Recent content by OriginalError

  1. OriginalError

    Poll: What is pie?

    ...a pie is a Pizza. I voted other for lack of the real definition of pie.
  2. OriginalError

    Why do you hate Skyrim?

    *dons his hipster hat* It is mainstream.
  3. OriginalError

    How do you break up with someone?

    STORY TIME! I was going out with this girl for 8 or 9 months and she was cheating on me for about the last 3 weeks. No big deal. I convinced her to get my name tattoo'd onto her, and slipped the tattoo artist an extra grand to make it a red 'A' on her back. Then I told her I was breaking...
  4. OriginalError

    Could a sniper kill Magneto?

    Use a non magnetic substance, like aluminum or another non magnetic alloy for the bullet composition... even a strong plastic polymer.
  5. OriginalError

    How Would You Kill Wolverine?

    The core of a nuclear blast is atomized. I sincerely doubt that even if the adamantium survived at ground zero there wouldn't be a single intact cell left to facilitate regeneration.
  6. OriginalError

    The Object to your left is now your weapon of choice in the upcoming weapon apocalypse, What is it?

    Master Replica Lightsaber... If Dead rising is to be believed....... I'm good.
  7. OriginalError

    Worst game PURCHASE you ever made.

    Tabula Rasa, apparently I bought it 2 weeks after they shut off the servers; rendering it nearly unplayable.
  8. OriginalError

    What was the last thing you CTRL+C'd? Apparently... fine art. Actually, I was commenting on God's man-boobs. I think. This post has been revealing.
  9. OriginalError

    Poll: Your Warhammer 40K race?

    SISTERS OF BATTLE UNITE! I was very disappointed they did not return in the sequel.
  10. OriginalError


    I lost nobody... because I'm one of those weird freaky completionists that does all the side quests and upgrades the ship 100%
  11. OriginalError

    The Best Book/Book Series You've Ever Read?

    Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand Powerful, philosophical and a really deep book all around.
  12. OriginalError

    Poll: Your Pronunciation of "Meme"?

    This, I believe its the first way I ever heard it pronounced. //J.
  13. OriginalError

    So my girlfriend and I broke up...

    Dude, its hard. I was with a girl for 5 1/2 years and really... you never let go completely. There is always that little piece of yourself that you gave to that person that will be there until the end of time. I couldn't actually be friends with her, because it killed me inside every time I...
  14. OriginalError

    Poll: Account Name Thread of Boring

    Eheh Well, my original call-sign was error. This was derived from playing laser-tag at a place that allowed you to use your own name which then appeared on the gun of the person you shot. Being the jerk that I am, I went with ERROR in all caps, so that the gun said "You have been shot by...
  15. OriginalError

    Sorry, it's a relationship (or lack thereof) thread

    Its OK to be a nerd, as long as you're confident in it. Girls like someone who is A) Intelligent B) Successful (this is relatively subjective) C) Confident D) Good in bed (this doesn't take practice so much as a desire to improve. Most of all, it involves making sure they get theirs...