Recent content by Ph33onix

  1. Ph33onix

    EVE Fanfest Lifts the Veil on World of Darkness

    They have said in the previous presentation that it would be based on vampire the masquerade and not the newer one.
  2. Ph33onix

    Mirror's Edge Occulus Rift mod.

    So I saw this article on polygon that covered a mod called Vireio Perception [] that supports a few games with the Rift and it had this video embede: Mirror's Edge Occulus Rift...
  3. Ph33onix

    Fan-Made BioShock Infinite Pendants Offer Bird or Cage

    Thnak you for phrasing that for me, don't mind if I quote a few lines do you ? It is for a friend. Also the necklaces look quite nice, wouldn't have minded getting one as a memento had the game not been what it is.
  4. Ph33onix

    Poll: Katawa Shoujo: Not Sleezy fetish Sim

    Yep, I came here scared out of my mind that this wonderful gem was going to be smeared by anti-anythingjapanese people and trolls but to my pleasant surprise everybody seems to be actually trying the game before judging it and have been treating it with the respect any work deserves...
  5. Ph33onix

    No matter how open-minded...

    your post is ironic considering your avatar pic and your name :) Personally I haven't found something that can't be explained in peoples behavior in a long time. I still hate hypocrisy and the huge amount of value people think a human life has but there's never really a case where I don't...
  6. Ph33onix

    Grievances about Skyrim

    I don't understand how any true tes fan can LOVE skyrim. It lacks the complex rpg-system that made the tes series what they are today. It's more of a mass effect 2 lookalike than anything else really. And I know most people enjoy story/character driven rpgs like that but there are also a lot of...
  7. Ph33onix

    The most obscure game you own.

  8. Ph33onix

    Poll: Do you use crackers when eating soup?

    Crackers in my soup ? Why, does it have DRM ? Well maybe 1 or 2 but not from Razor1911, that would hurt...
  9. Ph33onix

    CGI Jeff Bridge from Tron Legacy and Beowulf look similar ?

    I just saw TRON: Legacy and couldn't help but think that the two kinda look alike. I mean they are both CGI and just barely out of the uncanny valley... I don't know, what do you think ?
  10. Ph33onix

    Your computer will die in 5 minutes...

    A diagnostic software installed on your computer tells you that it will die in 5 minutes. How do you use these last precious minutes ?
  11. Ph33onix

    XBL Indie Dev Clones Minecraft With FortressCraft

    yay another cube engine clone, minecraft players looking for something new (old if we are to be accurate) should just play sauerbraten it's just better...
  12. Ph33onix

    Is it possible we are living in the Matrix?

    presses "~" types GIVES_ME_MONEYZ 999999999, buys a few more apartments and stuff I don't really need, notices the internet people staring...:" Naw man there is no such thing as matrix is just a lie by the terrorist, NOW TAKE THE DAMN BUG IN YOUR BELLY BUTTON !"
  13. Ph33onix

    Pi * 1337% = 42. My mind is blown.

    Hmm I mixed it up with 0^inf srry, that was the indetermination i was thinking about :P (e^(pi*i))+1 is equal to none other than (e^(pi*i))+1, i has no "real" value that's why it's called imaginary. Unless you consider i the variable which multiplied by pi and to the power which e is raised...
  14. Ph33onix

    Pi * 1337% = 42. My mind is blown.

    you just proved your don't know math :P
  15. Ph33onix

    Hey, who's this guy...? Oh, it's fucking DANTE. What do you reckon about the re-design?

    WOW cool a new hot chick for Dante to flirt with YA... huh ? The title seems to say something but my brain can't process... The Person In The Picture I... I.... IS DANTE !? INFORMATION OVErrrrRLOADDddd !!! *brain explodes* System Reboot *beep* Analyzing system: Though Processing *OFFLINE*...