Recent content by remm2004

  1. R

    How to Become a Game Journalist

    This is a required read for this column: (link originally provided by Yahtzee?s tweeter)
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    Jimquisition: Fish, FEZ, And Supporting Art Over Artists

    I was sure you were going to talk about EA and its new title of worst company, but anyway. It can be really difficult to separate art from the artist when you automatically make a connection. In my case I was really enjoying super meat boy until I heard about how much of a moron its creator...
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    Best Animation Style Ever

    This was disappointing at best and plain dumb at worst. It?s obvious that none of three came even remotely prepared to discuss the subject at hand, if it wasn?t clear before, it?s clear now. Even the one who was supposed to be defending anime was working with the knowledge of some recent movies...
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    No Right Answer: Best Animation Style Ever

    Someone please restrain Dan and make him watch Madoka and Gurren Lagann (subbed). If that doesn?t change his opinion on the wide range of things that anime can accomplish, then he?s a lost cause.
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    Scott Pilgrim vs Earthbound

    Mother 2=Earthbound, just wanted to point that out. As for the discussion, I highly agreed that Earthbound was a far greater loss, but I think that they should at least have mentioned the existence of the Mother 3 fan translation.
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    No Right Answer: Best Sitcom Ever

    I?ve never been attracted to sitcoms, but Seinfeld has always managed to catch me when I?m channel surfing. Friends I can watch for very brief periods before it annoys me too much, kind of like two and a half men. How I met your mother on the other hand has never even registered as interesting.
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    Trailers: Touch My Katamari - Prologue Trailer

    In my mind he couldn't be anyone else besides Norio Wakamoto. I like this video because it fits right in with the randomness that is the Katamari series.
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    Yahtzee Wrote a Book

    I like it and I want to buy it, but I live in Mexico and international shipments tend to cost way too much for me
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    Zero Punctuation: Monster Hunter Tri

    Finally! Thank you for reviewing it! I knew you weren?t going to like it, and you wouldn?t get to fight the big stuff. I just wanted to hear you complaining like everyone who lacks patience. I have around 350 hours of gameplay in MHFU (PSP) and I still love it to death, but I wouldn?t touch...
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    Zero Punctuation: Splinter Cell: Conviction

    I was crossing my fingers hoping for Monster Hunter Tri, but I guess that?ll never come Funny how tree green circles make Sam Fisher easy to recognize The shameless plug at the end was hilarious, btw
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    Videogames as Art

    I didn?t expect you to jump in this boat, but that was a very well written response, Yahtzee My first thought when I heard about Roger Ebert's post was ?he?s old?. I hadn?t heard of him before and I find it interesting that I was right Putting that aside, Yahtzee, could you please review...
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    Zero Punctuation: Battlefield: Bad Company 2

    I was expecting FFXIII, I want to see Yahtzee tearing it a new one, but oh well So Bad Company 2 is as generic as it?s cover?
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    When I played Bioshock 1 I had just finished my first run trough Half-Life 2 (and Ep1 and 2); the intro was very atmospheric but I felt it lacked the level of immersion I experienced at the start of HL2. I remember when, after meeting Barney, I was being chased; I felt very anxious thinking...
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    Role-Playing Games

    Not much to talk about, indeed. Anyway, I?m going to jump on the bandwagon and suggest a game I?d like you to review: Monster Hunter It?s an incredibly addictive game that gives you a great sense of accomplishment when you manage to bring down a huge lizard. MH Freedom Unite came out back...