Recent content by Subzerowings

  1. Subzerowings

    My New Gaming Rig - The Atlasbreaker

    I've heard some nasty things about OCZ SSDs, not that I've used them in the past though. I don't see much wrong if you can live with that case. It's one of the ugliest I've ever seen and a Silverstone FT02 can give equal cooling (I'm assuming you're going for air), but in the end that's just...
  2. Subzerowings

    No Right Answer: Best Tim Burton Film Ever

    Home? I have no home. Hunted, despised, living like an animal. The jungle, is my home. And I will show the world that I can be its master! I will perfect my own race of people, a race of atomic supermen, which will conquer the world. Hahaha. Look at that. Can you make that sound good...
  3. Subzerowings

    Can you help me find this movie?

    If you are reading this, I appreciate your effort. The movie I'm looking for is of the horror genre. I saw it when I was little, so I don't recall a lot of details. I do remember one scene very well, perhaps it even was the beginning of the movie, where a man is standing inside of a big dark...
  4. Subzerowings

    Rebecca Black Is Back With A New Single Called ?My Moment?!

    I wonder how many escapists like Rebecca Black. It's certainly an odd thing to post on this site unless you're expecting negative comments. There's bound to be some demographic for what she does, I just don't think it's us. I'm ok with that.
  5. Subzerowings

    Can you help me find this music video?

    This is going to be quite obscure. I remember seeing a video 2-4 years ago about a black cat and I'm dying to find it again. To start of: I'm not looking for "Black cat" by Janet Jackson, "Black cat" by Broadcast or "Can't stand still" by Extras. Let us commence! The music video involved a...
  6. Subzerowings

    Picture Personality Quiz

    "Outside-the-Box Achiever". No, not at all. I do not crave scientific discovery or fame through achievements in any way. I seriously dislike problem solving. It was hard to find appealing pictures in that list though.
  7. Subzerowings

    Help finding new music

    If you like metal, you might be interested in Blind Guardian. Ever listened to Radiohead? They're quite popular. Can't really deduct more from the bands you like. I've never found a band that sounds quite like Gorillaz.
  8. Subzerowings

    You find out how to time travel, do you tell anyone?

    If you saved the lives of you loved ones by going back in time, then why would the "future" you go back in time at all? If you went back in time to win the lottery, the the future you wouldn't have a reason to go back because he's rich already. Time paradoxes, they ruin all the fun. On...
  9. Subzerowings

    Death Arrives

    I'd want to play a game of chess with him.
  10. Subzerowings

    Poll: If you had to lose one sense, what would it be?

    Sight, because I wouldn't be able to judge people based on their appearance anymore. I could probably survive without it.
  11. Subzerowings

    UPDATE: PS3 Hacker GeoHot Claims He's on Vacation

    What is commendable is, like morality, subjective. This is why you can't proclaim that something is commendable or not, only that you think it is or not. That is what I believe.
  12. Subzerowings

    UPDATE: PS3 Hacker GeoHot Claims He's on Vacation

    He left his home and family to escape legal proscecution? I would actually agree with him if the punishment included imprisonment, though I'm not aware about the specifics of this case. In the end, he did what he thought was right and I think that is commendable. I will not be the judge of...
  13. Subzerowings

    Are there any ear muffs, headphones or the like that isolate ALL noise?

    I know of active noise cancelling, but I haven't tried it yet. Is there anyone here that know whether or not such noise cancellation exists for the average consumer market? Basically, I'm looking for something that will make me feel completely deaf. Sometimes I just want to shut everything...
  14. Subzerowings

    What does your movie collection say about you?

    I never really liked "Be kind rewind". I felt it was overly sugarcoated and forced. On topic, my collection includes: Pan's Labyrinth, all Alien movies (on blu-ray and in a limited collector's edition ^^), Cube, The Box, Se7ven, The Fly, One flew oven the Cuckoo's nest, A Clockwork Orange, 8...