Recent content by Simski Burkez

  1. Simski Burkez

    What was the last thing you bought?

    A chicken tikka kebab. But in terms of media, Red Dead Redemption & the new Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster album.
  2. Simski Burkez

    Poll: Do you want them to fix the Red Dead Redemption Bird People Glitch?

    I hope they don't fix it. As far as glitches go, this is quite a good one. I've not come across it in-game yet, but there's still time.
  3. Simski Burkez

    Things that must be invented

    With gatling guns attached?
  4. Simski Burkez

    Poll: The S.T.A.L.K.E.R Series....Your thoughts?

    Never played it, as I've only got a 360/PS3. But if I had a decent PC, Shadow of Chernobyl would be one of the first game I'd go for, as I was following it's progress during development, hoping it would get ported across. Sadly, that never happened.
  5. Simski Burkez

    Apocalyptic Western Dark Tower Gunslings to TV, Movies

    There's an eighth book on the way? Glad to see that an adaptation's on the way... just hope it lives up to the expectations of those of us that have read the books. Always wanted to see a live-action version of the shootout at Balazaar's, and when they're going beneath the city of Lud - that...
  6. Simski Burkez

    My first five hours on x-box live....

    Agreed... and the 2/10 are probably playing something else like L4D/Borderlands. Whereas games such as CoD just seem to be full of jerks, which is a real shame.
  7. Simski Burkez

    Bungie and Activision Announce Exclusive, Worldwide Partnership.

    I've got a bad feeling about this.
  8. Simski Burkez

    It's The Passing: Left 4 Dead 2 and Left 4 Dead Collide Thursday

    Unlimited fuel for the chainsaw? That sounds funking awesome!
  9. Simski Burkez

    Do You Have Constant Reload Syndrome?

    Sure do... it's something I find to be crucial. That way I won't run out of ammo & be forced to reload during my next encounter.
  10. Simski Burkez

    What makes you feel badass in a video game?

    Would that be one of the devastation moves by any chance? They were awesome, just a shame that the rest of the game was a bit of a let down... but no other game has made me feel like such a badass.
  11. Simski Burkez

    What's been your latest read?

    Currently about half-way through Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz. After that, I've got Stephen King's Under the Dome to read.
  12. Simski Burkez

    Favorite Futurama Quotes

  13. Simski Burkez

    The biggest Video game let down, of your life.

    The percentage of current-gen games being posted doesn't suprise me all that much... I can't remember many disappointments dating back to the PS2/xbox & previous consoles (and older PC games) - that said, I didn't buy quite so many games back then. And to keep the stats up, I'm gonna go with...
  14. Simski Burkez

    We need a replacement for Chuck Norris

    Jackie Chimp
  15. Simski Burkez

    What you getting/want for Christamas this year?

    What I want & what I'll get are two completely seperate things. What I'd like: A PS3. - Which I'll probably end up buying myself What I'll get: About £100 from all round & shite all else.