_O What the hell are you doing here!? O.O (It's Honmaru by the way!) OT: Pretty much everything he just said.
  7. M

    Poll: Why do you swear?

    I swear because sometimes I feel like it, sometimes I want to put emphasis on something that I'm explaining or talking about, sometimes I get so pissed off that regardless if anyone is around me or not I will express my displeasure by swearing meaninglessly. I admit it may not make me sound...
  8. M

    Good games with NO replay value

    Ah, excellent. Now I'm looking forward to buying the game even more! Thanks for the reply sir~
  9. M

    If you were to hit the escapist above you, why?

    I'd hit him because he's not in colors.
  10. M

    If you were to hit the escapist above you, why?

    I hate clowns.
  11. M

    What if Anime Humans were a real Species?

    Ah, touche sir :3
  12. M

    Good games with NO replay value

    This is why I love fighting games like Street Fighter and Marvel vs Capcom 2. Games like that almost never get boring once you finish through the main story (Considering there is one) I never get tired of playing games like that (Unless it's one of them days.), and soon I'm gonna get me...
  13. M

    Good games with NO replay value

    Personally I don't think Yakuza 3 has a good replay value, despite being a good game. The story in Yakuza 3 was awesome, like straight out of an anime (Which might have something to do with the fact that it's JAPANESE...mostly).
  14. M

    What if Anime Humans were a real Species?

    Correct me if I'm wrong sir, but don't EMPs work both ways? I'm reasonably certain that we'd have units in the field as well, like helicopters and maybe even fighter jets. And even without any such vehicles, if any at all, won't communication between soldiers go down as well? I'm probably just...
  15. M

    If you woke up beside the above Escapist's avatar....

    Hey, didn't you die!?