Recent content by ryazoph

  1. R

    Why Do Games Take Up so Much Space?

    Honestly the only reason why games take up so much space is because people want even more advanced graphics. Like hairworks.
  2. R

    8 Bit Philosophy: Do We Crave Fascism? (Freud & Psychoanalysis)

    the narrator seems very enthusiastic about fascism
  3. R

    The Escapist Awards Winners - Game of the Year Goes to ...

    Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition what? no. I'm not even sure why it's a category to begin with, there can't be much innovation in table top games.
  4. R

    What Were the Top 10 News Stories of 2014?

    Top 10 implies an ordered list The 10 Major News Stories implied an unordered list
  5. R

    Legend of Korra: The Beifong Bunch

    Aang: horrible father Toph: horrible mother It's too bad we didn't get to see Toph hold her own against an army of benders, before being forced to retreat since there's too many of them.
  6. R

    Legend of Korra: Do It for the Vine

    I really hope in the end credits of the last episode, we see Zaheer drinking tea with Iroh and discussing philosophy.
  7. R

    Game Theory: Humans are Pokemon

  8. R

    Halo Star in Contention For Marvel's Luke Cage

    Don't you mean Lemond Bishop? No one watches the Good Wife.
  9. R

    6 Frame Rate Facts You Didn't Know

    Games with lots of motion are best at 60 fps, most other games are good enough at 30 fps. I play world of tanks at 30 FPS, because the things that I focus on that are moving are too far away to notice a significable difference.
  10. R

    Legend of Korra: Dueling Benders

    I really hope for an adventures of Varrick after Korra. Not only will we see more Varrick, but we'd get the chance to explore the Avatar world again.
  11. R

    Legend of Korra: Dueling Benders

    Zhu Li must be a mindbender.... how else does she know what the "thing" is?
  12. R

    Uncivil War: Quake - Speed Run Finale!

    Yahtzee is the better poet. At least the audience wins.
  13. R

    How To Get Away With Murder And The Geeking Of TV Drama

    Game of Thrones has redeemable characters.
  14. R

    Marter to the Movies: Snowpiercer

    They never captured the water section before? It doesn't seem well planned if they spend all their time in a quasi-prison (sit around waiting, not even working) plotting revolution when they don't think to capture the water supply, when they get the note that says "water" it shouldn't be news to...
  15. R

    Thoughts on Season 4, Episode 5 of the Legend of Korra (Spoiler Warning)

    Slave labor, they shouldn't have made it a thing. It makes it too obvious Kuvira is evil and needs to be put down. I wish the dissenters weren't implied to disagree with slave labor, but were monarchists, including Bolin's grandma. This would add depth.