Recent content by Skiisk

  1. S

    Starstruck! What famous people have you met?

    I'm not worked up over something like this, I'm just curious. Not like it's any money off my wallet. I'm not the slightest bit surprised that famous people aren't all self-righteous. They aren't all anything, besides people, which is precisely why I can't wrap my mind around the thought that...
  2. S

    Starstruck! What famous people have you met?

    Of what, exactly? Or of whom, exactly? The only thing famous people have that I don't have is money, and money is something I'm perfectly capable of acquiring myself. I did a small survey about this star struck business because it really is something I just don't understand, and it's bugging...
  3. S

    Starstruck! What famous people have you met?

    Being 'star struck' is so utterly stupid I can't even wrap my head around the whole concept. Someone help me out a bit: so you see someone who has appeared in a movie or in that glowing box with a glass wall that sits on the corner of your room and tells you what to think, and what happens then...
  4. S

    No Right Answer: Most Overrated Videogame

    Halo and CoD most overrated bar none, for they are just plain mediocre and yet are praised as something more. HL2 takes the bronze. Golden eye overrated? Go to bed kids.
  5. S

    The human eye looks so weird close up

    Some things are best left unseen, including but not limited to: insects through a microscope, three guys one hammer, your mom naked, and apparently human eyes now as well.
  6. S

    I'm a vegan and I come in peace...

    I know a lot of vegans, but I have never met a healthy looking one. That's pretty much the only reason I need for eating meat, but there are other reasons. First of all, meat is delicious. I also eat vegetables and fruits and whatnot, and while they are also delicious in their own way, I...
  7. S

    Why it is acceptable to criticize smokers, but not fat people?

    Fat people are lazy, smokers are idiots, end of story. Though I'm not sure I can call smokers names these days, considering how I've been turned into a drunk smoker during the last year. Sigh, figured it was too much to ask to stay off of at least ONE harmful substance. Anyway, obesity can...
  8. S

    "All PC Games Run On Macs." What?

    A Mac person talking out of their ignorant ass? HAS THE WORLD GONE MAD? And an answer to your question: No. A general rule of thumb is: Do NOT take advice on computers from people who own Macs. The very reason they own Macs is because they can't operate PC's properly. Also, just as a...
  9. S

    Guy kills wife's dad, Bakes him into meat pies

    Lol'd Seriously though, it's just one person. Millions die every day, who cares.
  10. S

    Poll: Security Guards V.S. 12-year old punk

    Considering how I would have instantly punched the kid in the face, yeah I'd say the guard did the right thing and didn't go too far. If you're man enough to start sh*t then be man enough to finish it as well. And if the mother wasn't a good enough mother to teach this much then the kid is going...
  11. S

    Facebook vs Google Plus

    Facebook is too popular for the hipster crowd, and any semi-obscure alternative is more attractive to them. Whether it's better or worse is not relevant. It's the same thing with Firefox and Chrome (or rather, it was the same deal when Chrome first came out and Firefox was still the best...
  12. S

    Steam User Finds Misogynistic "Joke" Buried in Dead Island Code [UPDATED]

    Are you kidding? Women have wider hips and, you know, BREASTS, so gender specific clothing is sort of a must. Nobody's forcing you to buy women's clothing if you want to look like a man, but don't expect to get lucky any time soon. I'm not going to wear a skirt to a bar either, even though the...
  13. S

    Steam User Finds Misogynistic "Joke" Buried in Dead Island Code [UPDATED]

    Thanks for the correction. Still doesn't change the fact that wanting equal rights is different from wanting more rights for men/women, or the fact that someone who just wants equal rights for all has no need to label themselves as feminists/masculinists. Women and men can't be made...
  14. S

    Steam User Finds Misogynistic "Joke" Buried in Dead Island Code [UPDATED]

    Feminism is aobut women's rights. It has nothing to do with equality. You can't only be after women's rights if you want equality. Same thing with chauvinism, except obviously reversed. Women and men are by default different (physically and mentally). The last thing feminists are willing to do...
  15. S

    Steam User Finds Misogynistic "Joke" Buried in Dead Island Code [UPDATED]

    Feminism is just as retarded as chauvinism or any other form of sexism. Taking the piss out of them is more than deserved. Why not cry about something more interesting like the fact that piss-poor games like Dead Island are constantly being made? Or that some people SUPPORT games like these...