Yahtzee Wrote a Book


New member
Apr 14, 2009
afaceforradio said:
UnableToThinkOfName said:
I....might buy this. I know I got ninja'd on this, but it sounds a bit like Terry Pratchett fan fiction, except it's fan fiction of his style more than the characters.

It's not bad though.
That's what I thought; not that Terry Pratchett is a bad thing (one of my faves in fact) but did you ever read Fog Juice (his NaNoWriMo entry some time ago)? That was quite Pratchettesque as well.

EDIT: *does Ninja'd dance*
I loved Fog Juice, I'd definitely buy that one, this one I'm not too sure about yet...Maybe I'll read a bit of it in Border's and decide then


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
SICK0_ZER0 said:
"This summer, Yahtzee's first novel, Mogworld, hits bookstores everywhere, and we're willing to bet fans of Zero Punctuation will be dying to get their hands on it." Posted by 'Yahtzee Croshaw'. Why the hell are you talking about yourself in a third person narrative?

And yes, he I will be buying your book.
It could be because Yahtzee is his online persona who supposedly does all the internet stuff and Ben Croshaw is the person who wrote the article. That, or he's possessed.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
dfcrackhead said:
afaceforradio said:
UnableToThinkOfName said:
I....might buy this. I know I got ninja'd on this, but it sounds a bit like Terry Pratchett fan fiction, except it's fan fiction of his style more than the characters.

It's not bad though.
That's what I thought; not that Terry Pratchett is a bad thing (one of my faves in fact) but did you ever read Fog Juice (his NaNoWriMo entry some time ago)? That was quite Pratchettesque as well.

EDIT: *does Ninja'd dance*
I loved Fog Juice, I'd definitely buy that one, this one I'm not too sure about yet...Maybe I'll read a bit of it in Border's and decide then
I just finished it this evening :D I really enjoyed the ending, it got better as it went on - and I agree, I think with some editing, that one could've been completely publishable, but although I will buy Mogworld to see what it's like - I dunno... doesn't have the same charm to me.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
afaceforradio said:
dfcrackhead said:
afaceforradio said:
UnableToThinkOfName said:
I....might buy this. I know I got ninja'd on this, but it sounds a bit like Terry Pratchett fan fiction, except it's fan fiction of his style more than the characters.

It's not bad though.
That's what I thought; not that Terry Pratchett is a bad thing (one of my faves in fact) but did you ever read Fog Juice (his NaNoWriMo entry some time ago)? That was quite Pratchettesque as well.

EDIT: *does Ninja'd dance*
I loved Fog Juice, I'd definitely buy that one, this one I'm not too sure about yet...Maybe I'll read a bit of it in Border's and decide then
I just finished it this evening :D I really enjoyed the ending, it got better as it went on - and I agree, I think with some editing, that one could've been completely publishable, but although I will buy Mogworld to see what it's like - I dunno... doesn't have the same charm to me.
Did you read the Articulate Jim? I forced myself to finish it, but I did learn Yahtzee reused names like the world only had 6 names total so I'm understandably skeptical about this.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
ShadowKatt said:
I'm a bit amazed by Yahtzee. He does his game reviews, writes at least one commentary each week, plays games for review purposes which comes down to cramming as much gaming into x amount of hours as possible, where x is the number of hours he's not writing or recording said reviews and commentarys or taking care of The Mana Bar(You didn't all forget about that, did you?) and yet somewhere along the way he's found time to write a book as well? Granted I'm not much of a reader but I have to wonder, if I may borrow from Yahtzees own repitoire of snappy offhanded comments, if he's not spreading the Branston Pickle a little thin over his own bread.
Don't forget he's programming too!

Anyway, it looks like i'll pick this up eventually.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
OANST said:
Venatio said:
OANST said:
Holy crap. That was laughably bad.
Screw you, its a satire of mmo's which goes about it by making the story that one of the npc's, Jim, has become self aware as have many others. Anyone who has played an mmo will understad the humor involved. if its not your cup of tea then get the hell out of the tea party.

I liked it, and I already ordered it a month back. Hope it comes soon.
Oh, no. See I'm not saying that I don't understand it. I'm saying that it's bad. As in poorly written. Glad that I could clear this up.
Well I think your wrong, glad I cleared that up. Really - what were you expecting from Yahtzee? Stephen King? Its a cheap book that is good in its own context.

I'd like to see you do better.


New member
Nov 26, 2009
OANST said:
Venatio said:
OANST said:
Holy crap. That was laughably bad.
Screw you, its a satire of mmo's which goes about it by making the story that one of the npc's, Jim, has become self aware as have many others. Anyone who has played an mmo will understad the humor involved. if its not your cup of tea then get the hell out of the tea party.

I liked it, and I already ordered it a month back. Hope it comes soon.
Oh, no. See I'm not saying that I don't understand it. I'm saying that it's bad. As in poorly written. Glad that I could clear this up.
All I'm seeing are baseless insults. His writing style and technique is quite competent, and time will tell if his plot, pacing, and narrative are above par.

I can say with some authority that you are either a snob-head-want-to-be-know-it-all who thinks himself hip and intelligent for insulting (without even giving any examples) a rather up and coming author, or a simple troll, which is what i first took you for.

Either way, buck up or buzz off.

PayJ567 said:
Jesus man calm the fuck down...(snip)
Calm down? Big words, considering the language you're using...

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
A well-written story that lampoons adventure-game and MMO gameplay and story conventions, and by connection the people who play them? The Rogue Wolf is I am totally down with that. He likes I like clever stories, and the ponce doesn't I don't mind being gently ribbed about his stupid my hobbies. So you can count on Captain Substandard me to pick this up, as soon as the jerkface I can get his fat ass my fat ass to a bookstore.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
HOLY CRAP i need this book so much! theres probably 8 bucks worth of loose change around here so i can pre order it.

(also, this mmo is totally awesome. persistent blood splatter effects? awesome.)

Revenge Revisited

The Doctor Called Me Special! :D
Dec 2, 2009
Why is everyone being so negative? I've quite enjoyed what I've read so far. It's not Tolkien but it's not bad, either.


in the trunkle.
Oct 26, 2009
Deofuta said:
My only request is that Yahtzee, Please make an audiobook version.

It would rock.
I think ears would start bleeding after the 10 minute mark. Not that that's a bad thing.


Flat lurker
Oct 28, 2009
Terry Pratchett, I see. Well, I love the Discworld series and I took a liking to Nation, despite it's more serious tone, so I am getting this.

Captain Booyah

New member
Apr 19, 2010
Venatio said:
OANST said:
Venatio said:
OANST said:
Holy crap. That was laughably bad.
Screw you, its a satire of mmo's which goes about it by making the story that one of the npc's, Jim, has become self aware as have many others. Anyone who has played an mmo will understad the humor involved. if its not your cup of tea then get the hell out of the tea party.

I liked it, and I already ordered it a month back. Hope it comes soon.
Oh, no. See I'm not saying that I don't understand it. I'm saying that it's bad. As in poorly written. Glad that I could clear this up.
Well I think your wrong, glad I cleared that up. Really - what were you expecting from Yahtzee? Stephen King? Its a cheap book that is good in its own context.

I'd like to see you do better.
No offense, but if they think that Yahtzee's writing (so far) is laughably bad and poorly written, then they think it's laughably bad and poorly written; no matter how much you want to argue, it's merely wasting time. Granted, there was little to no explanation for that conclusion, but it's a little thing called their opinion -- you know, meaning that it can't exactly be 'wrong', as you said? If you disagree, then...tough. Sorry you feel that way. At the moment, you're coming off as either a troll, or an intolerant fan that's teetering on the verge of Twitard levels.

Also, 'I'd like to see you do better' must be one of the most laziest and ineffective arguments ever, not just because you shouldn't have to be skilled at creating a form of media in order to criticize it, but simply because it can be answered with one simple word -- 'Likewise'.

OT: Not bad so far, not bad at all. Seeing as that was only Chapter 2, I'm taking a chance that it'll get better further on. In any case, I wish Yahtzee success.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
By posting this excerpt, you have brought me from "might buy it" to "buying one for me and one for a friend." Great stuff.


Flat lurker
Oct 28, 2009
rolandoftheeld said:
By posting this excerpt, you have brought me from "might buy it" to "buying one for me and one for a friend." Great stuff.
Yahtzee's book; makes people registre for the Escapistmagazine forum.

Welcome to the forum.


The Lord of Dreams
Jan 8, 2009
Still going to be getting this book. Pre ordered it through the local comic book store months ago. The preview chapter didn't really give enough away for me to form a proper opinion on the book so I still just have to wait until I finish it in August. Can't wait!


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I like it and I want to buy it, but I live in Mexico and international shipments tend to cost way too much for me