Recent content by Silent but Violent

  1. Silent but Violent

    Your "Its Epic Time" Music

    Why has nobody said it yet? Eye of the Tiger. /Thread.
  2. Silent but Violent

    Gaming Blasphemy!!!

    I'm a PC gamer, and think Halo 1 (haven't played the rest) wasn't all that bad. I voiced this opinion among my other PCGamer friends - the response was disturbing. I felt like I'd just got caught smiling at an emo party.
  3. Silent but Violent

    The Escapist Presents: Global Agenda Interview

    Hmm. If you just listen to the audio, it sounds like an innovative enjoyable game. If you watch the video, however, what you see is a laggy messy clusterfuck.
  4. Silent but Violent

    What game satisfied you most to complete?

    Mount&Blade. I did more than invade a castle or two, or even an entire region - I conquered the entire damn world and unified it under my banner. Good feeling, that.
  5. Silent but Violent

    Most stupid reason to hate a video game character

    Dawn Star from Jade Empire, because she has slender feminine arms but wide manly shoulders, making her look about as anatomically correct (and thus, about as aesthetically pleasing or desirable) as a four year old's stick figure.
  6. Silent but Violent

    The Prince Returns in Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

    Hmm. Isn't the SoT Prince now technically the King of Persia, making it impossible for him to be the main character in a chronological sequel?
  7. Silent but Violent

    What is your 'guilty pleasure' game?

    Pokemon World Online. It's sad, nerdy, not even a very well-made program...but it's Pokemon. With full multiplayer.
  8. Silent but Violent

    Unskippable: Left 4 Dead

    I just want to hear Mr.Thompson's argument for getting rid of it. I'm sure he can connect it with some shooting or other.
  9. Silent but Violent

    A View From the Road: MMOdern Warfare

    I don't know about MMOs, primarily due to the problem the writer mentioned - as soon as some prepubescent powergamer cracks a "lol," any immersion is shattered. But it can certainly work in any multiplayer game where the players are willing to roleplay. Playing hostage rescue on Rainbow Six...
  10. Silent but Violent

    Modern Warfer 2 gets dedicated servers via hack

    We are many. We are strong. We are Legion.
  11. Silent but Violent

    A's are like B's.... They're always C

    "Give a player a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a player how to fish and he'll turn up to the next session having purchased Complete Angler, and will be dual-wielding Shocking Burst fishing rods."
  12. Silent but Violent

    who is the coolest bad guy of all time?

    The Operative from Serenity.
  13. Silent but Violent

    Bethesdas reliance on the Modding comunity

    I don't know if Bethesda consciously rely on modders, but I do know that myself and numerous others buy Bethesda's games because we know we can mod the fuck out of them. Vanilla Oblivion is, in my opinion, a very generic fairly pretty first person sword-swinger - with some magic and stealth...
  14. Silent but Violent

    Thoughts on Britian?

    This is very true. I have yet to meet a nightlife-ing girl over here of any quality at all - but I prefer bookworms and quieter types, anyway.
  15. Silent but Violent

    Thoughts on Britian?

    They didn't get *American* recognition until they toured in America. OT: As a Brit myself,...meh. We're alright. On the whole, I prefer American accents to the majority of English accents I've come across. That said, some American accents are atrocious.