Recent content by pantheress

  1. pantheress

    Zero Punctuation: Elite: Dangerous - Space Truckin'

    I've been binge-watching ZP for days now (yay surgical recovery!) and I absolutely ADORE the ones where Yahtzee describes his personal RPG-ing during the game. This, Fallout New Vegas, and Shadow of Mordor spring to mind. I always love ZP, but this one in particular had me guffaw-ing right out...
  2. pantheress

    What if Videogame Characters could use FML...

    you win the thread. it was the "totes" that did it. :) OT: i just found out the cake is a lie. why didn't anyone tell me this before?! FML. -shall_not_be_mourned
  3. pantheress

    Personality Disorders

    Personality Disorders [] -- and it MUST be true! because it was on teh internets! *eye roll* takes more than a few yes or no questions to properly diagnose these things. but i do so enjoy time-wasting little quizzes!
  4. pantheress

    Do you read novels If so what is your prefered genre?

    i'm a total book nerd, and will pretty much devour anything that even remotely catches my interest. post-apocalyptic/dystopian stories make me happy. science fiction is by far my preferred genre. the harder, the better (hurr hurr "harder" hurr hurr), as i'm not a fan of the really...
  5. pantheress

    Weirdest compliments you've ever received?

    a boy once said that i had "the most stunningly gorgeous elbows" he'd ever seen. he used it as a pick-up line/ice-breaker. we dated for 2 years. :D my gyno once told me that i have an incredible pelvic floor about 2 seconds after he walked in the exam room door. and he sounded entirely...