Recent content by SlightDelirium

  1. SlightDelirium

    "I don't recall owning THAT..."

    You should extract that story from your brother and share it, it's probably hilarious.
  2. SlightDelirium

    "I don't recall owning THAT..."

    Touche. Damn.
  3. SlightDelirium

    "I don't recall owning THAT..."

    I need your pants, sir. (boy if I had a dollar for every time I've said that...)
  4. SlightDelirium

    "I don't recall owning THAT..."

    sounds like your closet is a pretty happenin' joint.
  5. SlightDelirium

    "I don't recall owning THAT..."

    you're a walking snack bar :D
  6. SlightDelirium

    "I don't recall owning THAT..."

  7. SlightDelirium

    "I don't recall owning THAT..."

    I'm always finding random pieces of string or ribbon in my pockets and stuff, I think I compulsively pick it up when I see it and slip it into my pocket without even thinking about it. Bizarre, yes?
  8. SlightDelirium

    Zero Punctuation: Tales of Monkey Island

    I'd be willing to pay cold hard American cash for you to stand in my living room and ramble in that faux Irish accent, sir.
  9. SlightDelirium

    The Seven Deadly Sins Of Online Gaming

    Have you ever Cheated? Yes. Have you ever Teamkilled? Not on purpose. Have you ever Ragequit? Oh hell yes. Have you ever Mic Spammed? Not intentionally, but I am a chatterbox. Have you ever Griefed? I killed someone after they incapped me in L4D, I guess that counts. Have you ever Spawn...
  10. SlightDelirium

    Most disturbing moment in a movie

    the end of Kids, I hate that movie.
  11. SlightDelirium

    Poll: District 9: Your Thoughts On It?

    totally made me lose faith in humanity, other than that, I found it entertaining.
  12. SlightDelirium

    Post a picture of you

    Boredom breeds vanity!
  13. SlightDelirium

    Post a picture of you

    Koeryn: the last picture is cool, I like the way the line in the mirror adds an asymmetric element to the shot.
  14. SlightDelirium

    Post a picture of you

    Yey camwhorin'!
  15. SlightDelirium

    Worst product names ever...

    I *love* that drink, it's delicious ;)