Your views on Underage Sex?


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
Murray Whitwell said:
If they're properly educated and feel that they're ready, who are we to tell them they aren't?
Because at that age, their judgment as to how educated and how "ready" isn't completely reliable. At that age, it's like asking a paranoid schizophrenic if they're ready to leave the mental hospital.

II Scarecrow II

New member
Feb 23, 2011
In Australia, vaginal sex is legal at 16, anal at 18, provided that both parties are no more than 2 years apart. I don't find a significant issue at 15 if the people have considered it and take precautions, but far too many believe it is "cool" to sleep around or lose their virginity early. At 14 or below, I find it to be gross negligence on the parents part, as in modern society, such an age is far too young to make an informed decision and consider all of the potential implications of sex at that age.

Unfortunately, sex is percieved to be taboo for adolescents, and the more you tell pubescent kids that they shouldn't do something, the more likely they are to go and do it.


New member
Jul 8, 2011
Count Igor said:
mature 15 year olds (I say 15 as it's close to 16)
Sorry mate, that phrase really cracked me up :D

Anyway, do it, but don't decisive yourself; there is (neurochemically) no way in heck you are mature at 15. Just go for it and be careful, and by careful i mean at least condom, OR condom + some other means, and unless you can bet your life on your partner to be clean, ask him for a medical test of STDs.

Lilani said:
Murray Whitwell said:
If they're properly educated and feel that they're ready, who are we to tell them they aren't?
Because at that age, their judgment as to how educated and how "ready" isn't completely reliable. At that age, it's like asking a paranoid schizophrenic if they're ready to leave the mental hospital.
Well, the voices did told me i was ready, and they are reliable, so...


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Count Igor said:
or mature 15 year olds (I say 15 as it's close to 16)
There is no such thing as a 'mature' 15 year old.

15 year old claiming to be mature are precisely as immature as 15 year olds with no illusions about their inexperience and immaturity.

Unless that 15 year old was brought up in a war zone or has otherwise spent the majority of their life taking care of themselves and/or others, in which case that 15 year old would likely not be on this forum, discussing such frivolous things as 'when fucking is appropriate', they would be in the process of taking care of themselves and/or others.

I mean no offense to any teenagers in this thread or on this forum who think that being well-read, reasonable or intelligent is the same as 'mature.'

It isn't.

You're not.

It's to do with your life and experience:

At 15, you've spent about 3 years, tops, with any responsibility whatsoever, if that, you've had almost no life experience and have barely had time to make any catastrophic mistakes to learn from (the process called 'growing up.')

As for whether or not you're ready to have sex, that's nobody's business but yours, hers and your parents. Talk it over with them.

And wear a fucking condom.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
Let the kids have sex.
Give them some condoms and birth control pills, and have a chat about STD's.

I see no harm in this.

xvbones said:
Count Igor said:
or mature 15 year olds (I say 15 as it's close to 16)
There is no such thing as a 'mature' 15 year old.

15 year old claiming to be mature are precisely as immature as 15 year olds with no illusions about their inexperience and immaturity.

Unless that 15 year old was brought up in a war zone or has otherwise spent the majority of their life taking care of themselves and/or others, in which case that 15 year old would likely not be on this forum, discussing such frivolous things as 'when fucking is appropriate', they would be in the process of taking care of themselves and/or others.

I mean no offense to any teenagers in this thread or on this forum who think that being well-read, reasonable or intelligent is the same as 'mature.'

It isn't.

You're not.

It's to do with your life and experience:

At 15, you've spent about 3 years, tops, with any responsibility whatsoever, if that, you've had almost no life experience and have barely had time to make any catastrophic mistakes to learn from (the process called 'growing up.')

As for whether or not you're ready to have sex, that's nobody's business but yours, hers and your parents. Talk it over with them.

And wear a fucking condom.
That's really well written.
I agree wholeheartedly.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
If you're so young you can't get it up, I'd say that there wouldn't be much point in it anyway. But as long as they know how to prevent pregnancy, they're aware of STD's, and they both feel that it's what they want to do, shag until you pass out if that floats your boat.


Aug 27, 2010
I'm Swedish. 'Nuff said.
I have no problem with underage sex, as long as they use protection. Sex is just an activity, like any other.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
bahumat42 said:
HOWEVER whilst a person is still in their teens they should only date people in their age range so as to not get pressured or taken advantage of.
Yeah, absolutely. Testosterone-poisoned, horny teenager in a big hurry to lose his virginity so he can brag to the others in the locker room is going to be putting so much less pressure on a 16-yr-old girl than a patient, kind, gentle, caring 21-plus man who's with her because he thinks she's incredible.

'scuse me while I pull my tongue back out of my cheek.

Italy actually has a "Romeo and Juliet" clause that adjusts the minimum age of the younger partner based on the age of the older one.

fenrizz said:
Let the kids have sex.
Give them some ... birth control pills.
Heck, yes! DEATH to the bloody period. Do us all a favour and load everybody up with progesterone on a daily basis.

I think the crucial thing is the same whatever the age: that both people know and understand what they're doing and what they're getting into and both consent to it while sober. Whether someone's mature enough to understand it is impossible to accurately legislate or test. The rules are made as an approximation, to protect most people until they're that mature while being as little hassle as possible.

That the age selected ranges from 13 to 21 suggests very different opinions among different cultures. Girls probably do mature at very different rates in different environments within one country, never mind around the world, and I'm sure the ages at which they are considered old enough for foreplay, sex, alcohol at home, alcohol at a friend's home, alcohol in the pub, a motorcycle, a car, the vote and an assault rifle do affect their development approaching and passing those ages.

As someone's already said, if they're going to do it they're going to do it, and I'd rather they do it in a nice, comfortable bed with condoms and all the time in the world. It beats a rushed and careless event in the back of a car or some alley.

As has also already been said, they're not going to be safe if they have only prepubescent playground rumours to guide them. Teach. If you find it awkward teaching 13-yr-olds about it, don't put it off until they're 19. Teach 'em when they're still 8.

II Scarecrow II

New member
Feb 23, 2011
Tanakh said:
Count Igor said:
mature 15 year olds (I say 15 as it's close to 16)
Sorry mate, that phrase really cracked me up :D

Anyway, do it, but don't decisive yourself; there is (neurochemically) no way in heck you are mature at 15. Just go for it and be careful, and by careful i mean at least condom, OR condom + some other means, and unless you can bet your life on your partner to be clean, ask him for a medical test of STDs.
Hmm, I didn't read between the lines.

If the OP is asking our opinion to guage a response to determine their course of action, then there is no way in hell you are ready. If you need to resort to asking people on the forums for advice, then obviously you are conflicted about it, which is good in the sense that at least you are considering the situation but you are clearly not ready for such a commitment.

No, I'm not talking about commitment as if you were going to get married (let's face it, less than 10% of high school partners stay together), but rather commiting your body. This needs to be your decision, and yours alone. If you are asking the internet for advice, then you are not ready, and my advice is simply to wait until you are. Don't just think because you know that you might get an STI or a baby, you are informed. You need to carefully consider what effects that might have on you in the future. If after considering that, you think you can live with the consequences, and you are prepared to take the precautions, you can make your choice.

That said, there is a significant difference between consensual sex with a partner and as you put it "sluts doing it three times a day in a toilet."

But don't ever let anyone, whether it be your partner, friends, colleagues or the internet tell you how to live your life. Me included. If you so desire, you can completely ignore everything I have said and do as you please.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I think that schools and the media blow it way out of proportion in terms of how awful underage sex is. They seem to believe that after a certain day you are suddenly incapable of making any sort of mistake by some God given epiphany.
As long as you're not being stupid, use contraception and are both consenting then what's the harm?


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Eeeh what to think about it well it happens doesn't it.

18 years old is way past the point that hormones begin to "play" so yeah I can see how some jump the gun.

I don't really see trouble there but I hope that those who do life in a country that teaches about condoms and safe sex. I know america fails is that.. why else have 16 and pregnant! America is in trouble with that.. you have to teach about safe sex it is that simple. They WILL DO IT.. children are mostly controlled by emotions. It takes a while for the part of the brain that offers more reasoned control to take over. 15 year olds.. are not yet thinking.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Between 2 underage people. Fuck it, kids can do what they like. That said, there should be a lot more education about abortion and contraception.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
you're 15 years old, you don't know shit about shit and pull up your pants!

with that said, i have no problems with 13-15 year olds having sex with eachother, as long as there is birth control in the picture, a 17 year old having sex with a 13 year old is just wrong and sort of pedo in a way.
As long as there is a appropriate age difference, age don't matter that much, as of myself; I would not go below the age of 17 (the legal age here is 16).
But sure! experiment with a good friend! that is the easiest way to get over that insecurity.
(Use Birth control pills or Condoms)


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Like most people here let them be on with it.
Speaking as somebody just turning 18 most of the people my age have either had or would like to have sex. As of yet, I haven't there have been complications in that area. However causal sex is good for some people, personally I'd not like it being the romantic bastard that I am. Yet people can make their own choices and decisions.

So long as both parties share an understanding as to what this sex means, fun, love, bragging rights and so forth.

Just use contraception and common sense, nothing wrong with sex.

Knight of Cydonia

New member
Sep 22, 2008
Gennadios said:
If there's grass on the field, play ball.
Thank you, that quote just made my day.

OT: As long as there about the same age, and there above something like 13 and consent then go nuts.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
It happens its part of life rail against it all you want but destroying a life just cause it happened consensually dose not compute. Now if the parents raise hell then it moves up to a misdemeanor and a 500$ fine and automatic retraining order. Anything is better than the current nonsensical scarlet letter of the "sex offender"!


I Can Afford Ten Whole Bucks!
Feb 2, 2008
I look at sex in the same way as I look at alcohol and fine foods - when you're a kid, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about or what you want. You don't know what you've got, or how to enjoy it.

I see the younger staff at my workplace cringe up at a cup of fresh-brewed coffee or a lovely Earl Grey tea, but grab a can of sickly Red Bull or V or someshit. Those same kids will swill down flavoured vodka drinks and sneer at my German beers, fine wine or aged scotch. And when we bring in food to share, they won't touch the delicious fine cheeses, cured meats or water crackers, but scoff down the pizza or doughnuts. Why? Because they don't have the sensibilities or mature tastebuds to properly enjoy good food.

Sex is the same. Sure, it might feel good for a few minutes, but they have no fucking idea what they're doing or how to enjoy it properly. That, and they drink and smoke for the sake of it - same as having sex. I think kids should wait until they're old enough to appreciate and respect these things properly.