Recent content by Odd Owl

  1. Odd Owl

    Salutatorian forced to change her graduation speech, is praised for doing so

    I missed that nuance in your post. My mistake. In that case, seconded.
  2. Odd Owl

    Salutatorian forced to change her graduation speech, is praised for doing so

    Girl was invited to give her personal remarks to the graduating class. Girl's remarks reflected her personal religious convictions. Girl was forced to change her remarks. Girl has a persecution complex. I don't really see how that last one was a "complex." On topic, the speech would have...
  3. Odd Owl

    Save Scumming and You

    Save-scumming does do something to negate consequence, and I personally love it when games somehow account for player death in a way that doesn't break immersion (e.g., Dark Souls, the newer Prince of Persia). I only play XCOM on Iron Man mode. With that said, when playing games where...
  4. Odd Owl

    Social Justice Literature

    I think I can drink to that, too. The problem we're talking about is not "[insert color here] privilege," it's the tendency for people in a position of relative power to downplay the hardships and valid concerns of those who are not in a similar position of relative power. That's an issue that...
  5. Odd Owl

    Social Justice Literature

    I am very confused by your response, so I'm not sure how best to reply. I'm not trying to invalidate the experiences of any victim of discrimination, nor am I trying to say that discrimination no longer exists. I am saying that the term and concept of "white privilege" has outlived its...
  6. Odd Owl

    Social Justice Literature

    You cannot be serious. Twice now I have said that I support efforts to end discrimination, but I think focusing solely on one kind of racial discrimination - such as by harping on "white privilege" - is counterproductive at this point. Better to campaign against any form of discrimination...
  7. Odd Owl

    Social Justice Literature

    I'm sorry, you must not have read my post in its entirety before deciding to mock me for disagreeing with you. I actually suggested that by encouraging all people to work through their prejudices regardless of their race or color would be a more egalitarian, intellectually honest, and...
  8. Odd Owl

    Social Justice Literature

    That's not evidence of "white privilege" in any meaningful sense. Those biases are deeply ingrained into the human psyche, possibly at a neurobiological level considering they transcend all races and cultures. I think it's a bit ridiculous when we stoop to discussing "black privilege" in...
  9. Odd Owl

    Best PC RPG

    I'll second all of Lugixx's suggestions. In particular, Planescape: Torment and the Baldur's Gate series are fantastic. Planescape: Torment is more of a "thinking man's" game, in that combat definitely takes a back seat to dialogue and story progression. Baldur's Gate is arguably more...
  10. Odd Owl

    Opinions and Critiques on a Story Concept

    Sounds like an interesting idea. A couple of questions though, for the sake of thought: Why would a global organization willingly entertain, let alone codify, the possibility that dictators are free to cause extreme problems in their own sectors or at large. Dictators abusing their own...
  11. Odd Owl

    Poll: Warning Stubbornly Stupid Baptists Included

    Admiral Ackbar says, "It's a hoax!"
  12. Odd Owl

    The god of the atheists.

    Of course this theory (or hypothesis, or whatever) can hold up, just as well as theistic evolution. Your theory is neither falsifiable nor verifiable, nor is it based upon observable phenomona. Therefore, it has nothing to do with science. Welcome to religion my friend! Do you have a name...
  13. Odd Owl

    Happy Medium: WoW/SWTOR & Eve

    I've been reading up on SWTOR and, while it looks like a fun game, I must admit that I'm a little disappointed that it seems to be a WoW clone, at least with regards to its MMO mechanics. It's a theme-part, much like WoW. This is very different from earlier MMOs like UO, Asheron's Call, and...
  14. Odd Owl

    Can someone explain how Republicans get elected?

    The same way Democrats get elected. Simply put, a Republican gets elected if a majority of voters like what the Republican has to say more than what the Democrat has to say, and vice versa. Just because a voter supports a Republican candidates doesn't mean the voter supports everything the...
  15. Odd Owl

    So my roommate changed rooms because I'm bisexual.

    Refusing to tolerate intolerance is all fine and good - to a point. As I said, it's one thing for society to shun truly hateful people. But where's the line between personal preference and intolerance? The way I see it, that line is most reasonably drawn where a person goes from making...