Recent content by The Arctic Nun

  1. The Arctic Nun

    Ghostbusters Trailer - Holy s#!t, how is it this bad?

    It's maybe because I don't have much of an emotional connection with the original film but I'm just not getting the crazy hatred for this trailer. Is it the all-female cast? Is it the relatively recent death of Harold Ramis? Is it this reboot culture that we seem to live in now (Mad Max tho')...
  2. The Arctic Nun

    What Do You Look Like?

    A sophisticated look. Forever sophisticated. But sometimes feminine.
  3. The Arctic Nun

    Increasingly skinny women in video games?

    I like to keep things blunt, but speaking as a girl (and sometimes as an important figure of Art Nouveau ;)) I think all that's needed is a bit of variety. Perhaps some realism where realism is due. I remember playing Fable 2, and then Hammer rolls up and it's just like, 'NOW THAT'S A...
  4. The Arctic Nun

    Favorite non-alcoholic beverage

    Irn Bru. It's just the standard, eh? Unless I'm hungover, then it's a glass of skimmed milk and back to bed. ;)
  5. The Arctic Nun

    What do YOU think is wrong with the world?

    People who comment on Youtube videos. I mean, in the end, I could choose not to read them but it's like meth. SWEET. SWEET. METH.
  6. The Arctic Nun

    Phrases That Make You "Cringe"

    Anything that comes out of Jersey Shore, really.
  7. The Arctic Nun

    Your superhero name!

    The Black Fleece. ...I...I...sound like some sheep rustler.
  8. The Arctic Nun

    Square Enix Dusts Off Final Fantasy X for PS3 Remake

    Wow, opinions are certainly split on this one. While I'd be keen for a VII remake for purely nostalgic reasons, I'd look forward to this title too...if I owned I PS3... ...which I don't. Awwwwwsheeeeeet.
  9. The Arctic Nun

    Fish & Chips!

    Had a chipper last night. Battered sausage supper. It's standard really, but no, I don't understand heathens who COVER everything with Mr. Heinz. Or mayo for that matter...or SALAD CREAM? I mean, COME ON! SALAD? CREAM? Salt and vinegar for me all the way, beh-beh. Although I've never been...
  10. The Arctic Nun

    Face-Chomping "Vampire" Attacks Geriatric At Hooters

    CLEARLY SOMEONE HAS BEEN PLAYING FAR TOO MANY VIOLENT VIDYAGAMES. BAN! BAAAN! BAAAAAN!!! This article made my brain hurt. A lot. It's just....what...I just can't understa- WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE WORLD?!
  11. The Arctic Nun

    Worst/Most irritating medical condition you've ever had?

    Hitting up the urinary tract infection too, but it was resolved rather quickly and it's a great story to tell the grandchildren. "This one BURNED when I pissed! LIKE FIRE, I TELLS YAH!" Then I'd shake my fist and have a nap. Other than that, the minor annoyance that is eczema BUT I...
  12. The Arctic Nun

    Could you kill a person?

    Nein, I could not.
  13. The Arctic Nun

    Poll: Should the Fallout setting go European (or anywhere else)?

    Everyone would love Fallout to be set where they reside and I do say as much as I would love a Fallout Scotland that winning setting is the quintessential American stepford dream. Well, except slightly radiated.
  14. The Arctic Nun

    CHARACTERS you like that everyone else seems to hate!

    Zell, from Final Fantasy 8. I just wanted that guy to get his hot dog.
  15. The Arctic Nun

    If The Escapist Taught You One Thing...

    It's that we're all beautiful sexy people. And that we should flaunt it. Somebody! HIPTHRUST WITH ME!