Recent content by SirNerd

  1. SirNerd

    Games you've always wanted to play, but may never get the chance to.

    Megaman Legends 3... All joking aside, Tie Fighter, X-Fighter, the old lucas arts games, along with the older final fantasy or dragon quest games cause i seriously don't have the time to sink into them anymore.
  2. SirNerd

    Games and their soundtracks

    Strike suit zero has main theme that will get stuck in your head. Starbound's soundtrack also is lovely, i listened to a tune during take off in my first airplane flight and tears came. Literally ANYTHING FINAL FANTASY. FFX is still my favorite music wise. From elder...
  3. SirNerd

    The dreaded water level

    Anyone here play Megaman Legends 2? The water level in that took hours to beat if you got lost, you're character moved slow as hell, your buster weapon and half of your special weapons became garbage when you were submerged. If you didn't bring the drill weapon, you missed out on several really...
  4. SirNerd

    D&D(or any other pnp game really) stories

    Playing a 10th level pathfinder (I was a cleric tank, we had an Alchemist, a Gunslinger, and a Monk who had left since his player was the DM) game with rotating DMs. My friend David get his turn and takes the party to a long forgotten village in the wilderness that the party managed to stumble...
  5. SirNerd

    Building a PC - Does this seem good?

    A GTX 760 is half the price of the Radeon, and can run today's game at 50 FPS, also investing in a small SSD drive and loading your OS is something to consider.
  6. SirNerd

    What an underrated game!

    Dark Cloud one and 2, although it seems to have a cult following, every friend i have who owns a PS2 never heard of it, great graphics, cute story, fantastic weapon system and everything. Metal Arms (mentioned above) Dragon Warrior 7 for the PS1, never caught on in the states, was a big...
  7. SirNerd

    HD Re-release: What game do you want re-released the most?

    Megaman Legends Series Morrowind System Shock 2
  8. SirNerd

    The satisfying weapon you've used in a game recently

    Playing NC on Planetside 2. In a MAX suit with dual arm mounted automatic HackSaw shotguns. Running around the corner and finding 7 enemy infantry men looking at me all clumped together. Open fire with both shotguns until I'm out of ammo, all 7 lying on the ground. Good day...
  9. SirNerd

    Short statements about a particular game or gaming in general.

    Metal Arms needs a sequel. As does Republic Commando. Metroid Prime Still looks good. Modern Warfare 2 was a waste of 60 bucks and made me stop with the COD franchise. I bought the BF3 premium pack, haven't played it since CQC came out. I've sunk many hours into Mech Commander...
  10. SirNerd

    What is the geekest thing you own?

    Megaman X4-6 Megaman Legends 1 and 2 +The Misadventures of Tron Bone <- $500 for that collection Several old DOS machines and HUGE 25MB hardrives. Viking Battle axe, Sais, staff, Tonfa <- Martial arts for 14 years 3 computers that i've built myself.
  11. SirNerd

    Bullying: Stop the complaining.

    I had very insane solutions for my bullying woes. One guy picked on me, calling me gay slurs a lot. As a male who is firmly secure in my heterosexuality, I didn't mind him much, but he also picked on my friends who were gay and it hurt them a lot. I ruined his bullying when he called me out for...
  12. SirNerd

    Living with a disability

    Getting the 28 warts from my hands cryogenically removed (liquid nitrogen) over the course of two years left me with several oddities. It happened when i was 8 and they started with my right hand, and I lost the use of it. This is the time where you learn how to actually write, and because of...
  13. SirNerd

    So I'm trying to start a tabletop RPG....

    Pathfinder (known to some as D&D 3.75) has an extensive, easy to use database online that i learned from and run games off of.
  14. SirNerd

    Help I need some Anime.

    Ghost in the Shell I and II, plus Stand Alone complex (both seasons) FLCL Yu yu hakusho.
  15. SirNerd

    Tae Kwon Do or Aikido?

    Hap Ki Do also involved Pressure points, join locks, throws, chokes, and controlling your opponent thru use of his limbs and with pain. It WILL give you a strong sense of exactly where to strike someone and how the body reacts to each of these things. A great teacher of Hapkido will also teach...