Recent content by Nerdfury

  1. N

    What is God's last name?

    If my neighbours are right, his full name is God Oh God OhgodohgodohgodOHGODOHGOD I'M ALMOST THERE KEEP GOING OH FUCK FUCK FUCKFUCKFUUUUUUUUUCK!
  2. N

    Your views on Underage Sex?

    I look at sex in the same way as I look at alcohol and fine foods - when you're a kid, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about or what you want. You don't know what you've got, or how to enjoy it. I see the younger staff at my workplace cringe up at a cup of fresh-brewed coffee or a...
  3. N

    Poll: Arming the UK Police

    You make a very good point. Personally, I'm Australian (not American, so don't lump me in with those people!) so I'm a bit closer to the UK way of thinking than the Americans are, but I'm not familiar enough to know that the culture is as you described. So, if what you're telling me is a...
  4. N

    Opinions on bags for cameras and tablets

    So I've got myself a new camera (a Fujifilm Finepix s2500 for hose playing at home) and will be picking up a Motorola Xoom tomorrow morning, and I need a bag to carry them. I find backpacks and your standard messenger/laptop bags to be too big, and am looking for something that offers space to...
  5. N

    Poll: Arming the UK Police

    Variant to topic, but this answers a question I've been meaning to ask on a Torchwood forum. In one episode of Torchwood (season one), the character of PC (Police Constable) Gwen Cooper is taken into an indoor firing range by Jack, shown a selection of handguns (some of which appear to be police...
  6. N

    Running a god-damn Mario Kart tournament.

    So my work has tasked me to run my team's Mario Kart tournament, which is great, but I've never done it before. It's 16 people, which makes it REAL simple (16 becomes 8, becomes 4, becomes 2, becomes winnar) - where could I go wrong? The question's two-fold: Part a) One of our colleagues is...
  7. N

    Anthony Saves The World: Episode 10: Debbie Pt. 2

    They really can't take criticism. I offered some polite, constructive criticisms on their first episode, and they accused me of being a troll. Pity they didn't listen to any of it.
  8. N

    Anthony Saves The World: Episode 10: Debbie Pt. 2

    You're welcome! My first post, y'know, was all about being friendly and offering you my advice. Perhaps you'll take my suggestions on board and either be better at this or stop doing it. At the very least, ask someone professional for help, after showing them your stuff. And not ask, y'know...
  9. N

    Anthony Saves The World: Episode 10: Debbie Pt. 2

    Thank christ that's over with. Perhaps The Escapist can sign on something decent this time. Yeah, they had pretty poor abilities in most departments, but it really stood out in the camerawork. They had what looked like a pretty decent camera, but they failed to understand how to use it. They...
  10. N

    Jimquisition: Videogames Are Not Movies, Get Over It

    This is terrible. Someone that overweight, unattractive and irritating should not be on camera. Ugh. His voice is annoying, and he can't make a point without waffling on for ages about nothing. He's the worst kind of opinionated person; he keeps talking and talking and talking about crap until...
  11. N

    Unskippable: Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

    I prefer to use the plural of 'Spiders, Man.'
  12. N

    LoadingReadyRun: Columbus of the Internet

    For a jackass that takes the time to point out that a non-existent fantasy creature's gender, it's hilarious that you don't know how irony works in a sentence.
  13. N

    Why is TF 2 better than other FPS's?

    It isn't.
  14. N

    299: A New Breed of Player

    It's odd that you're editorialising on something as if it's a new frontier when, in fact, this has been the case for a hell of a long time. What makes you think there's always been 'hardcore' or 'casual' and no 'in between'? For as long as I remember, myself and a number of friends have been...
  15. N

    Anthony Saves The World: Episode 1.6: Friggin' Zombies

    Man, this series continues to blow. Bad acting, bad scripts, shit on the camera lens, no basic knowledge on white balance or how to use the microphone correctly.