Recent content by spinner89

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    What is your favorite word?

    Cellar-door. 10 points for the reference.
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    Poll: Best robot ever?

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    The Last great children's cartoons: a timeline tribute

    Where in the world/on your list is Carmen Sandiego? Others to add to the list: Hey Arnold, Widget, Captain Planet, Arthur, Real Monsters and my personal favourite Bump in the Night.
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    Poll: The fourth wall, your thoughts

    I don't mind the forth wall being broken but not so much in games.
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    Whats Your favorite smell?

    The smell after a thunderstorm.
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    Fallout 2 - why am I dying for no reason?

    Poison or the game being a pain in your butt.
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    What was your first mature Anime?

    Evangelion was my first too.
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    Mind blowing or opening concepts/experiences

    People on unemployment benefits in Australia are ranked in the top 10% richest people in the world.
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    Poll: Tony Abbott thinks you should wait till marriage to have sex, ladies!

    At the very least some women (or some girls rather) should wait a little longer before making such an emotional commitment. Deny it all you want but sex is NOT just a physical act.
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    2 Interesting facts about yourself

    I play guitar I can't sing
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    Best songs to sing along with The Proclaimers 500 Miles(I'm Gonna Be)
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    What is your Liquid Happiness?

    Dr. Pepper for me!
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    First Alchoholic Drink

    Sip of my dad's beer when I was six.
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    How Tall Are You?

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    What do you consider to be your "racial ability"?

    Being a white Aussie with aboriginal heritage I tan up really awesome in the summer.