Recent content by solar065

  1. solar065

    Films that you regret watching

    There seems to be an underclass of terrible film no one has mentioned; Date Movie, Meet the Spartans etc. Just painfully bad.
  2. solar065

    SOPA Storms Back

    This is a common misconception. America and Japan are the driving forces behind ACTA. In fact, the EU is one of the major players that hasn't signed on to it. But you're right, it's damn dodgy. Considering it's being done in complete secret. When a group requested information on the treaty...
  3. solar065

    Let's see what our fellow Escapists look like

    This is me. Pleased to meet everyone.
  4. solar065

    Curiosity about Muse

    One of my favourite bands; though I like their first album, Showbiz, best. I can understand people not liking bellamy's vocals, but I think they're brilliant.
  5. solar065

    Shows you wish weren't cancelled

    Hmm, I don't believe anyone's mentioned firefly.... Oh wait.
  6. solar065

    Is it just me... or am i the only one who can't look at the WiiU logo with a straight face!?

    My friend said it sounds like a car passing by: wiiiiiuuuuu. They should've the wii doppler, first physics joke of the night. I'll get my coat.
  7. solar065

    Top 25 Nintendo Games Of All Time you think

    Metroid Prime. Advance Wars 2. Then the usual.
  8. solar065

    Crossovers that

    Anything + Doctor Who = win. Especially Firefly
  9. solar065

    last stand one-liner time

    I'd like to congratulate everyone on the amount of win in this thread so far. My input: 'I only have ten fingers. Which ten of you will die first?' or simply 'Bankai!'
  10. solar065

    i want to get to know some nice scottish people

    I'm scottish and i think i'm nice enough. In fact i've never met a scottish person described in the initial post. I'm sure they exist though, like in most countries. But then again, i've lived in Edinburgh and Aberdeen. Not Glasgow. Wow, i'm a third year physics student and i play d&d...
  11. solar065

    Tsunami "payback" for Pearl Harbour

    There just are certain people the world could do without.
  12. solar065

    Recommend me some films

    Complex stories huh? Primer. That is all.
  13. solar065

    Alignment, whats yours?

    True neutral.
  14. solar065

    Poll: Does your Partner Play Games with You?

    Yeah, my girlfriend is a gamer and we play games together quite often.
  15. solar065

    man pees on terrorist, earns medal

    'Man bludgeons pensioner to death with frozen dog' Don't ask...I'm quite tired.