Recent content by Oisnafas

  1. Oisnafas

    Poll: Star Wars The Old Republic

    Hellgate:London also had a lifetime option, and that game folded less than 2 years in.
  2. Oisnafas

    Poll: The newer, slimmer Playstation 3

    No, I am quite happy with my George Foreman grill that also plays PS3 games. Well, I would be happy, if I actually used the damn thing.
  3. Oisnafas

    Poll: Which fictional game army would you join?

    I was really hoping for a Brotherhood of NOD choice, but failing that, I'd settle for the F.E.A.R. teams.
  4. Oisnafas

    What would you do in this scenario?

    Chances are, assuming it happened when I was 11, of course, I wouldnt have noticed. I always had headphones on with my Gameboy. I never heard anything between the ages of nine to fourteen.
  5. Oisnafas

    Guild Wars 2 Mounts, why all the fuss?

    Well, It does seem like they're trying to match WoW, and that does concern me a bit. The current formula works, and works well. If it isnt broken, dont try to fix it.
  6. Oisnafas

    Poll: Still Play Retro Titles/Consoles?

    I still get a good 5-6 hours of play time on my NES every week. The old games are the best.
  7. Oisnafas

    Poll: Would You vote for Obama again?

    Eh. I've lost faith in all politicians. They all suck, and even if they didnt, one or two decent ones wont make a difference.
  8. Oisnafas

    Nintendo's Ungaming

    And the voice of reason resounds over the battlefield. Not like many will care. If its an optional feature, and wont harm them in any way, the hardcore gamers will still ***** about it. When I was younger, and just getting into gaming, I sucked at everything. Zelda, Mario, Sonic, you name it...
  9. Oisnafas

    Poll: So FF7...?

    Honestly, I enjoyed Final Fantasy the most, wayyyyyy back on the NES. Four fighters made for the easiest, but most expensive game.
  10. Oisnafas

    What do you consider to be "dumbing down"?

    I love how there seems to be this sense of entitlement with gamers. How are developers in any way obligated to make games to our standards? The point of a game is to have fun. If there needs to be autoaiming, regenerating health, or any of the other "easy-mode" aspects to make a game fun and...
  11. Oisnafas

    Poll: Do you Enjoy watching people fight over the internet?

    It amuses me greatly. If people take the internet that seriously, then there is a problem, and I, being the horrible person I am, tend to get amused by other people's problems.
  12. Oisnafas

    The epic villain music thread:

    Excellent choices so far.
  13. Oisnafas

    A Final Fantasy VII remake.

    Do I personally want a remake? No. Is it a sound business decision? Absolutely. If it brings in money, go for it.
  14. Oisnafas

    Impressions on Left 4 Dead 2

    It looks interesting, but after buying l4d already, I sure as hell wont be paying $50 for what is effectively an expansion. If Valve manages to change my mind about it being a glorified expansion, I'll happily fork over the price of a full game.
  15. Oisnafas

    Please Help me with Differentiating.

    It has almost a plastic look to it, however, I cant completely read what is written on the side. Perhaps you can tell us what it says?