Recent content by NightlyNews

  1. NightlyNews

    1/7000000000000 or 50/50

    You don't know what a syntax error is do you ...
  2. NightlyNews

    The Good, the Bad, and the Sequel

    Bayonetta technically has a story it's just confusing as shit and once you understand it, it isn't that amazing since they hid it too hard.
  3. NightlyNews

    Poll: What's your game of the year?

    What did you like about Alice so much? The aesthetics were beautiful and the story interesting, but I felt like I was trudging through the fighting part of the gameplay. If it weren't for my desire to see the ending it would've been easy to quit that game for me.
  4. NightlyNews

    Removing Voice Acting and Cinematics to reduce the costs of video games.

    There was no arrogance in my statement. There is no tone over the internet and to assume I am is kinda insulting. I love movies and often watch films in their original language. I loved troll hunter and have seen the seventh seal etc in their original languages. But, in videogames I'm trying...
  5. NightlyNews

    Removing Voice Acting and Cinematics to reduce the costs of video games.

    I don't play games that aren't in my language. Sorry there is so many good experiences out there that are in my own, why would I buy something that is just text adventures with emotional gibberish over it. Dubbing will get more buys from people like me who want to experience something...
  6. NightlyNews

    What is your greatest disappointment in Anime?

    Kinda why I stopped watching anime unless it's a 14-26 episode long self contained story. It's like the things were built to disappoint or simply last so long you outgrow them. I have seriously aged my way out of a couple series.
  7. NightlyNews

    Poll: [Experiment] How accurately does this describe you?

    My guess on his hypothesis is that this community wants to be different. So this statement that really includes everyones personality we will score lower on than other communities because we desire individuality more. Am I close OP?
  8. NightlyNews

    Poll: You must choose

    I understood the first part. I don't believe it and personally think your a pseudo intellectual because you use flowy prose to talk on the internet. The second point honestly didn't make sense. What didn't I understand about individuals. What are you placing value on yourself or your friends...
  9. NightlyNews

    Poll: You must choose

    I said race not humans because it would be dumb to do with literally any species. If you don't care about people or the world (removing an incredibly dominant species from the world would change it - who's storing and maintaining nuclear weaponry and all domesticated animals would die) what do...
  10. NightlyNews

    Poll: You must choose

    No, it would be stupid to risk an ENTIRE race just for the opportunity of there being more of that race. A human being has a 7% chance of having appendicitis so you can think of the statistic as anyone you've ever met who had appendicitis, if picking option B, would end the entire human race...
  11. NightlyNews

    Poll: You must choose

    Based on your picture I'm guessing you think 2. If there's ever a choice in my life where one option could possibly end humankind as we know it, I'm picking the other option. It would be stupid and selfish otherwise.
  12. NightlyNews

    If you were to worship a fictional God who would you choose?

    I didn't actually think about it that way. Old Testemant Christian God is probably one of the most badass deities ever. Less rape than zeus, more frying people than Adi Shakti, less tentacles than cthulu and overall is kinda like the man with no name. If I was forced to follow a religion it...
  13. NightlyNews

    "I know how to end misogyny. Ban women!" Fucking genius (I can't make a title facepalm)

    I honestly don't see how this is misogyny. Their words and their actions never once stated a distaste for women. In fact they seem to be criticizing themselves. How they solved the problem of themselves is ludicrous, but in the end was serving their larger demographic-- shy men who would get...
  14. NightlyNews

    So eh, what are the "modern ways" to get women these days?

    0_e 0_e 0_e I have never seen this smiley face before. You have just changed my life for the better sir. Thank you God Bless you! OT: You can't hate or fear someone and love them too. If your just looking for someone to be physical with just be outgoing. If you want to find someone you like...
  15. NightlyNews

    What is the hardest country to invade?

    Seeing as the only way other countries can even be compared to america is because they have more people, but you stipulated each army has infinite people. Well, then America is most advanced and has a large country with the best carrier layout in the world. You honestly couldn't invade them...