Recent content by Steampunk Viking

  1. Steampunk Viking

    Mass Effect 3 Fans Will Find Closure June 26th

    I watched the endings on YouTube ('coz I'm impatient and only just recently restarted the game on insanity) and I have to say, although the explanation could've been better, I find myself very satisfied with the updated ending. Yes, very much so. I also like the fact you can refuse to make a...
  2. Steampunk Viking

    Gay Oreo Inspires Internet Outrage

    I still think these people are idiots. Let's look at this objectively, shall we? They're boycotting a cookie company for supporting homosexuality. How many of these people drink coca-cola do you reckon? Coca-cola is known for destroying homes and landscapes with their industrial processes, and...
  3. Steampunk Viking

    Child's Play Halts Retake Mass Effect Donation Drive

    Wait a second... so the people who refuse to pay for a DLC ending out of principle thought they were PAYING for a new ending? Seriously, did these people even see the irony of their actions? Asking money back from a goddamn children's charity is utterly fucking disgusting. Hear hear, I agree...
  4. Steampunk Viking

    Mass Effect 3 Outrage Causes Unrelated Game to Change its Ending

    Paul Taylor is a genius. This made me laugh my ass off. Captcha: Know your rights - It's like Captcha has joined the Retake Mass Effect movement xD
  5. Steampunk Viking

    Mass Effect 3 Ending Controversy

    Or the other way is just say the Indoctrination theory is correct. I admit we could be reading too much into it but the evidence people have gathered... there's too much of it to completely ignore. Also, can I just throw something out there? The Illusive Man said HE was controlling Shepard...
  6. Steampunk Viking

    Mass Effect 3 Ending Controversy

    How to fix the ending with a few minor modifications: 1) Replace Star Child with Harbinger (or an IM controlled by Harbinger). 2) Make the Mass Relays only explode on the Destroy Ending. 3) Explain where the Reapers come from (I like the idea of them being the first organics). 4) Make EMS...
  7. Steampunk Viking

    Diablo 3 release date!

    GLEE! This and Mass Effect 3 were the only games I wanted this year. Now I've finished Mass Effect 3, bring on Diablo III!
  8. Steampunk Viking

    The Baldur's Gate Countdown Begins!

    I can't wait to see this. After Mass Effect, Baldur's Gate was my favourite Bioware series, but whereas Mass Effect hit me for cinematic reasons, Baldur's Gate hit me for the pure ballseyness and originality it gave at the time. Everything was much more mysterious, even the romances were hidden...
  9. Steampunk Viking

    Poll: What if ME3 had a fourth ending option? [SPOILERS]

    I was fine with the final ending in the game... but yes, that would have been a perfect way of ending the series.
  10. Steampunk Viking

    To the People Who liked the Ending to ME3

    The funny thing is, by biting into this and raging about it, the ending theory isn't the interesting part of the Mass Effect 3, it's the theory I have behind the whole rage thing in the first place. Want to hear my theory? Whereas with people who liked the ending for their own reasons...
  11. Steampunk Viking

    To the People Who liked the Ending to ME3

    Scratch my previous post, prehaps EA are trying to indoctrinate us, the fanb- ASSUMING CONTROL.
  12. Steampunk Viking

    To the People Who liked the Ending to ME3

    I've given a lot of thought to this ending and the indoctrination theory sounds most plausable. From what I've read of the novels, Reaper indoctrination is subtle and Retribution tells exactly how it can happen - anything from assuming direct control (Hah, meme) of the subject (in the case of...
  13. Steampunk Viking

    Mass Effect 3: The Process

    I can see where everyone is coming from but, honestly? I was expecting worse from the comments. I think, if taken as "that literally happened", then it's okay, if taken metaphorically and interwoven with existing philosophy, it's a thought provoking end. However, I personally favour the...
  14. Steampunk Viking

    ME3 Indoctrination theory analysis

    Yay, Zeel is back to moan about Bioware!
  15. Steampunk Viking

    Mass Effect 3 ending SPOILERS!

    Having said all of that, this ending Drew Karpyshyn came up with sounds more interesting: