Recent content by TechnoRaven

  1. TechnoRaven

    HD Re-release: What game do you want re-released the most?

    Advance wars. I have a major lack of murdering my own allys when i should be killing enemys. This NEEDS to be fixed.
  2. TechnoRaven

    if you could erase ONE game from your memory to play it for the first time again...

    Magicka. When i first played it with friends i died of laughter multiple times. However, it became less fun as i got to know everything. Being able to play trough it again with my memory erased would be to good trough.
  3. TechnoRaven

    Poll: What is the most anticipated game for you in 2013?

    The only one on the list i was interested in was watch dogs. Outside of the list, planetary annihilation. Why? You get chuck planets at other planets.
  4. TechnoRaven

    Kansas may halt cursive education

    I'm glad there getting rid of it. It was unnecessary time for something used so little. I'm fairly certain a study proved that they both write at the same speed anyway.
  5. TechnoRaven

    The worst thing that can happen to you in XCOM enemy unknown

    Not sure honestly. I had no problem with Chrysalids as id fought them in the original, and haven't found any glitches. Oh right, the chain reaction panic. Soldier A shot a muton, he used intimidate, panicked Soldier B who shot Soldier A who then panicked and shot Soldier C who panicked and...
  6. TechnoRaven

    What type of gamer annoys you most?

    Would have to be "Gurl Gamers". You know the type, the one that go "OMG gaise, im a girl gamer <3". A gamer describers a male or female that enjoys the hobby of various games and regulatory plays them. "Girl gamer" Is a incorrect term.
  7. TechnoRaven

    If you could get thousands of gamers back on to one dead muliplayer game, which game is it?

    Planetside. I know it techniclly is not dead, but is declining with no where near the amount of players it needs. There is nothing funner then a 3-way 1000vs1000vs1000 battle :D
  8. TechnoRaven

    Poll: Yay or Nay on Assassin Creed's Desmond.

    I feel he is semi-decent, but he can't compare to Etzio/Altiar. It does tend to ruin the feeling quite a bit when your suddenly popped back to the future. I would like to see him let go, unless they can make his bits more then platforming with talking.
  9. TechnoRaven

    TF2 Pyromania Update, Day 1

    I found 2/3 of them without doing it, but after a friend told me of the last one i used that to find it. Very...interesting... Pyro isn't my main, but i do enjoy playing him.
  10. TechnoRaven

    "You're screwed" moments

    It was in assassins creed 2. Being turned into a pin cushion on the rooftops, i fell off right into the middle of a guard patrol. I killed one of them WHILE being shot by archers WHILE his 3 buddy's were whacking me. I grabbed one and chucked him into a scaffolding, insta-killing him and...
  11. TechnoRaven

    Poll: Did The Art Style of a Game Ever Stop You From Playing/Buying?

    Yes for me as well. I liked brinks mechanics and fought it would be fun to play clan matches on, but after looking at the art style i cringed and didn't get it. I'm not a fan of that style of shading, and the heads just look... wrong... Good for me as it looks like it was a very good game.
  12. TechnoRaven

    Your Favorite Tower Defense game

    Its tied between three. Orcs must Die, Dungeon Defenders, and Gratuitous Tank Battles. If you haven't tried GTB you should, its great. Other then that, TD games bore me.
  13. TechnoRaven

    Your Least Played RPG Class (Tabletop Or Video Game).

    Rogues for me. In the party, i generally fall under the roll of "Heal-Bus", and never got to play one. When i did get to, i found it boring compared to the other classes ive played. It has its merits, but id rather play a different class.
  14. TechnoRaven

    Poll: How many pokemon would you prefer to battle with

    3 vs 3. This allows to cover MOST of your weakness, but not all of them. It keeps fights shorter, while still having enough pokemans to require tactics and skill.
  15. TechnoRaven

    Words that gamers use that make you CRINGE!

    "Noob", "Fanboy", and "Tryhard" Noob is used wrong so often, i don't say it as almost no one knows its real meaning. Fanboy is a generic insult to someone who likes something you hate. Tryhard is just... silly.